Subject: Knowledge modelling
Aiken, A and Sleeman, D (2006) A Diagnosis Tutor. In Proceedings ITS, Jhongli, Taiwan.
Berners-Lee, Prof Tim and Hall, Prof Wendy and Hendler, Prof James A. and O'Hara, Dr Kieron and Shadbolt, Prof Nigel and Weitzner, Prof Daniel J. (2006) A Framework for Web Science. Foundations and Trends in Web Science 1(1):pp. 1-130.
Rajpathak, Dr Dnyanesh and Motta, Prof Enrico and Zdrahal, Dr Zdenek and Roy, Dr Rajkumar (2003) A Generic Library of Problem Solving Methods for Scheduling Applications. In Proceedings Second International Conference on Knowledge Capture, pages pp. 113-120, Florida, USA.
Rajpathak, Dr Dnyanesh and Motta, Prof Enrico and Zdrahal, Dr Zdenek and Roy, Prof Rajkumar (2006) A Generic Library of Problem Solving Methods for Scheduling Applications. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 18(6).
Guo, Mr Li and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Huh (jessica) and Robertson, Dr. Dave (2005) A Generic Multi-agent System Platform For Business Workflows Using Web Services Composition. In Proceedings The 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology(0-7695-2416-8), pages pp. 301-308, Compiegne University, France.
Hu, Bo and Compatangelo, Ernesto and Arana, Ines (2001) A hybrid approach to extend DLbased reasoning with concrete domains. Proc. of the KI-2001 Workshop on Applications of Description Logics. CEUR Electronic Workshop Proceedings, 2001.
Heath, Dr Ian and Wills, Dr Gary and Crowder, Dr Richard and Hall, Prof Wendy and Ballantyne, Mr Jim (2000) A New Authoring Methodology for Large-Scale Hypermedia Applications. Multimedia Tools and Applications 12(2/3):pp. 129-144.
Potter, Dr Stephen and Aitken, Dr Stuart (2005) A Semantic Service Environment: A Case Study in Bioinformatics. In Gomez-Perez, A and Euzenat, J, Eds. Proceedings Second European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2005), pages pp. 694-709, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Lambert, Mr David J. (2005) Accounting for Valency in Service Composition. First AKT Doctoral Symposium, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom.
Norman, Tim and Sleeman, Derek and Chapman, Nial (2003) Adaptive Brokering in Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce. Twenty-third SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, pp. 339-352, Cambridge.
Domingue, Dr John and Martins, Dr Maria and Tan, Dr Jaicheng and Stutt, Dr Arthur and Pertusson, Mr Helgi (2002) Alice: Assisting Online Shoppers through Ontologies and Novel Interface Metaphors. In Proceedings EKAW02 13th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Sigüenza, Spain.
McRae-Spencer, Duncan and Shadbolt, Nigel (2006) Also By The Same Author: AKTiveAuthor, a Citation Graph Approach to Name Disambiguation. In Proceedings 6th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, pages pp. 53-55, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA.
Gray, Prof Peter and Hui, Dr Kit and Preece, Dr Alun (2001) An Expressive Constraint Language for Semantic Web Applications. In Preece, Dr Alun and O'Leary, Prof Daniel, Eds. Proceedings IJCAI-01 Workshop on E-Business and the Intelligent Web, pages pp. 46-53, Seattle, USA.
Rajpathak, Dr Dnyanesh and Motta, Prof Enrico (2004) An Ontological Formalization of the Planning Task
. In Varzi, Dr Achille and Vieu, Dr Laure, Eds. Proceedings International Conference on Formal Ontologies in Information Systems (FOIS'04), pages pp. 305-316, Torino, Italy.
Nadarajan, Ms Gayathri and Chen-Burger, Dr Yun-Heh (2006) An Ontology-Based Conceptual Mapping Framework for Translating FBPML to the Web Services Ontology. In Proceedings Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2006), Singapore.
Chapman, Mr. Sam and Norton, Mr. Barry and Ciravegna, Prof. Fabio (2005) Armadillo: Integrating Knowledge for the Semantic Web. Machine Learning for the Semantic Web Dagstuhl Seminar 05071, Dagstuhl, DE.
Clancey, W.J. and Sierhuis, M. and Alena, R. and Berrios, D. and Dowding, J. and Graham, J.S. and Tyree, K.S and Hirsh, R.L. and Garry, W.B. and Semple, A. and Buckingham Shum, S.J. and Shadbolt, N. and Rupert, S.M. (2005) Automating CapCom Using Mobile Agents and Robotic Assistants. In Proceedings Proceedings American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1st Space Exploration Conference, 31 Jan - 1 Feb, 2005. [Available from: AIAA Meeting Papers on Disc [CD-ROM]: Reston, VA, and as AKT-IRC ePrint 375:], Orlando, FL.
Gray, Prof P.M.D. and Kemp, Dr G.J.L. (2006) Capturing Quantified Constraints in FOL, Through Interaction with a Relationship Graph. In Staab, Dr Stefan and Svátek, Dr V., Eds. Proceedings Managing Knowledge in a World of Networks: 15th International Conference (EKAW 2006) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (vol. 4248), pages pp. 19-26, Podebrady, CZ.
Bachler, Michelle and Buckingham Shum, Dr. Simon and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh and Dalton, Jeff and De Roure, Prof. David and Eisenstadt, Prof. Marc and Frey, Prof. Jeremy and Komzak, Jiri and Michaelides, Dr. Danius and Page, Dr. Kevin and Potter, Dr. Stephen and Shadbolt, Prof. Nigel and Tate, Prof. Austin (2004) Chain ReAKTing: Collaborative Advanced Knowledge Technologies in the Comb-e-Chem Grid. E-Science All Hands Meeting, Nottingham, UK.
