
Motor Learning Mechanism on the Neuron Scale

Liu, Mr. Peilei and Wang, Prof. Ting (2014) Motor Learning Mechanism on the Neuron Scale. [Preprint]

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Based on existing data, we wish to put forward a biological model of motor system on the neuron scale. Then we indicate its implications in statistics and learning. Specifically, neuron’s firing frequency and synaptic strength are probability estimates in essence. And the lateral inhibition also has statistical implications. From the standpoint of learning, dendritic competition through retrograde messengers is the foundation of conditional reflex and “grandmother cell” coding. And they are the kernel mechanisms of motor learning and sensory-motor integration respectively. Finally, we compare motor system with sensory system. In short, we would like to bridge the gap between molecule evidences and computational models.

Item Type:Preprint
Keywords:Motor learning, neural mechanism, cerebellum, sensory-motor integration
Subjects:Neuroscience > Behavioral Neuroscience
Biology > Animal Behavior
Neuroscience > Biophysics
Biology > Cognitive Archeology
Neuroscience > Computational Neuroscience
Computer Science > Artificial Intelligence
Computer Science > Dynamical Systems
Computer Science > Machine Learning
Neuroscience > Neural Modelling
ID Code:9760
Deposited By: Liu, Mr. Peilei
Deposited On:24 Aug 2014 21:07
Last Modified:20 Apr 2015 11:40

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