AKT EPrint Archive

Conceptual Linking: Ontology-based Open Hypermedia

(2001) Conceptual Linking: Ontology-based Open Hypermedia. Tenth World Wide Web Conference, Hong Kong.

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This paper describes the attempts of the COHSE project to define and deploy a Conceptual Open Hypermedia Service. Consisting of -an ontological reasoning service which is used to represent a sophisticated conceptual model of document terms and their relationships; -a Web-based open hypermedia link service that can offer a range of different link-providing facilities in a scalable and non-intrusive fashion; and integrated to form a conceptual hypermedia system to enable documents to be linked via metadata describing their contents and hence to improve the consistency and breadth of linking of WWW documents at retrieval time (as readers browse the documents) and authoring time (as authors create the documents).

Keywords:ontology,hypertext,conceptual linking
Subjects:AKT Challenges > Knowledge acquisition
AKT Challenges > Knowledge publishing
ID Code:100
Deposited By:Kampa, Simon
Deposited On:14 February 2003
Alternative Locations:http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~lac/WWW10/ConceptualLinking.html

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