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Tasking Event-B: An Extension to Event-B for Generating Concurrent Code

Edmunds, A. and Butler, M. (2011) Tasking Event-B: An Extension to Event-B for Generating Concurrent Code. In: PLACES 2011, 2nd April 2011, Saarbrucken, Germany.


Accepted Version



The Event-B method is a formal approach for modelling systems in safety-, and business-critical, domains. Initially, system specification takes place at a high level of abstraction; detail is added in refinement steps as the development proceeds toward implementation. Our aim has been to develop a novel approach for generating code, for concurrent programs, from Event-B. We formulated the approach so that it integrates well with the existing Event-B methodology and tools. In this paper we introduce a tasking extension for Event-B, with Tasking and Shared Machines. We make use of refinement, decomposition, and the extension, to structure projects for code generation for multitasking implementations. During the modelling phase decomposition is performed; decomposition reduces modelling complexity and makes proof more tractable. The decomposed models are then extended with sufficient information to enable generation of code. A task body describes a task’s behaviour, mainly using imperative, programming-like constructs. Task priority and life-cycle (periodic, triggered, etc.) are also specified, but timing aspects are not modelled formally. We provide tool support in order to validate the practical aspects of the approach.

Item Type:Conference or Workshop Item
Andrew Edmunds
Michael Butler
Keywords:Event-B, Code Generation, Tooling, Concurrency
Research Group:Dependable Systems and Software Engineering Research Group
Date:09 February 2011
Information about this record:
ID Code:22006
Last Modified:11 Apr 2011 10:20
Deposited On:10 Feb 2011 16:18 by Edmunds, Andrew

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