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Knowledge Sharing and Inconsistency Checking on Multiple Enterprise Models

Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh (2001) Knowledge Sharing and Inconsistency Checking on Multiple Enterprise Models. In Proceedings The 17th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI, KnowledgeManagement and Organizational Memories Workshop, Seattle, Washington.

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The approach of Multi-Perspective Enterprise Modelling is now more commonly accepted and used in practice as a way to manage knowledge than ever before. However, the concept of applying multiple modelling languages to describe the same domain may still sound frightening to many. In addition to the cost, time and complexity involved, problems such as knowledge sharing between multiple models and achieving and maintaining integrity between them are also important. We argue that Multi-Perspective Enterprise Modelling is helpful and in some situations necessary. This paper gives examples of how formal methods, such as logical languages, can provide assistance in making such an approach more appealing and transparent. We suggest that the MPM approach is valuable in representing, understanding and analysing a complex domain, but that much automated support is needed.

Keywords:Knowledge Management, Ontology, Knowledge Sharing, Multi-Perspective Modelling, Business Modelling, BSDM, Enterprise Modelling, Process Modelling, Knowledge-Based Support Tool, Business Process Re-Engineering, Role Activity and Communication Diagram.
Subjects:Status > AKT Showcase Papers
AKT Challenges > Knowledge modelling
AKT Challenges > Knowledge maintenance
ID Code:47
Deposited By:Chen-Burger, Dr. Jessica
Deposited On:06 March 2002

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