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Rethinking the ontogeny of mindreading

Tirassa, Maurizio and Bosco, Francesca M. and Colle, Livia (2006) Rethinking the ontogeny of mindreading. [Journal (Paginated)]

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We propose a mentalistic and nativist view of human early mental and social life and of the ontogeny of mindreading. We define the mental state of sharedness as the primitive, one-sided capability to take one's own mental states as mutually known to an i nteractant. We argue that this capability is an innate feature of the human mind, which the child uses to make a subjective sense of the world and of her actions. We argue that the child takes all of her mental states as shared with her caregivers. This a llows her to interact with her caregivers in a mentalistic way from the very beginning and provides the grounds on which the later maturation of mindreading will build. As the latter process occurs, the child begins to understand the mental world in terms of differences between the mental states of different agents; subjectively, this also corresponds to the birth of privateness. ˇ

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Keywords:Keywords: Mindreading; Theory of mind; Communication; Consciousness; Subjectivity; Sharedness; Privateness; Social cognition; Nativism
Subjects:Neuroscience > Neuropsychology
Psychology > Developmental Psychology
Philosophy > Philosophy of Language
Biology > Primatology
Psychology > Comparative Psychology
Psychology > Cognitive Psychology
Philosophy > Philosophy of Mind
Psychology > Evolutionary Psychology
Psychology > Clinical Psychology
Linguistics > Pragmatics
Psychology > Social Psychology
Philosophy > Epistemology
ID Code:5214
Deposited By: Tirassa, Prof. Maurizio
Deposited On:09 Oct 2006
Last Modified:11 Mar 2011 08:56

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