Subject: Knowledge acquisition
Berners-Lee, Prof Tim and Hall, Prof Wendy and Hendler, Prof James A. and O'Hara, Dr Kieron and Shadbolt, Prof Nigel and Weitzner, Prof Daniel J. (2006) A Framework for Web Science. Foundations and Trends in Web Science 1(1):pp. 1-130.
Rajpathak, Dr Dnyanesh and Motta, Prof Enrico and Zdrahal, Dr Zdenek and Roy, Dr Rajkumar (2003) A Generic Library of Problem Solving Methods for Scheduling Applications. In Proceedings Second International Conference on Knowledge Capture, pages pp. 113-120, Florida, USA.
Rajpathak, Dr Dnyanesh and Motta, Prof Enrico and Zdrahal, Dr Zdenek and Roy, Prof Rajkumar (2006) A Generic Library of Problem Solving Methods for Scheduling Applications. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 18(6).
Guo, Mr Li and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Huh (jessica) and Robertson, Dr. Dave (2005) A Generic Multi-agent System Platform For Business Workflows Using Web Services Composition. In Proceedings The 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology(0-7695-2416-8), pages pp. 301-308, Compiegne University, France.
White, Dr Simon and Sleeman, Prof Derek (2001) A Grammar-Driven Knowledge Acquisition Tool that incorporates Constraint Propagation. In Proceedings KCAP-01, pages pp. 187-193, Victoria, Canada.
Dimitrov, Mr Marin and Bontcheva, Dr Kalina and Cunningham, Dr Hamish and Maynard, Dr Diana (2002) A Light-weight Approach to Coreference Resolution for Named Entities in Text. Proceedings of the Fourth Discourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium (DAARC), Lisbon, Portugal.
Dimitrov, Mr Marin and Bontcheva, Dr Kalina and Cunningham, Dr Hamish and Maynard, Dr Diana (2004) A Light-weight Approach to Coreference Resolution for Named Entities in Text, in Branco, Antonio and McEnery, Tony and Mitkov, Ruslan, Eds. Anaphora Processing: Linguistic, Cognitive and Computational Modelling.
Ajit, Suraj and Sleeman, Derek and Fowler, David and Knott, Dave and Hui, Kit (2005) Acquisition and Maintenance of Constraints in Engineering Design. In Proceedings Third International Conference on Knowledge Capture, Proceedings of KCAP 2005, pages pp. 173-174, Banff, Canada.
Maynard, Dr Diana and Tablan, Mr Valentin and Bontcheva, Dr. Kalina and Dimitrov, Mr Marin (2002) Adapting A Robust Multi-Genre Named Entity System for Automatic Content Extraction. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications (AIMSA 2002),, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
Ciravegna, Dr. Fabio (2001) Adaptive Information Extraction from Text by Rule Induction and Generalisation. In Proceedings 17th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2001), Seattle.
Brewster, Christopher and Glaser, Hugh and Haughton, Barny (2005) AKTive Food: Semantic Web based knowledge conduits for the Organic Food Industry. In Proceedings ISWC Workshop, Semantic Web Case Studies and Best Practices for eBusiness, SWCASE05, Galway, Ireland.
McKenzie, Mr Craig and Preece, Dr Alun and Gray, Prof Peter (2005) AKTive Workgroup Builder (AWB): Constraint Satisfaction Problem Solving over the Semantic Web. In Proceedings Poster and Demo Session, European Semantic Web Conference, Heraklion, Crete.
Chakravarthy, Mr Ajay and Ciravegna, Prof Fabio and Lanfranchi, Ms Vitakeska (2006) AKTiveMedia: Cross-media Document Annotation and Enrichment. In Proceedings Fifteenth International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2006).
Lei, Dr. Yuangui and Sabou, Dr. Marta and Lopez, Miss Vanessa and Zhu, Dr. Jianhan and Uren, Dr. Victoria and Motta, Prof. Enrico (2006) An Infrastructure for Acquiring High Quality Semantic Metadata. In Proceedings 3rd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2006).
Lei, Dr. Yuangui and Lopez, Miss Vanessa and Motta, Prof. Enrico (2006) An Infrastructure for Building Semantic Web Portals. In Proceedings International Workshop on Web Information Systems Modeling (WISM 2006).
Rajpathak, Dr Dnyanesh and Motta, Prof Enrico (2004) An Ontological Formalization of the Planning Task
. In Varzi, Dr Achille and Vieu, Dr Laure, Eds. Proceedings International Conference on Formal Ontologies in Information Systems (FOIS'04), pages pp. 305-316, Torino, Italy.
Nadarajan, Ms Gayathri and Chen-Burger, Dr Yun-Heh (2006) An Ontology-Based Conceptual Mapping Framework for Translating FBPML to the Web Services Ontology. In Proceedings Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2006), Singapore.
Sleeman, D and Luo, Z and Christie, G and Coghill, G (2004) Analysing Time Series Medical Data-sets
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Tennison, Dr Jeni and O'Hara, Dr Kieron and Shadbolt, Prof Nigel (2002) APECKS: Using and Evaluating a Tool for Ontology Construction with Internal and External KA Support. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.
