Guru Session
Ask about High Performance Computing
Learning about the power of High Performance Computing and how it differs from standard computing. This session will give people interested and relatively new to HPC (High Performance Computing) an opportunity to get some of their questions answered about what HPC is, how it is different to standard and popular computing, what can be done with HPC facilities, where they are typically used, how do you get started etc.
Ask Mobile Oxford and My MobileBristol Team anything about the Mobile Web
Ask Mobile experts anything you want about mobile web development.
- Tim Fernando: Project Manager at University of Oxford.
- Mike Jones: Senior Technical Researcher at University of Bristol.
- Alexander Dutton: Information Wrangler at Computing Services, University of Oxford, Semantic Web Citation Data Manager at Department of Zoology, University of Oxford.
- Christopher Northwood: Web Developer at Oxford University Computing Services.
- Chris Stephens: Oxford University Computing Services.
Ask Linked Data in an Institutional Context
Ask the linked data crowd about anything you want about the semantic web.
Ask about Preservation Tools
Ask the experts anything you want about preservation tools.
How do you measure the impact that developers make within an institution
Why do developers find documentation painful and what can be done to
improve matters?
Is there a topic you really want to ask experts about? Let us know as soon as possible and we'll try and pull together experts on topics that you'd like to discuss. Please send us your questions to or speak to the events organisers.
Outsourcing vs Local Development
Debate about the advantages disadvantages of outsourcing against local development.
Front End Issues: The art of the possible
Ask 'Big John' Gallant ( what can be done about all those annoying problems that always seem to crop up on every front end development job. IE giving you nightmares? Just can't wrap your head around stacking contexts? Experiencing difficulties making your jQuery play nice
with your CSS? Let Big John have a go!
Show-and-tell: "Using Elda"
An implementation of the Linked Data API
allows a SPARQL endpoint to be fronted with REST-style URIs. I'll
give a brief summary of the LDA and then show how to get started
using the Epimorphics implementation.
Tips and Tricks saving time and effort
A 45min workshop collecting all the tips and tricks that have saved you time and effort in your work. To be shared with the sector.
Ask the Experts about how to go about Dealing with dirty data
Ask the experts about how to deal with dirty data. They wil talk about tools such as Google Refine,Grinder,Graphite,Wrangler.
Words and rules - scripting word magic.
It is a fact universally acknowledged that even though natural language processing is a pain in the neck, it's also a very useful way of making sense out of large amounts of data. We'll talk about a few basic tools for data processing tasks like formal and informal metadata extraction, search engine development and sentiment analysis.
- Emma Tonkin: Technical Innovation Coordinator at UKOLN.
Configuring Apache to use LDAP for authentication and access control. Anyone help?
Anyone have the expertise to help in this session?
Ask the Clouds
No! this is not session to try and talk to the heavens. Ask the assembled Cloud technology experts anything you want.
Why we need an open registry of academic developers.
Why we need an open academic developer register. How we should go about building one. Bring your ideas and opinions to this, see blog posting
CSS of the Third Kind: Getting IE to do Fancy Stuff
Join Big John to see what can be done about CSS 3 and IE. You know, roundings and dropshadows and gradients, all the cool CSS 3 stuff we've been lusting after. Plus more Q and A about front end issues in general. Ask Big John Gallant anything about CSS (via Skype from Phoenix, Arizona)
Preservation Tools
Introduction to Digital Preservation & Long term access
- Storage
- Long term access
- Rendering
- Formats and obsolescence
- Migration
- Emulation
- Plato Planning
- Testbed
- Planets Core Registry
OPF, a community of practitioners and developers for long terms access solutions and practices
1. Understanding the Stakeholder Perspective
Functional Requirements
Dutch National Archive, Maurice van den Dobbelsteen
2. Deployability of Applications
System Requirements
Open Planets Foundation, Bram van der Werf