JISC Developer Happiness Days DevCSI website

Lightning Session

Hardware Lighting Talks Wed AM

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 10:00-11:00
Location:3D - Project Zone
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Hardware Lightning Talks Wednesday morning - introduces Project Zone

Elsevier SciVerse

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 10:00-10:10
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Lighting talk on Elsevier SciVerse Challenge.


Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 10:10-10:20
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Lighting talk on Blackboard Challenge.

Programme Information Management System (PIMS)

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 10:20-10:30
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Lighting talk on Programme Information Management System (PIMS) Challenge. An API has recently been developed opening up JISCs data on the programmes and projects it runs. This talk will go over some of the basics of the API and set a challenge to delegates develop something usefully and creatively.

MyMobile Bristol

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 10:30-10:40
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

MyMobileBristol is an exciting collaboration between the University of Bristol and Bristol City Council that intends to facilitate communities of developers, data providers, policy makers and user groups to promote the development and deployment of innovative technologies.

  • Mike Jones: Senior Technical Researcher at University of Bristol.

Open Bibliographic Data

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 10:40-10:50
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Lighting talk on Open Bibliographic Data Challenge

Open Planets.Digital Preservation & Format Identification

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 10:50-11:00
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Lighting talk on Open Planets Challenge. Tools for digital preservation and the importance of Format identification and a community taking care of the integrity of the information for format identification

Molly Project

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 11:00-11:15
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Lighting talk on Molly Project. The Molly Project is an open source (AFLv3) mobile framework that allows institutions to quickly develop mobile web services which target a wide range of devices.

Microsoft Academic Search

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 11:10-11:30
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Microsoft Academic Search (http://academic.research.microsoft.com) and opportunities for developers

  • Alex Wade: Director, Scholarly Communication at Microsoft Research.

Nature Locator

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 11:30-11:45
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

During the summer of 2010, the Conker Tree Science project engaged with members of the public across the UK by appealing for geo and photographic evidence of the spread of the horse chestnut leaf-mining moth. The JISC funded "Nature Locator" project will help the researchers by creating mobile applications that provide geo-tagged photographs, and visualisation tools to facilitate crowd-sourced verification of the data submitted during 2011.

  • Mike Jones: Senior Technical Researcher at University of Bristol.

Introduction to Android development

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 11:45-12:00
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Android coding and how to make Apps.

All your bases belong to us: L10N & L18N @ Dev8D

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 12:00-12:15
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Developing internationally successful software goes beyond translating UI text and changing formats and timezones. This lightning talk will explore how software development as a process affects localization (l10n) and internationalization (i18n), and what kind of issues should be expected.

Get, use and share open data

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 12:15-12:30
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

A lightning introduction to using CKAN and datapkg to get, use and share data. There will be a panel session on linked and open data where delegates can ask further questions.

What developers who don't believe the hype actually need to know about RDF.

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 12:30-12:45
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

What developers who don't believe the hype actually need to know about RDF. There will be a panel session on linked data where delegates can ask further questions.

FREE (data.lincoln cancelled due to time constraints)

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 12:45-13:00
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

What makes Dexy so Sexy for creating beautiful code documentation?

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 14:00-14:15
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Maybe the reason programmers don't write enough documentation is that the tools are awful. Wikis and blogging tools are great when you are using them for the type of writing they are intended for, but for documentation where you need to mix programming languages with the natural kind, they really aren't suitable. As a result, documenting code is usually a frustrating process that doesn't have the fun of writing code nor the satisfaction of writing prose. With Dexy, the integration of code and prose happens seamlessly and painlessly, so you can hack example scripts together and then write explanations using your favourite tools for each task and without ever losing your sense of flow. Dexy's literate approach means that it's easy to maintain your documentation over time, and its powerful and customizable filter system gives you tremendous control over how you present your code. Dexy also makes it easy to re-use your examples, for productivity as well as consistency across multiple types of documentation. Dexy works beautifully with version control systems and your favourite command line tools, and is a great, unobtrusive addition to any documentation or computational research workflow. .

LUCERO: Linked data at the Open University

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 14:15-14:30
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

The Lucero project at the OU is producing open linked data. There will be a talk about the data, the process and the challenges from a Linked Data novice perspective. There will be a panel session on linked and open data where delegates can ask further questions.

Archives Hub Data and APIs

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 14:30-14:45
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

How to use the Archives Hub's APIs to locate unique research resources within archives held at nearly 200 UK institutions.There will be a panel session on linked data where delegates can ask further questions.


Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 14:45-15:00
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

The Locah project is making records from the Archives Hub service and Copac service available as Linked Data. The Archives Hub is an aggregation of archival metadata from repositories across the UK; Copac provides access to the merged library catalogues of libraries throughout the UK, including all national libraries. In each case the aim is to provide Linked Data according to the principles set out by Tim Berners-Lee, so that we make our data interconnected with other data and contribute to the growth of the Semantic Web. The talk will touch on data modelling, the selection of vocabularies and the design of URI patterns. It will look at the practical realities of how we are turning the Archives Hub EAD data and Copac MODS data into RDF XML, and then loading it into triple stores. The talk will conclude with a look at some of the main opportunities and barriers to the creation and use of Linked Data. There will be a panel session on linked data where delegates can ask further questions.

RDFa 1.1

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 15:00-15:15
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

RDFa -- data in (x)html . There will be a panel session on linked data where delegates can ask further questions.

Business Process Modelling and The Decision Model

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 15:15-15:30
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Why extracting business logic (rules) from BPM process models and modelling them as separate Decision Models significantly reduces the complexity of process models and improves business decisions.(Keywords BPMN 2.0, Activiti, KPI Decision Model, Drools)

The Dirty Hardware Hacker; Building on a little knowledge

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 15:30-15:45
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Thanks to devices like the Kinect, the interest in 'the dirty hack' within the community has steadily risen. This talk contributes to the idea that software/hardware can be far more creative when used out of purpose. There will be several hardware hacking projects in the project zone you can get involved with.

Hacking with the MS Kinect for fun, the theatre and profit...

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 15:45-16:00
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Does what it says on the tin. There will be several hardware hacking projects in the project zone you can get involved with.

If you can't code, how do you control a robot?

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 16:00-16:15
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

I was recently fascinated to find out that people who do cool stuff with robots use very simple languages and concepts to do really complex things. There will be several hardware hacking projects in the project zone you can get involved with.

Commercial products, sometimes more open than you'd think.

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 16:15-16:30
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Many schools in the UK use Blackboard's VLE software - just want to make sure everyone is informed of new (and significant) progress in regards to APIs, openness, and open standards.

Your Educational Tool Projects, Open Educational Standards, and Code Maintenance/Sustainability

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 16:30-16:45
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Over the past year, Blackboard has become much more open and compliant with educational standards. Hear updates on Blackboard’s commitments to these open standards and stories about how Blackboard has used their plugin framework to customize institutional teaching and learning experiences – including an anecdote of a Blackboard learning tool plugin developed 7 years ago that required no code updates in over 75 maintenance releases.

Sometimes I just want to count things

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 16:45-17:00
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Current APIs and protocols make it difficult to get simple statistics on database/repository size and growth, so how can it be made easier?

  • Peter Millington: SHERPA Technical Development Officer at Centre for Research Communications.

Google App Engine

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 17:00-17:15
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Google App Engine

  • Bill Ray: Developer (Android+java+ more) at freelancer.

Software Sustainability Institute

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 17:15-17:30
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

An overview of our new institute and its work, with an emphasis on publicity. And don't forget about AskSteve!

  • Simon Hettrick: Dissemination and outreach at The Software Sustainability Institute.

Crowdsourcing the intelligence of a university

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 17:30-17:45
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

A web 2 workflow for liberating open content at your university

  • Peter Robinson: Manager Learning Technology Services at Oxford University Computing Services.

Why we should all be using SVG

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 17:45-18:00
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Lightning talk to encourage people to get into using SVG for browser based user interfaces. The reason it is interesting is Internet Explorer 9 (later this year) will finally support SVG, and Firefox 4 has *much* better SVG support; Google Chrome is good, and Opera 11 is especially good already.

The Dirty Hardware Hacker; Building on a little knowledge

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 10:00-10:15
Location:3D - Project Zone
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Thanks to devices like the Kinect, the interest in 'the dirty hack' within the community has steadily risen. This talk contributes to the idea that software/hardware can be far more creative when used out of purpose. There will be several hardware hacking projects in the project zone you can get involved with.

Hacking with the MS Kinect for fun, the theatre and profit...

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 10:15-10:30
Location:3D - Project Zone
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Does what it says on the tin. There will be several hardware hacking projects in the project zone you can get involved with.

If you can't code, how do you control a robot?

Time:Wed 16th Feb 2011 10:30-10:45
Location:3D - Project Zone
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

I was recently fascinated to find out that people who do cool stuff with robots use very simple languages and concepts to do really complex things. There will be several hardware hacking projects in the project zone you can get involved with.

Enabling Integrated Learning Environments

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 10:00-10:15
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Enabling integrated learning environments at the University of Kent using the IMS LTI specification.

  • Steve Coppin: Learning and Research Development Manager at University of Kent.

JavaEE on Rails

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 10:15-10:30
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Putting a Rails frontend on an existing JavaEE application. Would be best as a quick coding demo. Show an existing app working, then put a quick interface on it with Ruby. I have only just started developing with this concept so it might come to nothing!

Architecture of Easy, the Electronic Archiving System of DANS

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 10:30-10:45
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Building a common layer on top of Fedora that enables rapid development of diverse ui's and web services that need a repository.