Chapman, Mr. Sam and Norton, Mr. Barry and Ciravegna, Prof. Fabio (2005) Armadillo: Integrating Knowledge for the Semantic Web. Machine Learning for the Semantic Web Dagstuhl Seminar 05071, Dagstuhl, DE.
Kim, Miss Sanghee and Alani, Dr Harith and Hall, Prof Wendy and Lewis, Dr Paul and Millard, Dr David and Shadbolt, Prof Nigel and Weal, Dr Mark (2002) Artequakt: Generating Tailored Biographies with Automatically Annotated Fragments from the Web. In Proceedings Semantic Authoring, Annotation and Knowledge Markup Workshop in the 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lyon, France.
Sleeman, D and Chalmers, S (2006) Assisting domain experts to formulate & solve constraint satisfaction problems. In Staab, S and Svatek, V, Eds. Proceedings Managing Knowledge in a World of Networks: 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2006), pages pp. 19-26, Podebrady, Czech Republic.
Alani, Harith and Kim, Sanghee and Millard, David and Weal, Mark and Hall, Wendy and Lewis, Paul and Shadbolt, Nigel (2003) Automatic Extraction and Generation of Knowledge from Web Documents. Human Language Technology for the Semantic Web and Web Services, ISWC'03, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA.
Vargas-Vera, Dr Maria and Moreale, Miss Emanuela (2005) Automatic Extraction of Knowledge from Student Essays. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, Volume 1(Issue 4):pp. 318-331.
Maynard, Dr Diana and Bontcheva, Dr Kalina and Cunningham, Dr Hamish (2004) Automatic Language-Independent Induction of Gazetteer Lists. In Proceedings Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'2004), Lisbon, Portugal.
Alani, Harith and Kim, Sanghee and Millard, David and Weal, Mark and Hall, Wendy and Lewis, Paul and Shadbolt, Nigel (2003) Automatic Ontology-Based Knowledge Extraction from Web Documents. IEEE Intelligent Systems 18(1):pp. 14-21.
Clancey, W.J. and Sierhuis, M. and Alena, R. and Berrios, D. and Dowding, J. and Graham, J.S. and Tyree, K.S and Hirsh, R.L. and Garry, W.B. and Semple, A. and Buckingham Shum, S.J. and Shadbolt, N. and Rupert, S.M. (2005) Automating CapCom Using Mobile Agents and Robotic Assistants. In Proceedings Proceedings American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1st Space Exploration Conference, 31 Jan - 1 Feb, 2005. [Available from: AIAA Meeting Papers on Disc [CD-ROM]: Reston, VA, and as AKT-IRC ePrint 375:], Orlando, FL.
Brewster, Mr. Christopher and Ciravegna, Prof. Fabio and Wilks, prof. Yrick (2003) Background and Foreground Knowledge in Dynamic
Ontology Construction: Viewing Text as Knowledge
Maintenance. In Proceedings Proceedings of the Semantic Web Workshop, SIGIR, Toronto, Canada.
Zhu, Dr. Jianhan and Eisenstadt, Prof. Marc and Gonçalves, Mr. Alexandre and Denham, Mr. Chris (2005) BuddyFinder-CORDER: Leveraging Social Networks for Matchmaking by Opportunistic Discovery. In Proceedings International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2005) Workshop on Semantic Network Analysis, Galway, Ireland.
Zhu, Dr. Jianhan and Eisenstadt, Prof. Marc and Gonçalves, Mr. Alexandre and Denham, Mr. Chris (2005) BuddyFinder-CORDER: Leveraging Social Networks for Matchmaking by Opportunistic Discovery. In Stumme, Dr. Gerd and Hoser, Dr. Bettina and Schmitz, Dr. Christoph and Alani, Dr. Harith, Eds. Proceedings International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2005) Workshop on Semantic Network Analysis, Galway, Ireland.
Ajit, Suraj and Sleeman, Derek and Fowler, David and Knott, Dave and Hui, Kit (2006) Capture and Maintenance of Engineering Design Constraints. Proceedings of the 2nd AKT Doctoral Symposium 2006, Aberdeen, UK.
Ajit, Suraj and Sleeman, Derek and Fowler, David and Knott, Dave and Hui, Kit (2005) Capture and Maintenance of Engineering Design Constraints. In Proceedings The Twenty-fifth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, AI 2005, Cambridge, UK.
Gray, Prof P.M.D. and Kemp, Dr G.J.L. (2006) Capturing Quantified Constraints in FOL, Through Interaction with a Relationship Graph. In Staab, Dr Stefan and Svátek, Dr V., Eds. Proceedings Managing Knowledge in a World of Networks: 15th International Conference (EKAW 2006) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (vol. 4248), pages pp. 19-26, Podebrady, CZ.
