
Modal Similarity

Vigo , Dr. Ronaldo (2009) Modal Similarity. [Journal (Paginated)]

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Just as Boolean rules define Boolean categories, the Boolean operators define higher-order Boolean categories referred to as modal categories. We examine the similarity order between these categories and the standard category of logical identity (i.e. the modal category defined by the biconditional or equivalence operator). Our goal is 4-fold: first, to introduce a similarity measure for determining this similarity order; second, to show that such a measure is a good predictor of the similarity assessment behaviour observed in our experiment involving key modal categories; third, to argue that as far as the modal categories are concerned, configural similarity assessment may be componential or analytical in nature; and lastly, to draw attention to the intimate interplay that may exist between deductive judgments, similarity assessment and categorisation.

Item Type:Journal (Paginated)
Keywords:similarity; modality; higher-order similarity; Boolean relational categories; Boolean metacategories; Boolean operators; modal categories
Subjects:Psychology > Applied Cognitive Psychology
Psychology > Cognitive Psychology
Psychology > Comparative Psychology
Computer Science > Artificial Intelligence
Computer Science > Machine Learning
Computer Science > Robotics
Philosophy > Philosophy of Mind
ID Code:7957
Deposited By: Zeigler , Derek
Deposited On:09 Nov 2012 17:46
Last Modified:09 Nov 2012 17:46

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