
Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia in Xeroderma Pigmentosum

Nayak, RR and Kamath, GM and Kamath, MM and Kamath, AR and D'Souza, S (2013) Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia in Xeroderma Pigmentosum. [Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]

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Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is a rare genetic disorder associated with multiple oculocutaneous and neurological manifestations. It occurs due to deficiency of the enzymes responsible for repairing ultraviolet radiation-induced DNA damage. Persistence of un-repaired DNA results in somatic mutations, leading to neoplasia of the skin and ocular surface. As this condition is rare, only isolated case reports of XP with ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN) are found in literature.

Item Type:Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)
Keywords:Ocular surface squamous neoplasia; Xeroderma pigmentosum
Subjects:JOURNALS > Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences
ID Code:9702
Deposited By: Kakkilaya Bevinje, Dr. Srinivas
Deposited On:21 Feb 2015 14:35
Last Modified:20 Apr 2015 11:44

References in Article

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