TC09-Simple search with results

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Test Description:
User performs a repository search using the simple search form
  • User has been logged-in in eCHASE
  • The repository is populated with an appropriate set of contents
  1. The user access the simple search form
  2. He fills the form with a search key (London in our test), selects the kind of content that must be searched (video or images) and select the "search" command
  3. User browses result pages using the available navigation commands (Next, Previous, First, Last)
Expected Results:
2 The system returns a list of contents matching the search criteria.
2.1 For each content a thumbnail and some metadata (e.g. title) are displayed
2.2 By selecting a single content is possible to access its details page
2.3 The total number of matching content is displayed to the user
2.4 If the number of result is too high (more than X contents), contents are paged. Users can access result pages using navigation commands.

3 Results pages are displayed accordingly to the selected navigation options



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