Bachler, Michelle and Buckingham Shum, Dr. Simon and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh and Dalton, Jeff and De Roure, Prof. David and Eisenstadt, Prof. Marc and Frey, Prof. Jeremy and Komzak, Jiri and Michaelides, Dr. Danius and Page, Dr. Kevin and Potter, Dr. Stephen and Shadbolt, Prof. Nigel and Tate, Prof. Austin (2004) Chain ReAKTing: Collaborative Advanced Knowledge Technologies in the Comb-e-Chem Grid. E-Science All Hands Meeting, Nottingham, UK.
Ciravegna, Dr. Fabio (2001) Challenges in Information Extraction from Text for Knowledge
Management. IEEE Intelligent Systems and Their Applications 16(6):84.
Sereno, B. and Buckingham Shum, S.J. and Motta, E. (2005) ClaimSpotter: An Environment to Support Sensemaking with Knowledge Triples. International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, San Diego.
Buckingham Shum, S and DeRoure, D and Eisenstadt, M and Shadbolt, N and Tate, A (2002) CoAKTinG: Collaborative Advanced Knowledge Technologies in the Grid. In Proceedings Proc. Second Workshop on Advanced Collaborative Environments, Eleventh IEEE Int. Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-11), Edinburgh.
Bachler, Michelle and Buckingham Shum, Simon and Chen-Burger, Yun-Heh and Dalton, Jeff and De Roure, David and Eisenstadt, Marc and Komzak, Jiri and Michaelides, Danius and Page, Kevin and Potter, Stephen and Shadbolt, Nigel and Tate, Austin (2004) Collaboration in the Semantic Grid: a Basis for e-Learning. In Mostow, Jack and Tedesco, Patrícia, Eds. Proceedings Grid Learning Services workshop (at the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems), pages pp. 1-12, Maceió, Brazil.
Page, Kevin R. and Michaelides, Danius T. and Buckingham Shum, Simon J. and Chen-Burger, Yun-Heh and Dalton, Jeff and De Roure, David C. and Eisenstadt, Marc and Potter, Stephen and Shadbolt, Nigel R. and Tate, Austin and Bachler, Michelle and Komzak, Jiri (2005) Collaboration in the Semantic Grid: a Basis for e-Learning. Applied Artificial Intelligence 19(9-10):pp. 881-904.
Bachler, Michelle and Buckingham Shum, Dr. Simon and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh (Jessica) and Dalton, Jeff and Eisenstadt, Prof. Marc and Komzak, Jiri and Michaelides, Dr. Danius and Page, Dr. Kevin and Potter, Dr. Stephen and De Roure, Prof. David and Shadbolt, Prof. Nigel and Tate, Prof. Austin (2004) Collaborative Tools in the Semantic Grid. In Proceedings GGF 11 Semantic Grid Applications workshop, Honolulu, Hawaii..
Chakravarthy, Mr Ajay and Lanfranchi, Ms Vitaveska and Ciravegna, Prof Fabio (2006) Community-based Annotation of Multimedia Documents. In Proceedings 3rd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2006), Bodva, Montenegro.
Selvin, A and Buckingham Shum, S and Sierhuis, M and Conklin, J and Zimmermann, B and Palus, C and Drath, W and Horth, D and Domingue, J and Motta, E and Li, G (2001) Compendium: Making Meetings into Knowledge Events. In Proceedings Knowledge Technologies 2001, Austin, TX.
Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh and Tate, Prof. Austin (2003) Concept Mapping Between Compendium and IX. Technical Report EDI-INF-RR-0166, Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK.
(2001) Conceptual Linking: Ontology-based Open Hypermedia. Tenth World Wide Web Conference, Hong Kong.
Guo, Mr. Li and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Huh (jessica) and Robertson, Dr. Dave (2005) Conducting The Agile Negotiation Processes Involved In The BPEL4WS Model On a Multi-agent Platform. In Proceedings Conference of China Association for Information Systems, CNAIS, November 2005..
Ajit, Suraj and Sleeman, Derek and Fowler, David W. and Knott, David (2004) ConEditor: Tool to Input and Maintain Constraints. In Proceedings 14th International Conference on Engineering Knowledge in the Age of the Semantic Web, EKAW 2004, October 5-8, pages pp. 466-468, Whittlebury Hall, Northampton, UK.
Chakravarthy, Mr Ajay and Ciravegna, Prof Fabio and Lanfranchi, Ms Vitakeska (2006) Cross-media document annotation and enrichment. In Proceedings 1st Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop (SAAW2006), Athens, Georgia , United States.
Glaser, Hugh (2004) CS AKTiveSpace: Building a Semantic Web Application.
Glaser, Hugh and Alani, Harith and Carr, Les and Chapman, Sam and Ciravegna, Fabio and Dingli, Alexiei and Gibbins, Nicholas and Harris, Stephen and schraefel, m.c. and Shadbolt, Nigel (2004) CS AKTiveSpace: Building a Semantic Web Application, in Bussler, Christoph and Davies, John and Fensel, Dieter and Studer, Rudi, Eds. The Semantic Web: Research and Applications (First European Web Symposium, ESWS 2004), pages pp. 417-432. Springer Verlag.
