Number of items at this level: 225.
Bartlett, Dr. Steven
THE SPECIES PROBLEM AND ITS LOGIC: Inescapable Ambiguity and Framework-relativity.
Liu, Mr. Peilei and Wang, Prof. Ting
Motor Learning Mechanism on the Neuron Scale.
Liu, PHD Peilei and Wang, Professor Ting
A Quantitative Neural Coding Model of Sensory Memory.
Liu, Mr. Peilei and Wang, Professor Ting
Automatic Extraction of Protein Interaction in Literature.
[Book Chapter]
Escalante-B., Alberto-N. and Wiskott, Prof. Dr. Laurenz
How to Solve Classification and Regression Problems on High-Dimensional Data with a Supervised Extension of Slow Feature Analysis.
Drummond, Dr. Chris
Reproducible Research: a Dissenting Opinion.
anshu, Mr. anshuman sharma
To Improve the Performance of Handwritten digit Recognition using Support Vector Machine.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Romero Lopez, Dr Oscar Javier
An evolutionary behavioral model for decision making.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Vigo, Professor Ronaldo
Towards a Law of Invariance in Human Concept Learning.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Rdaideh, Mr Mustafa
The International Conference on Information and Communication Systems (ICICS 2011).
[Conference Paper]
Iqbal, Ridwan Al
A Generalized Method for Integrating Rule-based Knowledge into Inductive Methods Through Virtual Sample Creation.
Iqbal, Ridwan Al
Using Feature Weights to Improve Performance of Neural Networks.
Catanese, Salvatore and De Meo, Pasquale and Ferrara, Emilio and Fiumara, Giacomo and Provetti, Alessandro
Extraction and Analysis of Facebook Friendship Relations.
[Book Chapter]
Sprekeler, Dr. Henning and Zito, Tiziano and Wiskott, Dr. Laurenz
An Extension of Slow Feature Analysis for Nonlinear Blind Source Separation.
Schatten, Markus and Kakulapati, Vijayalakshmi and Cubrilo, Mirko
Reasoning about Social Semantic Web Applications using String Similarity and Frame Logic.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Iqbal, Ridwan Al
Empirical learning aided by weak domain knowledge in the form of feature importance.
Ferguson, Darrell and Vinson, Norman G. and Morin, Jason and Martin, Joel and McClinton, Susan and Davies, Richard
Identifying ILI Cases from Chief Complaints: Comparing the Accuracy of Keyword and Support Vector Machine Methods.
[Conference Paper]
Fallavollita, Pascal
3D/2D Registration of Mapping Catheter Images for Arrhythmia Interventional Assistance.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Goyal, Vishal and SINGH LEHAL, Gurpreet
Evaluation of Hindi to Punjabi Machine Translation System.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Raju, Mandhapati P.
Parallel Computation of Finite Element Navier-Stokes codes using MUMPS Solver.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Lazanas, Alexis
Performing Hybrid Recommendation in Intermodal Transportation – the FTMarket System’s Recommendation Module.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Alaoui Ismaili, Zine El Abidine and Moussa, Ahmed
Self-Partial and Dynamic Reconfiguration Implementation for AES using FPGA.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Vigo, Professor Ronaldo
Categorical invariance and structural complexity in human concept learning.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Vigo , Dr. Ronaldo
Modal Similarity.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Turney, Peter D.
The Latent Relation Mapping Engine: Algorithm and Experiments.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Wallace, Rodrick
Lurching Toward Chernobyl: Dysfunctions of Real-Time Computation.
Sprekeler, Henning and Wiskott, Dr. Laurenz
Understanding Slow Feature Analysis: A Mathematical Framework.
Turney, Peter D.
A Uniform Approach to Analogies, Synonyms, Antonyms, and Associations.
[Conference Paper]
Auffarth, B. and Lopez, M. and Cerquides, J.
Hopfield Networks in Relevance and Redundancy Feature Selection Applied to Classification of Biomedical High-Resolution Micro-CT Images.
[Book Chapter]
Nadeau, David
Semi-Supervised Named Entity Recognition:
Learning to Recognize 100 Entity Types with Little Supervision.
