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Items where Subject is "Philosophy > Philosophy of Language"

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Number of items at this level: 160.

Sandler, Dr. Sergeiy (2012) Review of Scott Soames, What is meaning? (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010). [Journal (Paginated)]

Sandler, Dr. Sergeiy (2012) Language as literature: Characters in everyday spoken discourse. [Conference Paper] (Unpublished)

Sandler, Dr. Sergeiy (2011) Reenactment: An embodied cognition approach to meaning and linguistic content. [Journal (Paginated)]

Sandler, Dr. Sergeiy (2011) Reenactment: An embodied cognition approach to meaning and linguistic content. [Journal (Paginated)] (In Press)

Martínez, Manolo (2011) Teleosemantics and Productivity. [Preprint]

Görür Atabaş, Hülya and Turner, Sharon (2011) Expectations eclipsed in foreign language education: learners and educators on an ongoing journey / edited by Hülya Görür-Atabaş, Sharon Turner.

Menant, Mr Christophe (2010) Proposal for a shared evolutionary nature of language and consciousness. [Conference Paper] (Unpublished)

Kirsh, Dr. Marvin/E. (2010) Uniqueness, Self belonging and Intercourse in Nature. [Book Chapter]

Poleev, Dr. Andrej (2010) Octology.

Manera, Valeria and Tirassa, Maurizio (2010) Cognitive science. [Book Chapter]

Bosco, Francesca and Tirassa, Maurizio (2010) Communication failure. [Book Chapter]

Mate, Davide and Tirassa, Maurizio (2010) Knowledge. [Book Chapter]

Tirassa, Maurizio and Vallana, Marianna (2010) Representation and computation. [Book Chapter]

Maroldi, Marcelo Masson (2009) The Sellars’s functionalism: a historical research. [Newspaper/Magazine Article]

Piccinini, Dr. Gualtiero and Scott, Dr. Sam (2009) Recovering What Is Said with Empty Names. [Preprint]

Carassa, Prof Antonella and Colombetti, Prof Marco (2009) Joint Meaning. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]

Colle, Livia and Bosco, Francesca M. and Tirassa, Maurizio (2009) The complexity of theory of mind. [Journal (Paginated)]

Vigo, Professor Ronaldo and Allen, Colin (2009) How to reason without words: inference as categorization. [Journal (Paginated)]

Bosco, Francesca M. and Colle, Livia and De Fazio, Silvia and Bono, Adele and Ruberti, Saverio and Tirassa, Maurizio (2009) Th.o.m.a.s.: An exploratory assessment of Theory of Mind in schizophrenic subjects. [Journal (Paginated)]

Evola, Vito (2008) “Io sono evoluto e quello è un uomo di Neanderthal”: Un’analisi linguistica cognitivista del concetto di evoluzione. [Conference Paper] (Unpublished)

Evola, Vito (2008) How Body and Soul Interact with the Spiritual Mind. [Conference Paper]

Sparavigna, Dr. Amelia (2008) SYMMETRIES IN IMAGES ON ANCIENT SEALS. (Unpublished)

Evola, Vito (2008) La metafora come carrefour cognitivo del pensiero e del linguaggio. [Book Chapter] (In Press)

Evola, Vito (2008) Multimodal Semiotics of Representing God and the Self: a Cognitive Linguistic View of Metaphors and Gestures in Religious Discourse. [Conference Poster]

Evola, Vito (2008) Multimodal Semiotics of Spiritual Experiences: Representing Beliefs, Metaphors, and Actions. [Conference Paper] (Unpublished)

Belaga, Dr. Edward G. (2008) In the Beginning Was the Verb: The Emergence and Evolution of Language Problem in the Light of the Big Bang Epistemological Paradigm. [Departmental Technical Report] (Unpublished)

Tirassa, Maurizio and Bosco, Francesca M. (2008) On the nature and role of intersubjectivity in communication. [Book Chapter]

Kopp, Mag. Herwig (2007) Tropen & Neuronen. Transzendentale, physiologische und sprachliche Korrelate von »Begriffen«. [Thesis]