Lino, Ms. Natasha Queiroz and Tate, Prof. Austin and Siebra, Mr. Clauirton and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh (2003) Delivering Intelligent Planning Information to Mobile Devices Users in Collaborative Environments. In Proceedings 18th International Joint conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), AI Moves to IA: Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Information Access, and Mobile Computing, Acapulco, Mexico.
Dzbor, Dr Martin and Zdrahal, Dr Zdenek (2002) Design as interactions of problem framing and problem solving. In van Harmelen, Frank, Eds. Proceedings 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), pages pp. 210-214, Lyon, France.
Norton, Mr Barry and Chapman, Mr Sam and Ciravegna, Prof Fabio (2004) Developing a Service-Oriented Architecture to Harvest Information for the Semantic Web. In Proceedings First AKT Workshop on Semantic Web Services, (AKT-SWS04), KMi, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK..
Bontcheva, Dr Kalina and Cunningham, Dr Hamish and Tablan, Mr Valentin and Maynard, Dr Diana and Saggion, Dr Horacio (2002) Developing Reusable and Robust Language Processing Components for Information Systems using GATE. 3rd International Workshop on Natural Language and Information Systems (NLIS'2002).
Guo, Mr. Li and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Huh (jessica) and Robertson, Dr. Dave (2005) Enacting the Distributed Business Workflows Using BPEL4WS on the Multi-Agent Platform. In Proceedings Third German Conference on Multi-agent System Technologies LNAI 3550(0302-9743), pages pp. 35-47, Koblenz Germany.
Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh and Tate, Prof. Austin and Robertson, Dr. Dave (2002) Enterprise Modelling: A Declarative Approach for FBPML. In Proceedings European Conference of Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Management and Organisational Memories Workshop, Lyon, France.
Zhu, Dr. Jianhan and Uren, Dr. Victoria and Motta, Prof. Enrico (2005) ESpotter: Adaptive Named Entity Recognition for Web Browsing. Professional Knowledge Management Conference (WM2005), Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Zhu, Dr. Jianhan and Uren, Dr. Victoria and Motta, Prof. Enrico (2005) ESpotter: Adaptive Named Entity Recognition for Web Browsing. In Althoff, Klaus-Dieter and Dengel, Andreas and Bergmann, Ralph and Nick, Markus and Roth-Berghofer, Thomas, Eds. Proceedings Professional Knowledge Management Conference (WM2005), pages pp. 518-529, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
Vargas-Vera, Dr Maria and Celjuska, Mr David (2004) Event Recognition on News Stories and Semi-Automatic Population of an Ontology. In Proceedings International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2004)., Beijing, China..
Bontcheva, Dr Kalina and Tablan, Mr Valentin and Maynard, Dr Diana and Cunningham, Dr Hamish (2004) Evolving GATE to Meet New Challenges in Language Engineering. Natural Language Engineering.
Manov, Mr Dimitar and Kiryakov, Mr Atanas and Popov, Mr Borislav and Bontcheva, Dr Kalina and Maynard, Dr Diana and Cunningham, Dr Hamish (2003) Experiments with geographic knowledge for information
extraction. In Proceedings Workshop on Analysis of Geographic References, Edmonton, Canada.
Zhu, Dr. Jianhan and Eisenstadt, Prof. Marc and Song, Dr. Dawei and Denham, Mr. Chris (2006) Exploiting Semantic Association To Answer Vague Queries. The Fourth International Conference on Active Media Technology (AMT 2006), Brisbane, Australia.
Zhu, Dr. Jianhan and Eisenstadt, Prof. Marc and Song, Dr. Dawei and Denham, Mr. Chris (2006) Exploiting Semantic Association To Answer Vague Queries. In Proceedings The Fourth International Conference on Active Media Technology (AMT 2006), Brisbane, Australia.
Middleton, Mr Stuart and Alani, Dr Harith and Shadbolt, Prof Nigel and De Roure, Prof Dave (2002) Exploiting Synergy between Ontologies and Recommender Systems. In Proceedings Semantic Web Workshop 2002, Hawaii, USA.
Conklin, Dr Jeff and Selvin, Dr Albert and Buckingham Shum, Dr Simon and Sierhuis, Dr Maarten (2003) Facilitated Hypertext for Collective Sensemaking: 15 Years on from gIBIS. In Weigand, H. and Goldkuhl, G. and de Moor, A., Eds. Proceedings LAP2003: Proceedings LAP'03: 8th International Working Conference on the Language-Action Perspective on Communication Modelling, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
Kalfoglou, Dr Yannis and Dasmahaptra, Dr Srinandan and Chen-Burger, Dr Jessica (2004) FCA in Knowledge Technologies: Experiences and Opportunities. In Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis LNCS 2961, pages pp. 252-260, Sydney, Australia.
Jirapech-Umpai, Thanyaluk and Aitken, Stuart (2005) Feature selection and classification for microarray data analysis: Evolutionary methods for identifying predictive genes. BMC Bioinformatics 6:148 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-6-148 6.
Chapman, Mr Sam and Ciravegna, Prof Fabio (2006) Focused Data Mining for decision support in Emergency
Response Scenarios. In Proceedings ISWC 2006.
