
Items where Subject is "Computer Science > Human Computer Interaction"

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Number of items at this level: 100.

Letiche, Mr Terrence and Lissack, Dr Michael (2014) What About Feedback? [Journal (Paginated)] (Unpublished)

Situngkir, Hokky (2013) Cellular-Automata and Innovation within Indonesian Traditional Weaving Crafts. [Departmental Technical Report]

FARHADI, MARYAM and SALEHI, HADI and EMBI, MOHAMED AMIN and FOOLADI, MASOOD and FARHADI, HADI and AGHAEI CHADEGANI, AREZOO and ALE EBRAHIM, NADER (2013) Contribution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Country’S H-Index. [Journal (Paginated)]

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Salehi, Hadi and Embi, Mohamed Amin and Habibi Tanha, Farid and Gholizadeh, Hossein and Motahar, Seyed Mohammad and Ordi, Ali (2013) Effective Strategies for Increasing Citation Frequency. [Journal (Paginated)]

Mtibaa, S and Tagina, M (2012) An Automated Petri-Net Based Approach for Change Management in Distributed Telemedicine Environment. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]

Situngkir, Hokky (2011) The Moral of Politics Constitutes Ideological Perspectives. [Departmental Technical Report]

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2011) The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs. [Journal (Paginated)]

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Rashid, S.H. Abdul and Ahmed, S. and Taha, Z. (2011) The effectiveness of virtual R\&D teams in SMEs: experiences of Malaysian SMEs. [Journal (Paginated)]

Rdaideh, Mr Mustafa (2011) The International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS 2011). [Conference Paper]

Situngkir, Hokky (2011) Spread of hoax in Social Media. [Departmental Technical Report]

Buliga, Marius (2011) Computing with space: a tangle formalism for chora and difference. [Preprint]

Baianu, Prof.Dr. I.C. (2011) Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease by NIRF Spectroscopy and Nuclear Medicine. [Preprint]

Catanese, Salvatore and Ferrara, Emilio and Fiumara, Giacomo and Pagano, Francesco (2011) A Framework for Designing 3d Virtual Environments. [Conference Paper]

Catanese, Salvatore and Ferrara, Emilio and Fiumara, Giacomo and Pagano, Francesco (2011) Rendering of 3d Dynamic Virtual Environments. [Conference Paper]

Situngkir, Hokky (2010) Exploring Ancient Architectural Designs with Cellular Automata. [Departmental Technical Report]

Raval, MR. R. R. and Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2010) WORK TOGETHER… WHEN APART CHALLENGES AND WHAT IS NEED FOR EFFECTIVE VIRTUAL TEAMS. [Journal (Paginated)]

Carstens, Mr. Lucas and Schächtle, Mr. Ulrich and Salisbury, Mrs. Clarissa M. and Eimler, Mrs. Sabrina C. and von der Pütten, Mrs. Astrid M. and Krämer, Prof.Dr. Nicole C. (2010) Folge dem weißen Kaninchen –Ein Roboterhase als Vokabeltrainer. [Conference Poster] (Unpublished)

Eimler, Mrs. Sabrina C. and Ganster, Mrs. Tina and von der Pütten, Mrs. Astrid M. and Krämer, Prof.Dr. Nicole C. (2010) Lass die Ohren nicht hängen! Eine Studie zur Wirkung der Ohrensprache eines Kommunikationsroboters in Hasenform. [Conference Paper] (Unpublished)

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2010) Virtual R&D teams and SMEs' growth: A comparative study between Iranian and Malaysian SMEs. [Journal (Paginated)]

Payr, Sabine (2010) Closing and Closure in Human-Companion Interactions: Analyzing Video Data from a Field Study. [Conference Paper]

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2010) Critical Factors for New Product Developments in SMEs' Virtual Team. [Journal (Paginated)]

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, S. and Taha, Z. (2010) Virtual R&D teams and SMEs growth: A comparative study between Iranian and Malaysian SMEs. [Journal (Paginated)]

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, S. and Rashid, S.H. Abdul and Taha, Zahari (2010) Virtual teams: a new opportunity to develop a business. [Conference Paper]