Turney, Peter D.
Empirical Evaluation of Four Tensor Decomposition Algorithms.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Goutte, Cyril and Missaoui, Rokia and Boujenoui, Ameur
Data Cube Approximation and Mining using Probabilistic Modeling.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Singh, Vishwajeet and Miyapuram, K. P. and Bapi, Raju S.
Detection of Cognitive States from fMRI data using Machine Learning Techniques.
[Conference Poster]
Goutte, Cyril
Fast & Confident Probabilistic Categorization.
[Conference Paper]
Simard, Michel and Goutte, Cyril and Isabelle, Pierre
Statistical Phrase-based Post-editing.
[Conference Paper]
Duch, Prof Wlodzislaw
Towards comprehensive foundations of computational intelligence.
[Book Chapter]
Moscoso del Prado Martin, Dr Fermin and Kostic, Prof Aleksandar and Filipovic-Djurdjevic, Dusica
The Missing Link between Morphemic Assemblies and Behavioral Responses:a Bayesian Information-Theoretical model of lexical processing.
Moscoso del Prado Martin, Fermin and Aleksandar, Kostic and Dusica, Filipovic-Djurdjevic
The Missing Link between Morphemic Assemblies and Behavioral Responses:a Bayesian Information-Theoretical model of lexical processing.
Beibei, Zou and Xuesong, Ma and Bettina, Kemme and Glen, Newton and Doina, Precup
Data Mining Using Relational Database Management Systems.
Jallu, Krishnaiah and Kumar, C.S. and Faruqi, M.A.
Modelling and control of chaotic processes
through their Bifurcation Diagrams generated
with the help of Recurrent Neural Networks
models Part 2 - Industrial Study.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Jallu, Krishnaiah and C, S Kumar and Faruqi, M Aslam
Modelling and control of chaotic processes through their Bifurcation Diagrams generated with the help of Recurrent Neural Network models: Part 1—simulation studies.
[Journal (Paginated)]
J, Krishnaiah and C, S Kumar and Faruqi, M Aslam
Modelling and control of chaotic processes through their Bifurcation Diagrams generated with the help of Recurrent Neural Network models: Part 1—simulation studies.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Togelius, Julian and Lucas, Simon M.
Arms races and car races.
[Conference Paper]
De Nardi, Renzo and Togelius, Julian and Holland, Owen and Lucas, Simon M.
Evolution of Neural Networks for Helicopter Control: Why Modularity Matters.
[Conference Paper]
Togelius, Julian and Lucas, Simon M.
Evolving robust and specialized car racing skills.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter D.
Expressing Implicit Semantic Relations without Supervision.
[Conference Paper]
Spratling, Michael W
Learning image components for object recognition.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Togelius, Julian and De Nardi, Renzo and Lucas, Simon M.
Making Racing Fun Through Player Modeling and Track Evolution.
[Conference Paper]
Almeida, Mariana S. C. and Almeida, Luís B.
Turney, Peter D.
Similarity of Semantic Relations.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Nadeau, David and Turney, Peter D. and Matwin, Stan
Unsupervised Named-Entity Recognition: Generating Gazetteers and Resolving Ambiguity.
[Conference Poster]
Almeida, Mariana S. C. and Almeida, Luís B.
Almeida, Luis B.
Separating a Real-Life Nonlinear Image Mixture.
Berkes, Pietro
Pattern Recognition with Slow Feature Analysis.
Andry, Pierre and Gaussier, Philippe and Nadel, Jacqueline
Autonomous learning and reproduction of complex
sequences: a multimodal architecture for
bootstraping imitation games.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter D. and Littman, Michael L.
Corpus-based Learning of Analogies and Semantic Relations.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Huang, Xiao and Weng, Juyang
Covert Perceptual Capability Development.
[Conference Paper]
Olsson, Lars and Nehaniv, Chrystopher L. and Polani, Daniel
Discovering Motion Flow by
Temporal-Informational Correlations in Sensors.
[Conference Paper]
Balkenius, Christian and Johansson, Birger
Event Prediction and Object Motion Estimation in the Development of Visual Attention.
