TC10-Search filtering

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Test Description:
User perform a search using the filters functionalities offered by eChase
  • User has been logged-in in eCHASE
  • The repository is populated with an appropriate set of contents
  1. User access the simple search form
  2. He fills the form with a search key (e.g. London), selects the kind of content that must be searched (video or images)
  3. Then selects the commands that allows to add a filter to the search criteria
  4. The user adds one or more filters and then click the search command
  5. The user adds additional filters or removes existing ones
Expected Results:
3. A "set filter" control appears, this kind of control is composed by mainly three items:
3.1 Type of filter (da specificare meglio quando sapremo come funzionera’ la parte dei filtri)
3.2 Type of match, it say if this filter has to match or not match the criteria
3.3 The key element to filter on, depending of the type of filter selected it can be composed by a keyword, a color or another kind of key
4. The system returns a list of contents matching the search criteria
5. The system returns an updated list of results allowing user to narrow or wide his search


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