Sereno, Bertrand and Buckingham Shum, Simon and Motta, Enrico (2007) Formalization, User Strategy and Interaction Design: Users' Behaviour with Discourse Tagging Semantics. In Proceedings Workshop on Social and Collaborative Construction of Structured Knowledge, 16th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2007), Banff, AB, Canada.
Cunningham, Dr Hamish and Maynard, Dr Diana and Bontcheva, Dr Kalina and Tablan, Mr Valentin (2002) GATE: A Framework and Graphical Development Environment for Robust NLP Tools and Applications. Proceedings of the 40th Anniversary Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'02), Philadelphia, US.
Bontcheva, Dr Kalina and Maynard, Dr Diana and Tablan, Mr Valentin and Cunningham, Dr Hamish (2003) GATE: A Unicode-based Infrastructure Supporting Multilingual Information Extraction. In Proceedings WORKSHOP on Information Extraction for Slavonic and other Central and Eastern European Languages, Borovets, Bulgaria.
Millard, David and Alani, Harith and Kim, Sanghee and Weal, Mark and Lewis, Paul and Hall, Wendy and De Roure, David and Shadbolt, Nigel (2003) Generating Adaptive Hypertext Content from the
SemanticWeb. In Proceedings 1st International Workshop on Hypermedia and the Semantic Web, HyperText'03, Nottingham, UK.
Moreale, Miss E. and Vargas-Vera, Dr M. (2003) Genre Analysis and the Automated Extraction of Arguments from Student Essays. In Christie, Dr J., Eds. Proceedings The Seventh International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference (CAA-2003)., Loughborough University, UK..
Buckingham Shum, Dr S and Selvin, A and Sierhuis, Dr M and Conklin, Dr J and Haley, C and Nuseibeh, Prof B (2006) Hypermedia Support for Argumentation-Based Rationale: 15 Years on from gIBIS and QOC, in Dutoit, A and McCall, R and Mistrik, I and Paech, B, Eds. Rationale Management in Software Engineering, pages pp. 111-132. Springer-Verlag.
Kampa, Dr Simon and Miles-Board, Mr Timothy and Carr, Dr Leslie (2001) Hypertext in the Semantic Web. In Proceedings ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia 2001, pages pp. 237-238, Aarhus, Denmark.
Tate, Prof Austin (2001) I-X and <I-N-CA>: an Architecture and Related Ontology for Mixed-initiative Synthesis Tasks.
Wills, G and Fowler, D and Sleeman, D and Crowder, R and Kampa, S and Carr, L and Knott, D (2004) Issues in moving to a Semantic Web for a large Corporation. Issues in moving to a Semantic Web for a large Corporation. Proceedings of PAKM-2004, Vienna (2004). Publisher: Springer, p 378-388..
Brewster, Mr Christopher and Ciravegna, Dr. Fabio and Wilks, Prof. Yorick (2001) Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge Management: Position Paper. In Proceedings IJCAI 2001 Workshop on Ontology Learning, Seattle, USA.
Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh (2001) Knowledge Based Multi-Perspective Framework For Enterprise Modelling. Technical Report EDI-INF-RR-0036, AIAI, CISA, Informatics, The University of Edinburgh, UK.
Vargas-Vera, Dr Maria and Motta, Dr Enrico and Domingue, Dr John and Buckinham Shum, Dr Simon and Lanzoni, Mr Mattia (2001) Knowledge Extraction by using an Ontology Based Annotation Tool
. In Handschuh, Mr Siegfried and Dieng, Miss Rose and Staab, Dr Steffen, Eds. Proceedings Workshop on Knowledge Markup & Semantic Annotation, held in association with the First International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP 2001)., pages pp. 5-12, Victoria, Canada.
Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh and Kalfoglou, Dr. Yannis (2007) Knowledge Management Support for Enterprise Distributed Systems
, in Rittgen, Dr. Peter, Eds. Handbook of Ontologies for Business Interactions. Idea Group Inc..
Kuo, Ms. Hsiang-Ling and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh and Robertson, Dr. Dave (2003) Knowledge Management using Business Process Modeling and Workflow Techniques. In Proceedings 18th International Joint conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Workshop on Knowledge Management and Organizational Memories , Acapulco, Mexico, August 2003, Acapulco, Mexico.
Cunningham, Dr Hamish and Tablan, Mr Valentin and Bontcheva, Dr Kalina and Dimitrov, Mr Marin (2003) Language engineering tools for collaborative corpus annotation. In Proceedings Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2003, Lancaster, UK.
Leonard, Thomas and Glaser, Hugh (2001) Large scale acquisition and maintenance from the web without source access. In Proceedings K-CAP 2001.
Aitken, J.S. (2002) Learning Information Extraction Rules: An Inductive Logic Programming approach. In van Harmelen, Prof Frank, Eds. Proceedings 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages pp. 355-359, Lyon, France.