[Conference Paper]
Togelius, Julian and Lucas, Simon M.
Evolving controllers for simulated car racing.
[Conference Paper]
Sun, Ganghua and Scassellati, Brian
Exploiting Vestibular Output during Learning
Results in Naturally Curved Reaching Trajectories.
[Conference Paper]
Blanchard, Arnaud J. and Canamero, Lola
From Imprinting to Adaptation: Building a History of Affective Interaction.
[Conference Paper]
Demiris, Yiannis and Dearden, Anthony
From motor babbling to hierarchical learning by imitation: a robot developmental pathway.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter D.
Measuring Semantic Similarity by Latent Relational Analysis.
[Conference Paper]
Aryananda, Lijin
Out in the World: What Did The Robot Hear And
[Conference Poster]
Hattori, Yuya and Kozima, Hideki and Komatani, Kazunori and Ogata, Tetsuya and Okuno, Hiroshi G.
Robot Gesture Generation from Environmental
Sounds Using Inter-modality Mapping.
[Conference Poster]
Mirza, Naeem A. and Nehaniv, Chrystopher and te Boekhorst, Rene and Dautenhahn, Kerstin
Robot Self-Characterisation of Experience Using
Trajectories in Sensory-Motor Phase Space.
[Conference Poster]
Lemire, Daniel and Maclachlan, Anna
Slope One Predictors for Online Rating-Based Collaborative Filtering.
[Conference Paper]
Bredeche, Nicolas and Hugues, Louis
Speeding up Learning with Dynamic Environment
Shaping in Evolutionary Robotics.
[Conference Poster]
van Dartel, Michel and Postma, Eric
Symbol manipulation by internal simulation of
perception and behaviour.
[Conference Paper]
Torres-Jara, Eduardo and Natale, Lorenzo and Fitzpatrick, Paul
Tapping into Touch.
[Conference Paper]
Vitay, Julien
Towards Teaching a Robot to Count Objects.
[Conference Paper]
Edmonds, Bruce
Using Localised ‘Gossip’ to Structure Distributed Learning.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter D.
Human-Level Performance on Word Analogy Questions by Latent Relational Analysis.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Valpola, Harri
Behaviourally meaningful representations from normalisation and context-guided denoising.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Särelä, Mr Jaakko and Valpola, Dr Harri
Denoising source separation.
Särelä, Mr Jaakko and Valpola, Dr Harri
Denoising source separation.
Valpola, Dr Harri and Särelä, Mr Jaakko
Accurate, fast and stable denoising source separation algorithms.
[Conference Paper]
(In Press)
Turney, Peter D. and Littman, Michael L. and Bigham, Jeffrey and Shnayder, Victor
Combining Independent Modules in Lexical Multiple-Choice Problems.
[Book Chapter]
Frey, Miloslaw
Connectionist Taxonomy Learning.
Fitzpatrick, Paul
The DayOne project: how far can a robot develop in 24 hours?
[Conference Paper]
Chen, Yi and Weng, Juyang
Developmental Learning: A Case Study in Understanding “Object Permanence”.
[Conference Paper]
Dominey, Peter Ford and Boucher, Jean-David
Developmental Stages of Perception and Language Acquisition in a Perceptually Grounded Robot.
[Conference Paper]
De Vylder, Bart and Jansen, Bart and Belpaeme, Tony
Embodied cognition through cultural interaction.
[Conference Poster]
Fitzpatrick, Paul and Arsenio, Artur
Feel the beat: using cross-modal rhythm to integrate perception of objects, others, and self.
[Conference Paper]
Balkenius, Christian and Bjorne, Petra
First Steps Toward a Computational Theory of Autism.
[Conference Paper]
Baillie, Jean-Christophe
Grounding Symbols in Perception with two Interacting Autonomous Robots.
[Conference Paper]
Lemaire, Benoît and Denhière, Guy
Incremental Construction of an Associative Network from a Corpus.
[Conference Paper]
Marom, Yuval and Haynes, Gillian
Influencing Robot Learning Through Design and Social Interactions: A Balancing Framework.
