
Sharing Meaning with Machines

D’Este, Claire (2004) Sharing Meaning with Machines. [Conference Paper]

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Communication can be described as the act of sharing meaning, so if humans and machines are to communicate, how is this to be achieved between such different creatures? This paper examines what else the communicators need to share in order to share meaning, including perception, categorisation, attention, sociability and consciousness. It compares and takes inspiration from communications with others with different perception and categorisation, including the deaf-blind, the autistic and animals.

Item Type:Conference Paper
Keywords:human machine communication, shared meaning, perception, categorization, attention
Subjects:Psychology > Comparative Psychology
Computer Science > Robotics
Computer Science > Human Computer Interaction
ID Code:4058
Deposited By: Prince, Dr Christopher G.
Deposited On:14 Apr 2005
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:55


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