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2010) SMEs; Virtual research and development (R&D) teams and new product development: A literature review. [Journal (Paginated)]

Mate, Davide and Brizio, Adelina and Tirassa, Maurizio (2010) Effectiveness of teaching styles on learning motivation. [Conference Paper]

Baianu, Prof. Dr I.C. (2010) Oncogenomics and Cancer Interactomics. [Book Chapter] (In Press)

Elbakyan, Alexandra (2010) Consciousness in mixed systems: merging artificial and biological minds via Brain-Machine Interface. [Conference Poster] (In Press)

Heylen, Dirk and Krenn, Brigitte and Payr, Sabine (2010) Companions, Virtual Butlers, Assistive Robots: Empirical and Theoretical Insights for Building Long-Term Social Relationships. [Departmental Technical Report]

Situngkir, Hokky (2010) Exploitation of Memetics for Melodic Sequences Generation. [Departmental Technical Report]

von der Pütten, Astrid M. and Eimler, Sabrina C. and Krämer, Prof.Dr. Nicole C. and Ganster, Tina and Hoffmann, Laura (2010) Der Aufbau sozialer Beziehungen mit einem Roboter. Eine Beobachtungsstudie im Feld. (Unpublished)

Krämer, Prof.Dr. Nicole C. and von der Pütten, Astrid M. and Hoffmann, Laura and Sobieraj, Sabrina and Eimler, Sabrina C. (2010) Empathische Reaktionen gegenüber einem Roboter. (Unpublished)

Bosco, Francesca and Tirassa, Maurizio (2010) Communication failure. [Book Chapter]

Ferrara, Emilio and Fiumara, Giacomo and Pagano, Francesco (2010) Living City, A Collaborative Browser-Based Massively Multiplayer Online Game. [Conference Paper]

Biocca, Dr. Frank and Bohil, Dr. Corey and Tang, Dr. Kwok Hung and Owen, Dr. Charles (2009) Media That Alert or Direct You to Objects and Locations Anywhere Around the Body: Tests of general purpose search and navigation aids for mobile augmented reality. [Preprint]

Guthrie, Glenn and Vinson, Norman G. and Moore, Kieran (2009) Preferred Workflows for Syndromic Surveillance Systems. [Conference Paper]

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, S. and Taha, Zahari (2009) Virtual R&D teams in small and medium enterprises: a literature review. [Journal (Paginated)]

Payr, Sabine and Wallis, Peter and Cunningham, Stuart and Hawley, Mark (2009) Research on Social Engagement with a Rabbitic User Interface. [Conference Paper]

Situngkir, Hokky (2009) The Phylomemetics of Batik. [Departmental Technical Report]

Essaouabi, A and Ibnelhaj , E and Regragui, F (2009) Digital Image Watermarking for Arbitrarily Shaped Objects Based On SA-DWT. [Journal (Paginated)]

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, S. and Taha, Zahari (2009) Virtual teams for new product development: an innovative experience for R&D engineers. [Journal (Paginated)]

Silakari, Sanjay and Motwani, Mahesh and Maheshwari, Manish (2009) Color Image Clustering using Block Truncation Algorithm. [Journal (Paginated)]

Ibrahim, Noha and Le Mouel, Frederic (2009) A Survey on Service Composition Middleware in Pervasive Environments. [Journal (Paginated)]

Nageshkumar, M and Mahesh, PK and Shanmukha Swamy, M.N. (2009) An Efficient Secure Multimodal Biometric Fusion Using Palmprint and Face Image. [Journal (Paginated)]

Carter, Scott and Denoue, Laurent (2009) SeeReader: An (Almost) Eyes-Free Mobile Rich Document Viewer. [Journal (Paginated)]

Georgiev, Stiliyan and Minchev, Zlatogor and Christova, Christina and Philipova, Dolja (2009) EEG Fractal Dimension Measurement before and after Human Auditory Stimulation. [Journal (Paginated)]

Apostol, Miss Angela Simona and Catu, Mr Cosmin and Vernic, Ms Corina (2009) Electronical Health Record's Systems. Interoperability. [Journal (Paginated)]