[Conference Paper]
Oudeyer, Pierre-Yves
Intelligent Adaptive Curiosity: a source of Self-Development.
[Conference Paper]
Lorincz, Andras
Intelligent encoding and economical communication in the visual stream.
[Conference Poster]
Weber, Cornelius and Elshaw, Mark and Zochios, Alex and Wermter, Stefan
A Multimodal Hierarchial Approach to Robot Learning by Imitation.
[Conference Paper]
Driancourt, Remi
An Ontogenetic Model of Perceptual Organization for a developmental Robot.
[Conference Paper]
Lemire, Daniel
Scale And Translation Invariant Collaborative Filtering Systems.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
(In Press)
Gomez, Gabriel and Lungarella, Max and Eggenberger Hotz, Peter and Matsushita, Kojiro and Pfeifer, Rolf
Simulating development in a real robot: on the concurrent increase of sensory, motor, and neural complexity.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter D.
Word Sense Disambiguation by Web Mining for Word Co-occurrence Probabilities.
[Conference Paper]
Särelä, Mr Jaakko
Overlearning in marginal distribution-based ICA: analysis and solutions.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Lan, Tian and Arnold, Michael and Sejnowski, Terrence and Jabri, Marwan
A biologically inspired computational model of the Block Copying Task.
[Conference Poster]
Turney, Peter
Coherent Keyphrase Extraction via Web Mining.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter and Littman, Michael and Bigham, Jeffrey and Shnayder, Victor
Combining independent modules to solve multiple-choice synonym and analogy problems.
[Conference Paper]
Zhang, Yilu and Weng, Juyang
Conjunctive Visual and Auditory Development via Real-Time Dialogue.
[Conference Paper]
Stoytchev, Alexander
Development and Extension of the Robot Body Schema.
[Conference Poster]
Andry, Pierre and Gaussier, Philippe and Nadel, Jacqueline and Courant, Michele
A Developmental Approach for low-level Imitations.
[Conference Poster]
Grupen, Roderic A.
A Developmental Organization for Robot Behavior.
[Conference Paper]
Almeida, Luis B.
Faster Training in Nonlinear ICA using MISEP.
[Conference Paper]
Nagai, Yukie and Hosoda, Koh and Asada, Minoru
How does an infant acquire the ability of joint attention?: A Constructive Approach.
[Conference Paper]
Burns, Brendan and Sutton, Charles and Morrison, Clayton and Cohen, Paul
Information Theory and Representation in Associative Word Learning.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter and Littman, Michael
Learning Analogies and Semantic Relations.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Turney, Peter and Littman, Michael
Measuring praise and criticism: Inference of semantic orientation from association.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Almeida, Luis B.
MISEP - Linear and Nonlinear ICA Based on Mutual Information.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Berkowitz, Eric
Modeling Human Infant Learning in Embodied Artificial Entities to Produce Grounded Concepts.
[Conference Poster]
Fukuda, Ryuta and Spratling, Micheal and Mareschal, Denis and Johnson, Mark
Modelling cortico basal-ganglionic loops and the development of sequential information encoding.
[Conference Poster]
Kaplan, Frederic and Oudeyer, Pierre-Yves
Motivational principles for visual know-how development.
[Conference Paper]
Driancourt, Remi
Perceptual Abstraction for Robotic Cognitive Development.
[Conference Poster]
Lemire, Daniel and Boley, Harold
RACOFI: A Rule-Applying Collaborative Filtering System.
[Conference Paper]
(In Press)
Kleinsmith, Andrea and Bianchi-Berthouze, Nadia
Towards Learning Affective Body Gesture.
[Conference Poster]
Ivakhnenko, A.G.
Sorting Methods in Self-Organization of Models and Clusterizations (Review of New Basic Ideas) - Iterative (Multirow) Polynomial GMDH Algorithms.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Jallu, Krishnaiah and C, S Kumar and Roy, A K and Faruqi, M Aslam
Modelling of Metallurgical Processes Using Chaos Theory and Hybrid Computational Intelligence.
[Conference Paper]
Lungarella, Max and Berthouze, Luc
Adaptivity through Physical Immaturity.
