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Amniotic Fluid Ingestion Before Vaginal/Cervical Stimulation Produces a Dose-Dependent Enhancement of Analgesia and Blocks Pseudopregnancy

Thompson, Alexis C. and Abbott, Patricia and Doerr, Jean C. and Ferguson, Elizabeth J. and Kristal, Dr. Mark B. (1991) Amniotic Fluid Ingestion Before Vaginal/Cervical Stimulation Produces a Dose-Dependent Enhancement of Analgesia and Blocks Pseudopregnancy. [Journal (Paginated)]

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A substance in amniotic fluid (AF) and placenta has been shown to enhance analgesia produced by morphine, late pregnancy, footshock, and vaginal/cervical stimulation (VS). When morphine-induced analgesia was assessed previously, the degree of enhancement by ingestion of AF or placenta was found to be a function of the amount of analgesia being generated. We have extended these results to include the analgesia produced by VS. Analgesia induced by 75, 125, 175, or 225 g of vaginal/cervical pressure was measured in rats pretreated with 0.25 ml (by orogastric infusion) of either AF or saline. AF infusion enhanced the analgesia produced by 125 g VS, but did not affect the analgesia produced by 75, 175, or 225 g VS. Unexpectedly, we also found that infusion of AF shortly before the application of VS prevents VS-induced pseudopregnancy (PsP). Whereas the incidence of PsP following 75, 125, or 175 g VS was less than 19% and not statistically different for AF and saline pretreatments, the incidence of PsP after 225 g VS was 44% in saline-pretreated rats, but only 10% in AF-pretreated rats. Protection from the induction of pseudopregnancy, which could be caused by mechanical stimulation of the cervical area during delivery, may be an additional benefit of parturitional ingestion of placenta and amniotic fluid (placentophagia).

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Keywords:analgesia, POEF, Amniotic fluid, VSIA, Opioids, Pregnancy, Parturition, TFL, Vaginal/cervical stimulation, Placentophagia, Rats
Subjects:Neuroscience > Neuroendocrinology
Psychology > Psychobiology
Psychology > Comparative Psychology
ID Code:6189
Deposited By: Kristal, Mark B.
Deposited On:19 Sep 2008 14:08
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:57


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