Situngkir, Hokky and Khanafiah, Deni (2009) Computational Batik Motif Generation: Innovation of Traditional Heritage by Fractal Computation. [Departmental Technical Report]

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009) Modified Stage-Gate: A Conceptual Model of Virtual Product Development Process. [Journal (Paginated)]

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, S. and Taha, Zahari (2009) SMEs and virtual R&D teams: a motive channel for relationship between SMEs. [Conference Paper]

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, S. and Taha, Zahari (2009) Virtual teams: a literature review. [Journal (Paginated)]

Situngkir, Hokky (2008) Deconstructing Javanese Batik Motif: When Traditional Heritage Meets Computation. [Departmental Technical Report]

Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, S. and Taha, Zahari (2008) Concurrent collaboration in research and development. [Conference Paper]

Dror, Itiel and Harnad, Stevan (2008) Offloading Cognition onto Cognitive Technology. [Book Chapter] (In Press)

Vidger, Mark and Vinson, Norman G. and Singer, Janice A. and Stewart, Darlene and Mews, Keith (2008) Supporting the Everyday Work of Scientists: Automating Scientific Workflows. [Journal (Paginated)]

Grossmann, M.A. Schimon (2008) Supplementing Textbooks with Computer-Based Resources in the Primary EFL-Classroom. [Thesis]

Haroz, Steve and Ma, Dr. Kwan-Liu and Heitmann, Dr. Katrin (2008) Multiple Uncertainties in Time-Variant Cosmological Particle Data. [Conference Paper]

Situngkir, Hokky (2008) The computational generative patterns in Indonesian batik. [Departmental Technical Report]

Benchimol, Guy (2007) METRICS. (Unpublished)

Malafouris, Dr Lambros (2007) At the Potter’s Wheel: An Argument for Material Agency. [Book Chapter]

Gershenson, Carlos (2007) Design and Control of Self-organizing Systems. [Thesis]

Benchimol, M. Guy (2007) New Concepts of Dynamic Marketing. (Unpublished)

Szymanski, Julian and Sarnatowicz, Tomasz and Duch, Wlodzislaw (2007) Towards Avatars with Artificial Minds: Role of Semantic Memory. [Journal (Paginated)] (In Press)

Cherry, Joan M. and Muter, Paul and Szigeti, Steve J. (2006) Bibliographic Displays in Web Catalogs: Does Conformity to Design Guidelines Correlate with User Performance? [Journal (Paginated)]

Benchimol, Guy (2006) L'Entreprise à l'heure de l'Economie de la Connaissance (Enterprise at Knowledge Economy's time). (Unpublished)

Benchimol, G. (2006) Collaborative Network for Knowledge Mining and Capitalizing.

Benchimol, Guy (2006) How to perform with knowledge. (Unpublished)

Lewis, Daniel and Haroz, Steve and Ma, Kwan-Liu (2006) Layout of Multiple Views for Volume Visualization: A User Study. [Conference Paper]

Benchimol, Guy (2006) Learning Organization. (Unpublished)

Togelius, Julian and De Nardi, Renzo and Lucas, Simon M. (2006) Making Racing Fun Through Player Modeling and Track Evolution. [Conference Paper]

Coelho, Dr. C. and Tichon, Prof. J.G. and Hine, Dr. T.J. and Wallis, Dr. G.M. and Riva, Prof. G. (2006) Media Presence and Inner Presence: The Sense of Presence in Virtual Reality Technologies. [Book Chapter]

Haroz, Steve and Ma, Dr. Kwan-Liu (2006) Natural Visualizations. [Conference Paper]

Situngkir, Hokky (2005) What is the Relatedness of Mathematics and Art and why we should care? [Departmental Technical Report]

Schirra, Dr Jörg R.J. (2005) Computational Visualistics: Dealing with Pictures in Computer Science. [Book Chapter]

Guiard, Y. and Beaudouin-Lafon, M. (2005) Espace et échelle du mouvement : la loi de Fitts dans le monde physique et dans les mondes électroniques. [Book Chapter] (In Press)

Natsuki, Oka and Mitsuyoshi, Ozaka (2005) A Platform for Education in ‘Interaction Design for Adaptive Robots’. [Conference Poster]