Evola, Vito (2007) Cognitive Linguistics and the Evolution of Body and Soul in the Western World: from Ancient Hebrew to Modern English. [Conference Poster]

Karmakar, Samir (2007) Possibilities and impossibilities of meaning: A study in semantics. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]

Situngkir, Hokky and Khanafiah, Deni (2007) Conjecture to Statistical Proximity with Tree of Language (?): Report on Few Austronesian Languages of Indonesian Ethnics. [Departmental Technical Report]

Saba, Walid (2007) A Note on Ontology and Ordinary Language. (Unpublished)


Situngkir, Hokky (2007) Regimes in Babel are Confirmed: Report on Findings in Several Indonesian Ethnic Biblical Texts. [Departmental Technical Report]

Situngkir, Hokky (2007) An Observational Framework to the Zipfian Analysis among Different Languages: Studies to Indonesian Ethnic Biblical Texts. [Departmental Technical Report]

Karmakar, Samir (2007) Designing Domain Ontology: A Study in Lexical Semantics. [Preprint]

Saba, Walid (2007) Language, logic and ontology: uncovering the structure of commonsense knowledge. (In Press)

Schirra, Dr Jörg R.J. and Sachs-Hombach, Dr Klaus (2007) To Show and To Say: Comparing the Uses of Pictures and Language. [Newspaper/Magazine Article]

Evola, Vito (2006) St. Paul's Error: The Semantic Changes of BODY and SOUL in the Western World. [Conference Paper]

Vélez León, Paulo (2006) Aproximaciones a la ¿Obra de Arte? Approaches to ¿ArtWork? [Book Chapter]

Saez-Uribarri, Iñigo (2006) Cero Macareno's tablet: Exploratory data analysis around a piece of archeology (La tableta de Cero Macareno: Análisis exploratorio de datos en torno a una pieza de arqueología). [Journal (Paginated)]

Evola, Vito (2006) Polisemia e slittamenti semantici nei concetti ANIMA e CORPO nel mondo occidentale, ovvero l'errore di San Paolo. [Conference Paper]

Tirassa, Maurizio and Bosco, Francesca M. and Colle, Livia (2006) Rethinking the ontogeny of mindreading. [Journal (Paginated)]

Tirassa, Maurizio and Bosco, Francesca M. and Colle, Livia (2006) Sharedness and privateness in human early social life. [Journal (Paginated)]

Ribeiro, Sidarta and Loula, Angelo and Araújo, Ivan and Gudwin, Ricardo and Queiroz, Joao (2006) Symbols are not uniquely human. [Journal (Paginated)] (In Press)

Kravchenko, Prof. A.V. and Zelberg, Dr. J.B. (2005) Complex sentence as a structure for representing knowledge. [Preprint]

Loula, Angelo and Gudwin, Ricardo and El-Hani, Charbel and Queiroz, João (2005) The Emergence of Symbol-Based Communication in a Complex System of Artificial Creatures. [Conference Paper]

Loula, Angelo and Gudwin, Ricardo and El-Hani, Charbel and Queiroz, João (2005) The Emergence of Symbol-Based Communication in a Complex System of Artificial Creatures. [Conference Paper]

D.Roberts, Mark (2004) Does Meaning Evolove? [Journal (Paginated)]

Situngkir, Hokky (2004) How Far Can We Go Through Social System? [Departmental Technical Report] (In Press)

Brigandt, Ingo (2004) Biological Kinds and the Causal Theory of Reference. [Conference Paper]

Rosenberg, Dr. Gregg and Anderson, Dr. Michael L. (2004) A brief introduction to the guidance theory of representation. [Conference Paper]

Brigandt, Ingo (2004) Conceptual Role Semantics, the Theory Theory, and Conceptual Change. [Conference Paper] (Unpublished)

Rosenberg, Dr. Gregg and Anderson, Dr. Michael L. (2004) Content and action: The guidance theory of representation. [Preprint]


Brigandt, Ingo (2004) Holism, Concept Individuation, and Conceptual Change. [Conference Paper] (In Press)


Schirra, Dr Jörg R.J. (2003) Variations and Application Conditions Of the Data Type »Image« - The Foundation of Computational Visualistics. [Thesis]