Ciravegna, Prof Fabio and Chapman, Sam and Dingli, Alexiei and Wilks, Prof Yorick (2004) Learning To Harvest Information for the Semantic Web. In Bussler, Christopher and Davies, John and Fensel, Dieter and Studer, Rudi, Eds. Proceedings First European Semantic Web Symposium, ESWS 2004, pages pp. 312-326, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Kampa, Dr Simon and Miles-Board, Mr Timothy and Carr, Dr Leslie and Hall, Prof Wendy (2001) Linking with Meaning: Ontological Hypertext for Scholars. Technical Report ECSTR-IAM01-005, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton.
Authors UNSPECIFIED (2006) LRD: Latent Relation Discovery for Vector Space Expansion and Information Retrieval. In Gonçalves, Mr. Alexandre and Zhu, Dr. Jianhan and Song, Dr. Dawei and Uren, Dr. Victoria and Pacheco, Prof. Roberto, Eds. Proceedings The Seventh International Conference on Web-Age Information Management (WAIM 2006), Hong Kong, China.
Gonçalves, Mr. Alexandre and Zhu, Dr. Jianhan and Song, Dr. Dawei and Uren, Dr. Victoria and Pacheco, Prof. Roberto (2006) LRD: Latent Relation Discovery for Vector Space Expansion and Information Retrieval. In Proceedings The Seventh International Conference on Web-Age Information Management (WAIM 2006), Hong Kong, China.
Gonçalves, Mr. Alexandre and Zhu, Dr. Jianhan and Song, Dr. Dawei and Uren, Dr. Victoria and Pacheco, Prof. Roberto (2006) LRD: Latent Relation Discovery for Vector Space Expansion and Information Retrieval. In Proceedings The Seventh International Conference on Web-Age Information Management (WAIM 2006), Hong Kong, China.
Dzbor, Dr Martin and Domingue, Dr John and Motta, Prof Enrico (2003) Magpie – towards a semantic web browser. In Proceedings 2nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2003), Sundial Resort, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA.
Alani, Dr Harith and Dasmahapatra, Dr Srinandan and Gibbins, Dr Nicholas and Glaser, Hugh and Harris, Steve and Kalfoglou, Dr Yannis and O'Hara, Dr Kieron and Shadbolt, Prof Nigel (2002) Managing Reference: Ensuring Referential Integrity of Ontologies for the Semantic Web. In Proceedings 13th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW'02), Sigüenza (Spain).
Guo, Mr. Li and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh and Robertson, Dr. Dave (2004) Mapping a Business Process Model to a Semantic Web Service Model. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Web Services, San Diego, California, USA ..
Nadarajan, Ms Gayathri and Chen-Burger, Dr Yun-Heh (2006) Mapping Fundamental Business Process Modelling Language to OWL-S. In Antoniou, G and Potamias, G and Plexousakis, D and Spyropoulos, C, Eds. Proceedings 4th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN'06), Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh (2003) Mapping Principles between IX and Compendium. Technical Report EDI-INF-RR-0167, Informatics, The University of Edinburgh, UK.
Ciravegna, Dr. Fabio and Dingli, Mr. Alexiei and Petrelli, Dr. Daniela (2002) Melita: Active Document Enrichment using Adaptive Information Extraction from Text. In Proceedings 1st International Semantic Web Conference, (ISWC2002), Sardinia, Italia.
Ciravegna, Prof. Fabio and Chapman, Mr. Sam (2005) Mining the Semantic Web: Requirements for Machine Learning. Machine Learning for the Semantic Web Dagstuhl Seminar 05071, Dagstuhl, DE.
Zhu, Dr. Jianhan and Gonçalves, Mr. Alexandre and Uren, Dr. Victoria and Motta, Prof. Enrico and Pacheco, Prof. Roberto (2005) Mining Web Data for Competency Management. The 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'05), Compiegne, France.
Zhu, Dr. Jianhan and Gonçalves, Mr. Alexandre and Uren, Dr. Victoria and Motta, Prof. Enrico and Pacheco, Prof. Roberto (2005) Mining Web Data for Competency Management. In Skowron, Andrzej and Agrawal, Rakesh and Luck, Michael and Yamaguchi, Takahira and Morizet-Mahoudeaux, Pierre and Liu, Jiming and Zhong, Ning, Eds. Proceedings The 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'05), pages pp. 94-100, Compiegne, France.
Ciravegna, Dr. Fabio and Dingli, Mr. Alexeie and Guthrie, Mr. David and Wilks, Prof. Yorick (2003) Mining Web Sites Using Unsupervised Adaptive Information Extraction. In Proceedings 10th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Budapest, Hungary.
Vargas-Vera, Dr Maria and Moreale, Miss Emanuela and Stutt, Dr Arthur and Motta, Dr Enrico and Ciravegna, Dr Fabio (2006) MNM: Semi-Automatic Ontology Population from Text, in Kishore, Dr Rajiv and Ramesh, Dr Ram and Sharman, Dr Raj, Eds. Ontologies in the Context of Information Systems, chapter 4. Springer Verlag.
