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The Sellars’s functionalism: a historical research

Maroldi, Marcelo Masson (2009) The Sellars’s functionalism: a historical research. [Newspaper/Magazine Article]

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Philosopher Wilfrid Sellars was one of the contemporary functionalism precursors when he conceived mental states as theoretical entities identified with functional states, conception defended mainly in his most relevant work Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind, broadly discussed on the academic context of analytical tradition. On this book, Sellars introduces his explanation of mental, gathering on the same thesis private events, intententionality , a public language and a system based on rules defined intersubjectivity Therefore, this work intends to show how much this author anticipated the functionalist project, particularly introducing, on the first part, Sellars’s proposal in the 50s and, later, characterize the following decade functionalism. Finally, we evaluate Sellars’s influence on the quoted theoretical functionalists e comment the range and importance of this author for the mind philosophy e current languages. © Cien. Cogn. 2009; Vol. 14 (3): 024-038.

Item Type:Newspaper/Magazine Article
Subjects:Philosophy > Philosophy of Mind
Philosophy > Philosophy of Language
ID Code:6737
Deposited By: Maroldi, Marcelo Masson
Deposited On:19 Dec 2009 12:23
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:57


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