Allott, Robin (2003) LANGUAGE AS A MIRROR OF THE WORLD: Reconciling picture theory and language games. [Preprint]

Kastner, Charles W. (2003) A hierarchy of languages, logics, and mathematical theories. [Preprint]

Kravchenko, Prof. A.V. (2003) The ontology of signs as linguistic and non-linguistic entities: a cognitive perspective. [Book Chapter]

Kravchenko, Prof. A.V. (2002) Toward a Bio-Cognitive Philosophy of Language. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]


Vogt, Paul (2002) The physical symbol grounding problem. [Journal (Paginated)]

Malle, Bertram F. (2002) The relation between language and theory of mind in development and evolution. [Book Chapter]

Wilson, Deirdre and Sperber, Dan (2002) Relevance Theory. [Book Chapter] (Unpublished)

Wilson, Deirdre and Sperber, Dan (2002) Truthfulness and relevance. [Journal (Paginated)] (In Press)

Matienzo, Mark A. (2001) On The Very Importance Of The Metaphoric As Semantic To Communication, Understanding, And The Philosophy Of Language. [Thesis]

Cangelosi, Angelo (2001) Evolution of communication and language using signals, symbols and words. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]

Prince, Christopher G. and Mislivec, Eric J. (2001) Humanoid Theory Grounding. [Conference Poster]


Bara, Bruno G. and Cutica, Ilaria and Tirassa, Maurizio (2001) Neuropragmatics: Extralinguistic communication after closed head injury. [Journal (Paginated)]

Sperber, Dan and Wilson, Deirdre (2001) Pragmatics, Modularity and Mind-reading (To appear in Mind and Language). [Preprint]

Emmeche, Claus (2000) Closure, Function, Emergence, Semiosis and Life: The Same Idea? Reflections on the Concrete and the Abstract in Theoretical Biology. [Journal (Paginated)]

Stemmer, Brigitte and Schönle, Paul Walter (2000) Neuropragmatics in the 21st century. [Journal (Paginated)]

Josephson, Brian D. (2000) Constructional Tools as the Origin of Cognitive Capacities. [Conference Paper] (Unpublished)

Origgi, Gloria and Sperber, Dan (2000) EVOLUTION, COMMUNICATION AND THE PROPER FUNCTION OF LANGUAGE. [Book Chapter] (In Press)

Yeremeev, Yaroslav N. (2000) Language. Antinomy. Dialogue. (Unpublished)

Sperber, Dan (2000) Metarepresentations in an evolutionary perspective. [Book Chapter] (In Press)

Bara, Bruno G. and Tirassa, Maurizio (2000) Neuropragmatics: Brain and communication. [Journal (Paginated)]

Branquinho, João (2000) On the Individuation of Fregean Propositions. [Conference Paper]

Stenning, Keith and Lemon, Oliver (1999) Aligning logical and psychological perspectives on diagrammatic reasoning. [Journal (Paginated)]

Post, John F. (1999) Breakwater: The New Wave, Supervenience and Individualism. [Conference Paper] (Unpublished)

Tirassa, Maurizio (1999) Communicative competence and the architecture of the mind/brain. [Journal (Paginated)]

Bara, Bruno G. and Tirassa, Maurizio (1999) A mentalist framework for linguistic and extralinguistic communication. [Conference Paper]

Stemmer, Brigitte (1999) An On-Line Interview with Noam Chomsky: On the Nature of Pragmatics and Related Issues. [Journal (Paginated)]

Branquinho, Joao (1999) The Problem of Cognitive Dynamics. [Journal (Paginated)]

Akman, Varol and Alpaslan, Ferda N. (1999) Strawson on Intended Meaning and Context. [Conference Paper]

Akman, Varol (1998) Book Review--Jaap van der Does and Jan van Eijk, eds., Quantifiers, Logic, and Language. [Journal (Paginated)]

Akman, Varol (1998) Guest Editor's Introduction. [Journal (Paginated)]

D.Roberts, Mark (1998) Radical Interpretation Described using Terms from Biological Evolution. [Preprint] (Unpublished)

Morton, Adam (1998) Where Demonstratives Meet Vagueness: Possible Languages. [Preprint] (Unpublished)