Carassa, Antonella and Morganti, Francesca and Tirassa, Maurizio (2005) A situated cognition perspective on presence. [Conference Paper]

Kirilyuk, Andrei (2005) Unreduced Dynamic Complexity: Towards the Unified Science of Intelligent Communication Networks and Software. [Conference Paper] (In Press)

Guiard, Yves and Beaudouin-Lafon, Michel (2004) Target Acquisition in Multiscale Electronic Worlds. [Journal (Paginated)]

Till, James E. (2004) Cancer-related electronic support groups as navigation-aids: Overcoming geographic barriers. [Journal (Paginated)]

Arsenio, Artur (2004) Children, Humanoid Robots and Caregivers. [Conference Paper]

Kirilyuk, Andrei (2004) Complex Dynamics of Autonomous Communication Networks and the Intelligent Communication Paradigm. [Conference Paper] (Unpublished)

Kirilyuk, Dr. Andrei (2004) Complex Dynamics of Autonomous Communication Networks and the Intelligent Communication Paradigm. [Conference Paper] (Unpublished)

Emond, Bruno and Vinson, Norman G. and Singer, Janice A. and Barfurfth, Marion A. and Fernandes, Gary and White, Rachel and Ferres, Leo and Brooks, Martin and Spence, John (2004) Digital Media Player Controls Supporting Music Education. [Conference Paper]

Harms, Professor Chad and Biocca, Professor Frank (2004) Internal Consistency and Reliability of the Networked Minds Measure of Social Presence. [Conference Paper]

Carassa, Antonella and Morganti, Francesca and Tirassa, Maurizio (2004) Movement, Action, and Situation: Presence in Virtual Environments. [Conference Paper]

D’Este, Claire (2004) Sharing Meaning with Machines. [Conference Paper]

Gray, Wayne and Schoelles, Michael and Myers, Christopher (2004) Strategy Constancy Amidst Implementation Differences: Interaction-Intensive Versus Memory-Intensive Adaptations To Information Access In Decision-Making. [Conference Paper]

balyan raghuvanshi, Kumar Manoj (2003) A Thesis: A CRYPTOGRAPHIC STUDY OF SOME DIGITAL SIGNATURE SCHEMES. [Thesis]

Schirra, Dr Jörg R.J. (2003) Variations and Application Conditions Of the Data Type »Image« - The Foundation of Computational Visualistics. [Thesis]

Biocca, Professor Frank and Harms, Professor Chad (2003) Guide to the Networked Minds Social Presence Inventory v. 1.2. (Unpublished)

Biocca, Professor Frank and Harms, Professor Chad (2003) Networked Minds Social Presence Inventory: |(Scales only, Version 1.2) Measures of co-presence, social presence, subjective symmetry, and intersubjective symmetry. (Unpublished)

Sachs-Hombach, Dr Klaus and Schirra, Dr. Jörg R.J. and Schneider, Dr. Jochen (2003) Virtual Institutes: Between Immersion and Communication. [Book Chapter]

Barfurth, Marion A. and Singer, Janice and Emond, Bruno and Vinson, Norman and Brooks, Martin and Spence, John (2002) Evaluation Factors for Multi-Stakeholder Broadband Visual Communication Projects. [Conference Paper]

Vinson, Norman G. (1999) Design Guidelines for Landmarks to Support Navigation in Virtual Environments. [Conference Paper]


Piolat, A and Roussey, JY and Thunin, O (1997) Effect of screen presentation on text reading and revising. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. [Journal (Paginated)]

Piolat, A and Isnard, N and Della Valle, V (1993) Traitement de texte et stratégies rédactionnelles. [Journal (Paginated)]

Muter, Paul and Furedy, J.J. and Vincent, A. and Pelcowitz, T. (1993) User-hostile systems and patterns of psychophysiological activity. [Journal (Paginated)]

Piolat, A (1991) Effects of word processing on text revision. [Journal (Paginated)]

Baianu, Prof. Dr. I.C. and Marinescu, Dr. Mircea M. (1968) Organismic Supercategories: I. Proposals for a General Unified Theory of Systems- Classical, Quantum, and Complex Biological Systems. [Journal (Paginated)]

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