Vargas-Vera, Dr Maria and Motta, Dr Enrico and Domingue, Dr John and Lanzoni, Mr Mattia and Stutt, Dr Arthur and Ciravegna, Dr Fabio (2002) MnM: Ontology Driven Semi-Automatic and Automatic Support for Semantic Markup. In Gomez-Perez, Dr asuncion, Eds. Proceedings The 13th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Management (EKAW 2002), pages pp. 379-391, Spain.
Vargas-Vera, Dr Maria and Motta, Dr Enrico and Domingue, Dr John and Lanzoni, Mr Mattia and Stutt, Dr Arthur and Ciravegna, Dr Fabio (2002) MnM: Ontology-Driven Tool for Semantic Markup. In Handschuh, Mr Siegfried and Collier, Mr Niegel and Dieng, Miss Rose and Staab, Dr Steffen, Eds. Proceedings Workshop on Semantic Authoring, Annotation & Knowledge Markup (SAAKM 2002),, pages pp. 43-47, Lyon France.
Kalfoglou, Yannis and Domingue, John and Carr, Leslie and Motta, Enrico and Vargas-Vera, Maria and Buckingham Shum, Simon (2001) On the integration of technologies for capturing and navigating knowledge with ontology-driven services. Technical Report 106, Knowledge Media Institute (KMi), The Open University.
Weal, Mark and Alani, Harith and Kim, Sanghee and Lewis, Paul and Millard, Dave and Sinclair, Patrick and De Roure, Dave and Shadbolt, Nigel (2007) Ontologies as Facilitators for Repurposing Web Documents. IJHCS.
Brewster, Mr. Christopher and Wilks, Prof. Yorick (2004) Ontologies, Taxonomies, Thesauri: Learning from Texts. In Proceedings The Use of Computational Linguistics in the Extraction of Keyword Information from Digital Library Content Workshop, Kings College, London, UK.
Celjuska, Mr David and Vargas-Vera, Dr Maria (2004) Ontosophie: A Semi-Automatic System for Ontology Population from Text.. In Proceedings International Conference on Natural Language Processing ICON 2004., Hyderabad, India..
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Tuffield, Mr Mischa M and Chakravarthy, Mr Ajay and Duplaw, Mr David P and Brewster, Mr Christopher and Hara, Mr Kieron O and Ciravegna, Prof Fabio and Shadbolt, Prof Nigel R and Wilks, Prof Yorick (2006) Photocopain - Annotating Memories For Life. In Proceedings Memories for life colloquium, London.
Maynard, Dr Diana and Tablan, Mr Valentin and Bontcheva, Dr Kalina and Cunningham, Dr Hamish (2004) Rapid customization of an Information Extraction system for surprise languages. Special issue of ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing.
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Iria, Mr. José and Ciravegna, Prof. Fabio (2005) Relation Extraction for Mining the Semantic Web. In Proceedings Machine Learning for the Semantic Web Dagstuhl Seminar 05071, Dagstuhl, DE.
Chakravarthy, Mr Ajay and Lanfranchi, Ms Vitaveska and Ciravegna, Prof Fabio (2006) Requirements for Multimedia Document Enrichmen. In Proceedings Fifteenth World Wide Web Conference (WWW2006), Edinburgh, Scotland.
Lam, SC Joey and Sleeman, Derek and Vasconcelos, Wamberto (2004) ReTAX+: A Cooperative Taxonomy Revision Tool. In Proceedings of AI-2004 Conference, Cambridge, UK, December 2004. Publisher: Springer, p 64-77.
Handschuh, Dr. Siegfried and Staab, Dr. Steffen and Ciravegna, Dr. Fabio (2002) S-CREAM Semi-automatic CREAtion of
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Uren, V and Cimiano, P and Iria, J and Handschuh, S and Vargas-Vera, M and Motta, E and Ciravegna, F (2006) Semantic Annotation for Knowledge Management: Requirements and a Survey of the State of the Art. Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web 4(1):pp. 14-28.
Bontcheva, Dr Kalina and Kiryakov, Mr Atanas and Cunningham, Dr Hamish and Popov, Mr Borislav and Dimitrov, Mr Marin (2003) Semantic Web Enabled, Open Source Language Technology. In Proceedings Language Technology and the Semantic Web, Workshop on NLP and XML (NLPXML-2003), Budapest, Hungary.
Nadarajan, Gayathri and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh and Malone, Dr. James (2006) Semantic-Based Workflow Composition for Video Processing in the Grid. The 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Hong Kong.
Celjuska, Mr David and Vargas-Vera, Dr Maria (2004) Semi-Automatic Population of Ontologies from Text. In Paralic, Dr Jan and Rauber, Dr Andreas, Eds. Proceedings Workshop on Data Analysis WDA-2004, Slovakia.
Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh (2002) Sharing and Checking Organisation Knowledge, in Dieng-Kuntz, Dr. Rose and Matta, Dr. Nada, Eds. Knowledge Management and Organizational Memories, ISBN 0-7923-7659-5, July 2002. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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Heath, Mr Tom and Dzbor, Dr Martin and Motta, Professor Enrico (2005) Supporting User Tasks and Context: Challenges for Semantic Web Research. In Proceedings ESWC2005 Workshop on End-user Aspects of the Semantic Web (UserSWeb), Heraklion, Crete.