Aydede, Murat (1998) Language of Thought Hypothesis: State of the Art. [Preprint] (Unpublished)

Schirra, Jörg R.J. and Scholz, Martin (1998) Abstraction versus Realism: Not the Real Question. [Book Chapter]

Hurford, James R and Kirby, Simon (1998) Co-Evolution of Language-Size and the Critical Period. [Book Chapter] (Unpublished)

Carruthers, Peter (1998) Conscious thinking: language or elimination? [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]

Hurford, James R (1998) The evolution of language and languages. [Book Chapter] (Unpublished)

McNeill, David and Duncan, Susan D. (1998) Growth Points in Thinking-for-Speaking. [Preprint] (Unpublished)

Hurford, Jim (1998) The interaction between numerals and nouns. [Preprint] (Unpublished)

Sperber, Dan and Wilson, Deirdre (1998) The Mapping between the Mental and the Public Lexicon. [Book Chapter]

Langston, William and Kramer, Douglas C and Glenberg, Arthur M (1998) The Representation of Space in Mental Models derived from Text. [Preprint]

Suddendorf, Thomas (1998) Simpler for evolution: Secondary representation in apes, children, and ancestors. [Journal (Paginated)]

Carruthers, Peter (1998) Thinking in language?: evolution and a modularist possibility. [Book Chapter]

Miall, David S. (1997) The Body in Literature: Mark Johnson, Metaphor, and Feeling. [Journal (Paginated)]

Akman, Varol (1997) Book Review -- Jon Barwise and Lawrence Moss, Vicious Circles: On the Mathematics of Non-Wellfounded Phenomena. [Journal (Paginated)]

Akman, Varol and Surav, Mehmet (1997) The Use of Situation Theory in Context Modeling. [Journal (Paginated)]

Akman, Varol (1997) Book Review -- John Lyons, Linguistic Semantics: An Introduction. [Journal (Paginated)]

Jorion, Paul (1997) Ce qui fait encore cruellement défaut à l'Intelligence Artificielle. [Journal (Paginated)]

Stenning, Keith and Oberlander, Jon (1997) A cognitive theory of graphical and linguistic reasoning: logic and implementation. Cognitive Science. [Journal (Paginated)]

Akman, Varol (1997) Context as a Social Construct. [Conference Paper]

Jorion, Paul (1997) Jean Pouillon et le mystère de la chambre chinoise. [Journal (Paginated)]

Bara, Bruno G. and Tirassa, Maurizio and Zettin, Marina (1997) Neuropragmatics: Neuropsychological constraints on formal theories of dialogue. [Journal (Paginated)]

Hauser, L (1997) Searle's Chinese Box: Debunking the Chinese Room Argument. [Journal (Paginated)]

Edmonds, Bruce (1997) A Simple-Minded Network Model with Context-like Objects. [Conference Paper] (Unpublished)

Sloman, A. (1996) Actual Possibilities. [Conference Paper]

Sloman, Aaron (1996) Beyond Turing Equivalence. [Journal (Paginated)]

Muskens, Reinhard (1996) Combining Montague Semantics and Discourse Representation. [Journal (Paginated)]

Tin, Erkan and Akman, Varol (1996) Information-Oriented Computation with BABY-SIT. [Book Chapter]

Jorion, Paul (1996) La linguistique d'Aristote. [Book Chapter]

Freedman, David A. and Wang, William (1996) Language polygenesis: A probabilistic model. [Journal (Paginated)]

Harnad, Stevan (1996) The Origin of Words: A Psychophysical Hypothesis. [Book Chapter]

Akman, Varol and Surav, Mehmet (1996) Steps toward Formalizing Context. [Journal (Paginated)]

Aydede, Murat (1996) Syntax, content and functionalism: What is wrong with the syntactic theory of mind. [Preprint] (Unpublished)

Akman, Varol (1995) Book Review -- Hans Kamp and Uwe Reyle, From Discourse to Logic: Introduction to Model-theoretic Semantics of Natural Language, Formal Logic and Discourse Representation Theory. [Journal (Paginated)]