[Conference Paper]
Yoshikawa, Yuichiro and Kawanishi, Hiroyoshi and Asada, Minoru and Hosoda, Koh
Body Scheme Acquisition by Cross Modal Map Learning among Tactile, Visual, and Proprioceptive Spaces.
[Conference Poster]
Weng, Juyang and Zhang, Yilu
Developmental Robots - A New Paradigm.
[Conference Paper]
Kozima, Hideki and Nakagawa, Cocoro and Yano, Hiroyuki
Emergence of imitation mediated by objects.
[Conference Poster]
Almeida, Luis B.
Faster Training in Nonlinear ICA using MISEP.
[Conference Paper]
Andry, Pierre and Gaussier, Philippe and Nadel, Jacqueline
From Visuo-Motor Development to Low-level Imitation.
[Conference Paper]
Schlesinger, Matthew
A lesson from robotics: Modeling infants as autonomous agents.
[Conference Paper]
Ogawa, Akitoshi and Omori, Takashi
Looking for a suitable strategy for each problem - Multiple tasks approach to navigation learning task.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter
Mining the Web for Lexical Knowledge to Improve Keyphrase Extraction: Learning from Labeled and Unlabeled Data.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Paine, Rainer W.
A Neural Model of Corticocerebellar Interactions During Attentive Imitation And Predictive Learning Of Sequential Handwriting Movements.
Huang, Xiao and Weng, John
Novelty and Reinforcement Learning in the Value System of Developmental Robots.
[Conference Paper]
Nehmzow, Ulrich
Physically Embedded Genetic Algorithm Learning in Multi-Robot Scenarios: The PEGA algorithm.
[Conference Paper]
Alamargot, Denis and Andriessen, Jerry
[Book Chapter]
Hillenbrand, Dr. Ulrich and Hirzinger, Prof. Dr. Gerd
Probabilistic Search for Object Segmentation and Recognition.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter D.
Thumbs up or thumbs down? Semantic orientation applied to unsupervised classification of reviews.
[Conference Paper]
Marom, Yuval and Maistros, George and Hayes, Gillian
Towards a Mirror System for the Development of Socially-Mediated Skills.
[Conference Paper]
Costa, Fabrizio and Frasconi, Paolo and Lombardo, Vincenzo and Soda, Giovanni
Towards Incremental Parsing of Natural Language using Recursive Neural Networks.
[Journal (Paginated)]
(In Press)
Turney, Peter D. and Littman, Michael L.
Unsupervised Learning of Semantic Orientation from a Hundred-Billion-Word Corpus.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Warnett, Lawrence and McGonigle, Brendan
Unsupervised navigation using an economy principle.
[Conference Poster]
Buller, Andrzej
Volitron: On a Psychodynamic Robot and Its Four Realities.
[Conference Poster]
Yildizoglu, Murat
Connecting adaptive behaviour and expectations in models of innovation: The Potential Role of Artificial Neural Networks.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Edmonds, Bruce
Learning Appropriate Contexts.
[Conference Paper]
Edmonds, Bruce
Meta-Genetic Programming: Co-evolving the Operators of Variation.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Turney, Peter
Mining the Web for Lexical Knowledge to Improve Keyphrase Extraction: Learning from Labeled and Unlabeled Data.
Turney, Peter
Mining the Web for Synonyms: PMI-IR versus LSA on TOEFL.
[Conference Paper]
Yildizoglu, Murat
Modeling Adaptive Learning: R&D Strategies in the Model of Nelson & Winter (1982).
Edmonds, Bruce
Complexity and Scientific Modelling.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Josephson, Brian D.
Constructional Tools as the Origin of Cognitive Capacities.
[Conference Paper]
coward, l andrew
A Functional Architecture Approach to Neural Systems.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Vigário, Dr Ricardo and Särelä, Mr Jaakko and Jousmäki, Dr Veikko and Hämäläinen, Dr Matti and Oja, prof. Erkki
Independent component approach to the analysis of EEG and MEG recordings.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Turney, Peter
Learning algorithms for keyphrase extraction.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Wang, Jun and Zucker, Jean-Daniel
Solving Multiple-Instance Problem: A Lazy Learning Approach.
