Projects, Hacks and Ideas
Controlling an Ardrone
Flying an adrone around an assault course
Make a flip-flop circuit (for programmers who know nothing at all about electronics)
A flip-flop is a circuit which stays in a certain state until it receives a signal to change to the other state which it then stays until it gets a signal to change back. It stays in the state even after the signal has stopped. This is one of the fundamental building blocks of computers. This workshop will cover how to make and view the state of a NOR gate using a transistor and how to combine two NOR gates to make a basic flip flop. It should take about an hour for a logically minded person who's never done anything like this before. (If we get lots of signups people can work in groups of two)
RFID Hacking 1
RFID hacking ideas for projects
Kinect Hacking 1
Learning how to play with Kinect
Advanced Arduino Hacking Project - Blink Light Extravaganza
Arduino Hacking Project - Blink Light Extravaganza. We'll use 8x8 LED displays to build a 'Time Square' message board, and attempt to use simple Infrared IR Communications to link Arduino's into an 'emergent' intelligent network. Plus several other blinky-light projects.
Advanced Arduino Hacking Project - blinky light extravaganza.
Arduino Hacking Project, blinky light extravaganza.
Linked Data API Hack Session