Ersan, Murat and Akman, Varol (1995) Situated Modeling of Epistemic Puzzles. [Journal (Paginated)]

Tin, Erkan and Akman, Varol and Ersan, Murat (1995) Towards Situation-Oriented Programming Languages. [Journal (Paginated)]

Stenning, Keith and Inder, Robert (1995) Applying semantic concepts to the media assigment problem in multi-media communication. [Book Chapter]

Akman, Varol and Surav, Mehmet (1995) Contexts, Oracles, and Relevance. [Conference Paper]

Pakkan, Mujdat and Akman, Varol (1995) Issues in Commonsense Set Theory. [Journal (Paginated)]

Surav, Mehmet and Akman, Varol (1995) Modeling Context with Situations. [Conference Paper]

Sloman, Aaron (1995) Musings on the roles of logical and non-logical representations in intelligence. [Book Chapter]

Abbott, B and Hauser, L (1995) Realism, model theory, and linguistic semantics. [Conference Paper] (Unpublished)

Tin, Erkan and Akman, Varol (1995) Situations and Computation: An Overview of Recent Research. [Conference Paper]

Muskens, Reinhard (1995) Tense and the Logic of Change. [Book Chapter]

Schirra, Jörg R.J. (1995) Understanding Radio Broadcasts On Soccer: The Concept `Mental Image' and Its Use in Spatial Reasoning. [Book Chapter]

Tin, Erkan and Akman, Varol (1994) Computational Situation Theory. [Journal (Paginated)]

Hauser, L (1994) Acting, Intending, and Artificial Intelligence. [Journal (Paginated)]

Chalmers, David J. (1994) The Components of Content. [Preprint] (Unpublished)

Akman, Varol (1994) Ripping the Text Apart at Different Seams. [Journal (Paginated)]

Sloman, A. (1994) Semantics in an intelligent control system. [Journal (Paginated)]

Tin, Erkan and Akman, Varol (1994) Situated Processing of Pronominal Anaphora. [Conference Paper]

Hauser, L (1993) Reaping the Whirlwind. [Journal (Paginated)]

Hauser, L. (1993) Why Isn't My Pocket Calculator a Thinking Thing. [Journal (Paginated)]

Tin, Erkan and Akman, Varol (1993) BABY-SIT: A Computational Medium Based on Situations. [Conference Paper]

Schirra, Dr. Joerg R.J. (1993) Connecting Visual and Verbal Space: Preliminary Considerations Concerning the Concept 'Mental Image'. [Conference Paper]

Schirra, Jörg R.J. (1993) A Contribution to Reference Semantics of Spatial Prepositions: The Visualization Problem and its Solution in VITRA. [Book Chapter]

Hauser, L. (1992) Act, Aim, and Unscientific Explanation. [Journal (Paginated)]

Muskens, Reinhard (1991) Anaphora and the Logic of Change. [Book Chapter]

Muskens, Reinhard (1991) Hyperfine-Grained Meanings in Classical Logic. [Journal (Paginated)]

McCarthy, John (1990) Elephant 2000 - A programming language based on speech acts. [Preprint]

Harnad, Stevan (1990) The Symbol Grounding Problem. [Journal (Paginated)]

Harnad, Stevan (1990) The Symbol Grounding Problem. [Journal (Paginated)]

Smith, B. (1990) Towards a history of speech act theory. [Book Chapter]

Zaidel, Dahlia W. and Kasher, Asa (1989) Hemispheric memory for surrealistic versus realistic paintings. [Journal (Paginated)]

Muskens, Reinhard (1989) A Relational Formulation of the Theory of Types. [Journal (Paginated)]

Oliphant, Michael (1988) Rethinking the language bottleneck: Why don't animals learn to communicate? [Preprint] (Unpublished)

Oliphant, Michael (1988) The learning barrier: Moving from innate to learned systems of communication. [Preprint] (Unpublished)

Dennett, Daniel C. (1987) Commentary on Cam. [Journal (Paginated)]

Harnad, Stevan (1987) Category Induction and Representation. [Book Chapter]

Josephson, Brian D. and Blair, David G. (1982) A Holistic Approach to Language. [Departmental Technical Report]

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