[Conference Paper]
Jim, Kam-Chuen and Giles, Lee
Talking Helps: Evolving Communicating Agents for the Predator-Prey Pursuit Problem.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Turney, Peter
Types of cost in inductive concept learning.
[Conference Paper]
Edmonds, B.
Towards a Descriptive Model of Agent Strategy Search.
Fulda, Joseph S.
Can One Really Reason about Laws?
[Newspaper/Magazine Article]
Taatgen, Niels
Learning without limits: from problem solving towards a Unified Theory of Learning.
Moss, Scott
The Cost of Rational Agency.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Jelasity, Mark
The adaptationist stance and evolutionary computation.
[Conference Paper]
Aussem, A.
Dynamical recurrent neural networks towards prediction and modeling of dynamical systems.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Edmonds, Bruce
Gossip, Sexual Recombination and the El Farol Bar: modelling the emergence of heterogeneity.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Turney, Peter
Learning to Extract Keyphrases from Text.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Taatgen, Niels A.
A model of learning task-specific knowledge for a new task.
[Conference Paper]
Aussem, Alex and Rouxel, Sebastien and Marie, Raymond
Neural-based Queueing System Modelling for Service Quality Estimation in B-ISDN Networks.
[Conference Paper]
Edmonds, Bruce
The Pragmatic Roots of Context.
[Conference Paper]
Jarvilehto, Timo
The theory of the organism-environment system: III. Role of efferent influences on receptors in the formation of knowledge.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Kuniyoshi, Yasuo and Berthouze, Luc
Neural Learning of Embodied Interaction Dynamics.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Berthouze, Luc and Kuniyoshi, Yasuo
Emergence and Categorization of Coordinated Visual Behavior Through Embodied Interaction.
[Journal (On-line/Unpaginated)]
Sloman, Aaron
The evolution of what?
Marshall, J.A. and Schmitt, C.P. and Kalarickal, G.J. and Alley, R.K.
Neural model of transfer-of-binding in visual relative motion perception.
Sloman, A.
Damasio, Descartes, Alarms and Meta-management.
[Conference Paper]
Vogt, Paul
The evolution of a lexicon and meaning in robotic agents through self-organization.
Romaniuk, Steve G.
Evolutionary Agent Societies.
[Conference Paper]
(In Press)
Jelasity, Mark and Dombi, Jozsef
GAS, a Concept on Modeling Species in Genetic Algorithms.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Edmonds, Bruce
Gossip, Sexual Recombination and the El Farol Bar: modelling the emergence of heterogeneity.
[Conference Paper]
Lebiere, Christian and Wallach, Dieter and Taatgen, Niels
Implicit and explicit learning in ACT-R.
[Conference Paper]
Balakrishnan, Karthik and Honavar, Vasant
Intelligent Diagnosis Systems.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Del Giudice, P. and Fusi, S. and Badoni, D. and Dante, V. and Amit, Daniel J.
Learning attractors in an asynchronous, stochastic electronic neural network.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Edmonds, Bruce
Modelling Bounded Rationality In Agent-Based Simulations using the Evolution of Mental Models.
[Book Chapter]
(In Press)
Bednar, James A. and Miikkulainen, Risto
Pattern-Generator-Driven Development in Self-Organizing Models.
[Conference Paper]
Kitts, B.
Representation operators and computation.
Sloman, Aaron
The ``Semantics'' of Evolution: Trajectories and Trade-offs in Design Space and Niche Space.
[Conference Paper]
(In Press)
Sloman, A.
The ``Semantics'' of Evolution: Trajectories and Trade-offs in Design Space and Niche Space.
[Conference Paper]
(In Press)
Christophe, Lecerf
Une leçon de piano, ou la double boucle de l'apprentissage cognitif.
[Book Chapter]
Kalarickal, G.J. and Marshall, J.A.
Modeling dynamic receptive field changes produced by intracortical microstimulation.
