
Multiple Uncertainties in Time-Variant Cosmological Particle Data

Haroz, Steve and Ma, Dr. Kwan-Liu and Heitmann, Dr. Katrin (2008) Multiple Uncertainties in Time-Variant Cosmological Particle Data. [Conference Paper]


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Though the mediums for visualization are limited, the potential dimensions of a dataset are not. In many areas of scientific study, understanding the correlations between those dimensions and their uncertainties is pivotal to mining useful information from a dataset. Obtaining this insight can necessitate visualizing the many relationships among temporal, spatial, and other dimensionalities of data and its uncertainties. We utilize multiple views for interactive dataset exploration and selection of important features, and we apply those techniques to the unique challenges of cosmological particle datasets. We show how interactivity and incorporation of multiple visualization techniques help overcome the problem of limited visualization dimensions and allow many types of uncertainty to be seen in correlation with other variables.

Item Type:Conference Paper
Keywords:Visualization Applications, Cosmology, Parallel Coordinates, Uncertainty Visualization
Subjects:Computer Science > Human Computer Interaction
ID Code:6003
Deposited By: Haroz, Mr. Steve
Deposited On:07 Apr 2008 21:09
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:57

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