Test Description: User performs a repository search using the simple search form
- User has been logged-in in eCHASE
- The repository is populated with an appropriate set of contents
- The user access the simple search form
- He fills the form with a search key (London in our test), selects the kind of content that must be searched (video or images) and select the "search" command
- User browses result pages using the available navigation commands (Next, Previous, First, Last)
Expected Results:
- 2 The system returns a list of contents matching the search criteria.
- 2.1 For each content a thumbnail and some metadata (e.g. title) are displayed
- 2.2 By selecting a single content is possible to access its details page
- 2.3 The total number of matching content is displayed to the user
- 2.4 If the number of result is too high (more than X contents), contents are paged. Users can access result pages using navigation commands.
3 Results pages are displayed accordingly to the selected navigation options
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