Iria, Mr. Jose (2005) T-Rex: A Flexible Relation Extraction Framework. 8th Annual CLUK Research Colloquium, Manchester.
Brewster, Mr. Christopher (2002) Techniques for Automated Taxonomy Building: Towards Ontologies for Knowledge Management
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Vargas-vera, Maria and Domingue, John and Kalfoglou, Yannis and Motta, Enrico and Buckingham Shum, Simon (2001) Template-driven information extraction for populating ontologies. In Proceedings IJCAI 2001 workshop on Ontologies Learning, Seattle, USA.
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Bontcheva, Dr Kalina and Cunningham, Dr Hamish (2003) The Semantic Web: A New Opportunity and Challenge for Human Language Technology. In Proceedings workshop on Human Language Technology for the Semantic Web and Web Services at International Semantic Web Conference 2003.
(2002) The Semantics of Semantic Annotation. ODBASE: First International Conference on Ontologies, Databases, and Applications of Semantics for Large Scale Information Systems 2519, Irvine, California.
Millard, I. C. and De Roure, D. C. and Shadbolt, N. R. (2004) The Use of Ontologies in Contextually Aware Environments. In Proceedings First International Workshop on Advanced Context Modelling, Reasoning And Management, pages pp. 42-47, Nottingham, UK.
Maynard, Dr Diana and Bontcheva, Dr Kalina and Cunningham, Dr Hamish (2003) Towards a semantic extraction of named entities. In Proceedings Recent Advances in Natural, Borovets, Bulgaria.
Nadarajan, Gayathri and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh (2007) Translating a Typical Business Process Modelling Language to a Web Services Ontology through Lightweight Mapping. IET Research Journals (formerly IEE Proceedings Software Journal), ISSN: 1751-8806 1(1).
Ciravegna, Dr. Fabio and Petrelli, Dr. Daniella (2001) User Involvement in Adaptive Information Extraction: Position Paper. In Proceedings IJCAI-2001 Workshop on Adaptive Text Extraction and Mining, Seattle.
Brewster, Mr. Christopher and Ciravegna, Dr. Fabio and Wilks, Prof. Yorick (2002) User-Centred Onlology Learning for Knowledge Management. In Proceedings 7th International Workshop on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, Stockholm.
Ciravegna, Dr. Fabio and Dingli, Mr. Alexiei and Petrelli, Dr. Daniella and Wilks, Prof. Yorick (2002) User-System Cooperation in Document Annotation based on Information Extraction. In Gomez-Perez, A. and Benjamins, R, Eds. Proceedings 13th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW02), Siguenza, Spain.
Millard, Ian and Jaffri, Afraz and Glaser, Hugh and Rodriguez, Benedicto (2006) Using a Semantic MediaWiki to Interact with a Knowledge Based Infrustructure. In Proceedings 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Podebrady, Czech Republic.
Kalfoglou, Dr Yannis and Schorlemmer, Dr Marco (2005) Using Formal Concept Analysis and Information Flow for modelling and sharing common semantics: lessons learnt and emergent issues. In Proceedings 13th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS'05), pages pp. 107-119, Kassel.
Bontcheva, Dr. Kalina and Brewster, Mr. Christopher and Ciravegna, Dr. Fabio and Cunningham, Dr. Hamish and Guthrie, Dr. Louise and Gaizauskas, Dr. Rob and Wilks, Prof. Yorick (2001) Using HLT for Acquiring, Retrieving and Publishing Knowledge in AKT: Position Paper. In Proceedings EACL/ACL Workshop on Human Language Technology and Knowledge Management, Toulouse, France.
Bontcheva, Dr Kalina and Maynard, Dr Diana and Cunningham, Dr Hamish and Saggion, Dr Horacio (2002) Using Human Language Technology for Automatic Annotation and Indexing of Digital Library Content. Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL'2002), Rome, Italy.
Alani, H. and Kim, S. and Millard, D. E. and Weal, M. J. and Hall, W. and Lewis, P. H. and Shadbolt, N. (2004) Using Protege for Automatic Ontology Instantiation. In Proceedings 7th International Protege Conference, Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
Sabou, Dr. Marta and d'Aquin, Dr. Mathieu and Motta, Prof. Enrico (2006) Using the Semantic Web as Background Knowledge for Ontology Mapping. In Proceedings International Workshop on Ontology Matching (OM-2006), collocated with ISWC'06.
(2003) Visualizing Argumentation: Software Tools for Collaborative and Educational Sense-Making, in Kirschner, Paul and Buckingham Shum, Simon and Carr, Chad, Eds. . Springer.
Alani, Harith and Kim, Sanghee and Millard, David and Weal, Mark and Hall, Wendy and Lewis, Paul and Shadbolt, Nigel (2003) Web based Knowledge Extraction and Consolidation for Automatic Ontology Population. In Proceedings Knowledge Markup and Semantic Annotation Workshop, 2nd Int Conf on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP'03), Sanibel Island, Florida, USA.
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