The performativity of production: formulating the figure

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 10:45-11:00
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

The creative potential of networked whiteboard software and it applications

Social Graph and Attribution

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 11:00-11:15
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Linking Creative Commons licences to your social graph for open attribution

Quick Production with Grails for LSE Library

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 11:15-11:30
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Quick Production with Grails for LSE Library

  • Jianfeng Tian: Analyst Programmer at London School of Economics.

Syndication. Why don't people get it?

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 11:30-11:45
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

XML is like sex, you hear a lot about it, but it doesn't really make much sense until you try it...

Improving software development efficacy by leveraging social idiosyncrasies

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 11:45-12:00
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

If the HEI / research sector is not a commercial sector, and it suffers the disadvantages of being a public sector, are there not also benefits to being in such a sector - for instance, a public sector seems like the ideal place for a developer community, and open source, knowledge and data should be highly suitable in a less commercial environment


Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 14:00-15:00
Location:The Venue (Floor One, Room 101) - Used for Lunches on Wed and Thu and Drinks Reception
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

A demonstration of how a computer can remotely control an Ardrone - yes a flying machine

CloudEngine - Cloudworks has gone open-source...

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 12:45-13:00
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

CloudEngine is a new free/open-source project written in PHP, with which you can create your social website.

  • Nick Freear: Web/ Application Developer at The Open University.

iPaMS: Integrated Programme and Module System

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 14:00-14:15
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Developing an integrated programme and module system in Zend Framework.

Reference management using Mendeley

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 14:15-14:30
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

How to manage your bibliography and cite in Word, OpenOffice, or LaTeX with Mendeley.

Genetic Algorithms

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 14:30-14:45
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

This session is a report back from a workshop I ran last year at Dev8D. The core activity was focused on creating "creatures" which can solve an arbitrary (randomly generated) maze with varying degrees of success. The code for the experiment was provided, written in Python, and participants were encouraged to think about how to make best use of this code to achieve the following goals: * Produce creatures which are capable of navigating the maze from start to finish (survival) * Produce creatures which are capable of finishing the maze faster than other creatures (specialisation) * Produce creatures which can solve a broad variety of different mazes (generalisation)


Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 14:45-15:00
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

A quick intro to GetTheData.org, a new Q and A site for all your data related questions and answers: if you can't get the data you need, or can't get your head round it once you've found it, try GetTheData...

Pipe2py: compiling Yahoo pipes to Python

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 15:00-15:15
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

By using Yahoo Pipes as a rapid prototyping tool for feed orientated processing the workshop will show this work can be complied in to python using Pipe2py, see https://github.com/ggaughan/pipe2py

Visualising Gephi

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 15:15-15:30
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

An overview of Gephi, http://gephi.org/

Android App development.

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 15:30-15:45
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

A tour of Android application development with professional tips.

  • Bill Ray: Developer (Android+java+ more) at freelancer.

Open Educational Hack Day - 31 March and 1 April 2011

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 15:45-16:00
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

We are inviting developers and 'users' to work together in a unique event where teams of people will work with OER resources, systems and services. Events like these are sometimes called 'Hack Days'. We will be encouraging developers to talk about the systems and resources they have created and how they can be discovered, disaggregated, presented, remixed and tracked. We hope these teams will come up with some imaginative and innovative ideas. The event will culminate in a series of presentations from the teams about the work they have carried out.


Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 16:00-16:15
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

SPARQL 1.1 -- storing and querying webby data TNG. There will be a panel session on linked data where delegates can ask further questions.

Elda Quickstart

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 16:15-16:30
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Getting started with an implementation of the Linked Data API.

Large Scale Image Processing

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 16:30-16:45
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Fun and games with hadoop

Developing our Future Technology Entrepreneurs - Helping School Children Make their Ideas Work

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 16:45-17:00
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

I have been working as a "STEM Ambassador, as a volunteer in schools for several years, developing small, low-cost projects for after schools technology clubs. I've been using Arduino as a technology, and robotics and electronics gizmo's as a focus. One of my students won one of the UK Junior Micromouse (robot) championships summer 2010, and again in November. He observed that "I never thought I could buy bits of electronics for a couple of pounds, put them together, write programs to control what I make, and create things that work, from my own ideas". I am looking for a few volunteers to help develop projects, and test them out in a range of schools, or with their own children.

Developing for IPv6

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 17:00-17:15
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Developing for IPv6

Why OA-RJ?

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 17:15-17:30
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Open Access Repository Junction: Discovery & Delivery for the Repository

Introduction to Landmap

Time:Thu 17th Feb 2011 17:30-17:45
Location:Lightning Talks
Session type:Lightning Session - #dev8d #light

Landmap is funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) and is a Mimas hosted service. Providing high quality spatial datasets is the main aim of the service enhanced with a diverse range of learning materials to support their use.

  • Bharti Gupta: Applications Developer at Mimas, The University of Manchester.