Lorincz, Andras
Towards a unified model of cortical computation II: From control architecture to a model of consciousness.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Aussem, Alex and Murtagh, Fionn
Combining Neural Network Forecasts on Wavelet-Transformed Time Series.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Fertig, Niels and Scheler, Gabriele
Constructing semantic representations using the MDL principle.
[Conference Paper]
Baroglio, Cristina
Exploiting qualitative knowledge to enhance skill acquisition.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter
Extraction of Keyphrases from Text: Evaluation of Four Algorithms.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Vogt, Paul
Perceptual grounding in robots.
[Conference Paper]
Taatgen, Niels A.
A Rational Analysis of Alternating Search and Reflection Strategies in Problem Solving.
[Conference Paper]
Edmonds, Bruce
A Simple-Minded Network Model with Context-like Objects.
[Conference Paper]
Humphrys, Mark
Action Selection in a hypothetical house robot: Using those RL numbers.
[Conference Paper]
Humphrys, Mark
Action Selection methods using Reinforcement Learning.
[Conference Paper]
Dennett, Daniel C
Did HAL Commit Murder?
Wexler, Mark
Embodied induction: Learning external representations.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter D.
How to shift bias: Lessons from the Baldwin effect.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Turney, Peter
The identification of context-sensitive features: A formal definition of context for concept learning.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter
The management of context-sensitive features: A review of strategies.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter
Myths and Legends of the Baldwin Effect.
[Conference Paper]
Osborne, G
The Cognitive Mechanisms Guiding Psychological Development.
Marshall, J.A.
Adaptive perceptual pattern recognition by self-organizing neural networks: Context, uncertainty, multiplicity, and scale.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Humphrys, Mark
W-learning: Competition among selfish Q-learners.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Turney, Peter
Cost-Sensitive Classification: Empirical Evaluation of a Hybrid Genetic Decision Tree Induction Algorithm.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Turney, Peter
Data Engineering for the Analysis of Semiconductor Manufacturing Data.
[Conference Paper]
Wiskott, Laurenz and Fellous, Jean-Marc and Krüger, Norbert and von der Malsburg, Christoph
Face Recognition and Gender Determination.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter
Low Size-Complexity Inductive Logic Programming:
The East-West Challenge Considered as a Problem in
Cost-Sensitive Classification.
[Conference Paper]
Gabora, L.
Meme and Variations: A Computational Model of Cultural Evolution.
[Book Chapter]
Turney, Peter D.
Technical note: Bias and the quantification of stability.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Humphrys, Mark
Towards self-organising Action Selection.
[Departmental Technical Report]
Humphrys, Mark
W-learning: A simple RL-based Society of Mind.
Moss, Scott and Edmonds, Bruce
Modelling Learning as Modelling.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Markovitch, J. S.
The Evolution of Spacing Effects in Autonomous Agents.
Scheler, Gabriele
Feature Selection with Exception Handling - An Example from Phonology.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter D.
Theoretical analyses of cross-validation error and voting in instance-based learning.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Turney, Peter D.
A theory of cross-validation error.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Turney, Peter and Halasz, Michael
Contextual normalization applied to aircraft gas turbine engine diagnosis.
[Journal (Paginated)]
Turney, Peter
Exploiting context when learning to classify.
[Conference Paper]
Turney, Peter
Robust classification with context-sensitive features.
[Conference Paper]
Marshall, J. A. and Alley, R. K.
A self-organizing neural network that learns to detect and represent visual depth from occlusion events.
[Conference Paper]
Martin, K.E. and Marshall, J.A.
Unsmearing visual motion: Development of long-range horizontal intrinsic connections.
[Book Chapter]
Clancey, William J.
Review of Rosenfield's "The Invention of Memory".
[Journal (Paginated)]
Clancey, William J.
Why todays computers dont learn the way people do.
[Conference Paper]
Dennett, Daniel C
Review of The Emperor's New Mind Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics.
[Newspaper/Magazine Article]
Dennett, Daniel C
Mother Nature versus the Walking Encyclopedia.
[Book Chapter]
Turing, A. M.
Computing Machinery and Intelligence.
[Journal (Paginated)]
This list was generated on Tue Jan 16 23:50:09 2018 GMT.