
The Moral of Politics Constitutes Ideological Perspectives

Situngkir, Hokky (2011) The Moral of Politics Constitutes Ideological Perspectives. [Departmental Technical Report]

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The paper reports some insights that is acquired in the online survey observing the moral politics among Indonesian. The survey maps the participant’s responses into two dimensional axis of political ideology, comprised by the source of moral virtues (ethic-esoteric) and the method to achieve them (progressive-conservative). Since the political ideology is emerged from the moral political values, the observations through the responses in the survey are delivered. The observation also brings some insights from information theory, regarding to the uncertainty within the political minds as captured by the survey.

Item Type:Departmental Technical Report
Keywords:moral politics, political ideology, Indonesia, online survey
Subjects:Psychology > Applied Cognitive Psychology
Psychology > Behavioral Analysis
Neuroscience > Behavioral Neuroscience
Computer Science > Complexity Theory
Computer Science > Human Computer Interaction
Computer Science > Statistical Models
Philosophy > Decision Theory
Philosophy > Ethics
Philosophy > Philosophy of Mind
Psychology > Social Psychology
ID Code:7623
Deposited By: Situngkir, Mr Hokky
Deposited On:19 Sep 2011 11:57
Last Modified:18 May 2012 14:25

References in Article

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