
A Quantitative Neural Coding Model of Sensory Memory

Liu, PHD Peilei and Wang, Professor Ting (2014) A Quantitative Neural Coding Model of Sensory Memory. [Preprint]

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The coding mechanism of sensory memory on the neuron scale is one of the most important questions in neuroscience. We have put forward a quantitative neural network model, which is self-organized, self-similar, and self-adaptive, just like an ecosystem following Darwin's theory. According to this model, neural coding is a “mult-to-one”mapping from objects to neurons. And the whole cerebrum is a real-time statistical Turing Machine, with powerful representing and learning ability. This model can reconcile some important disputations, such as: temporal coding versus rate-based coding, grandmother cell versus population coding, and decay theory versus interference theory. And it has also provided explanations for some key questions such as memory consolidation, episodic memory, consciousness, and sentiment. Philosophical significance is indicated at last.

Item Type:Preprint
Keywords:neural coding, sensory memory, synaptic plasticity, lateral competition
Subjects:Psychology > Cognitive Psychology
Neuroscience > Computational Neuroscience
Computer Science > Dynamical Systems
Computer Science > Machine Learning
Computer Science > Neural Nets
Computer Science > Statistical Models
Neuroscience > Neural Modelling
Philosophy > Logic
Philosophy > Philosophy of Mind
ID Code:9753
Deposited By: Liu, Mr. Peilei
Deposited On:24 Aug 2014 21:08
Last Modified:20 Apr 2015 11:40

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