Bachler, Michelle and Buckingham Shum, Simon and Chen-Burger, Yun-Heh and Dalton, Jeff and De Roure, David and Eisenstadt, Marc and Komzak, Jiri and Michaelides, Danius and Page, Kevin and Potter, Stephen and Shadbolt, Nigel and Tate, Austin (2004) Collaboration in the Semantic Grid: a Basis for e-Learning. In Mostow, Jack and Tedesco, Patrícia, Eds. Proceedings Grid Learning Services workshop (at the 7th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems), pages pp. 1-12, Maceió, Brazil.
Page, Kevin R. and Michaelides, Danius T. and Buckingham Shum, Simon J. and Chen-Burger, Yun-Heh and Dalton, Jeff and De Roure, David C. and Eisenstadt, Marc and Potter, Stephen and Shadbolt, Nigel R. and Tate, Austin and Bachler, Michelle and Komzak, Jiri (2005) Collaboration in the Semantic Grid: a Basis for e-Learning. Applied Artificial Intelligence 19(9-10):pp. 881-904.
Domingue, Dr John and Dzbor, Dr Martin and Motta, Prof Enrico (2004) Collaborative Semantic Web Browsing with Magpie. In Davies, John and Fensel, Dieter and Bussler, Christoph and Studer, Rudi, Eds. Proceedings 1st European Semantic Web Symposium (ESWS) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3053, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece.
Bachler, Michelle and Buckingham Shum, Dr. Simon and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh (Jessica) and Dalton, Jeff and Eisenstadt, Prof. Marc and Komzak, Jiri and Michaelides, Dr. Danius and Page, Dr. Kevin and Potter, Dr. Stephen and De Roure, Prof. David and Shadbolt, Prof. Nigel and Tate, Prof. Austin (2004) Collaborative Tools in the Semantic Grid. In Proceedings GGF 11 Semantic Grid Applications workshop, Honolulu, Hawaii..
Selvin, A and Buckingham Shum, S and Sierhuis, M and Conklin, J and Zimmermann, B and Palus, C and Drath, W and Horth, D and Domingue, J and Motta, E and Li, G (2001) Compendium: Making Meetings into Knowledge Events. In Proceedings Knowledge Technologies 2001, Austin, TX.
Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh and Tate, Prof. Austin (2003) Concept Mapping Between Compendium and IX. Technical Report EDI-INF-RR-0166, Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK.
Guo, Mr. Li and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Huh (jessica) and Robertson, Dr. Dave (2005) Conducting The Agile Negotiation Processes Involved In The BPEL4WS Model On a Multi-agent Platform. In Proceedings Conference of China Association for Information Systems, CNAIS, November 2005..
Millard, I. C. and De Roure, D. C. and Shadbolt, N. R. (2005) Contextually Aware Information Delivery in Pervasive Computing Environments. In Proceedings First International Workshop on Location and Contextual Awareness, pages pp. 189-197.
Hu, Bo and Compatangelo, Ernesto and Arana, Ines (2002) Coordinated reasoning with inference fusion.. 6th Intl. Conf. on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES2002), pages 156-160, IOS Press,2002.
Glaser, Hugh (2004) CS AKTiveSpace: Building a Semantic Web Application.
Glaser, Hugh and Alani, Harith and Carr, Les and Chapman, Sam and Ciravegna, Fabio and Dingli, Alexiei and Gibbins, Nicholas and Harris, Stephen and schraefel, m.c. and Shadbolt, Nigel (2004) CS AKTiveSpace: Building a Semantic Web Application, in Bussler, Christoph and Davies, John and Fensel, Dieter and Studer, Rudi, Eds. The Semantic Web: Research and Applications (First European Web Symposium, ESWS 2004), pages pp. 417-432. Springer Verlag.
Lino, Ms. Natasha Queiroz and Tate, Prof. Austin and Siebra, Mr. Clauirton and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh (2003) Delivering Intelligent Planning Information to Mobile Devices Users in Collaborative Environments. In Proceedings 18th International Joint conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), AI Moves to IA: Workshop on Artificial Intelligence, Information Access, and Mobile Computing, Acapulco, Mexico.
O'Hara, Dr Kieron and Stevens, Dr David (2006) Democracy, Ideology and Process Re-Engineering: Realising the Benefits of e-Government in Singapore. Workshop on e-Government: Barriers and Opportunities, WWW06, Edinburgh.
Wills, Dr Gary and Alani, Dr Harith and Ashri, Mr Ronald and Kalfoglou, Dr Yannis and Kim, Dr Sanghee (2002) Design Issues for Agent-based Resource Locator Systems. In Proceedings 4th International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management (PAKM'02), Vienna, Austria.
Compatangelo, Ernesto and Meisel, Helmut (2002) EER-CONCEPTOOL: conceptual analysis of EER schemas and ontologies. Technical Report AUCS/TR0208, Dept. of Computing Science, University of Aberdeen.
Guo, Mr. Li and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Huh (jessica) and Robertson, Dr. Dave (2005) Enacting the Distributed Business Workflows Using BPEL4WS on the Multi-Agent Platform. In Proceedings Third German Conference on Multi-agent System Technologies LNAI 3550(0302-9743), pages pp. 35-47, Koblenz Germany.
Kollingbaum, M J and Norman, T J and Mehandjiev, N and Brown, K (2006) Engineering Organisation-Oriented Software. In Proceedings 2nd International Workshop on Interdisciplinary Software Engineering Research WISER 2006, ICSE, Shanghai, China.
Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh and Tate, Prof. Austin and Robertson, Dr. Dave (2002) Enterprise Modelling: A Declarative Approach for FBPML. In Proceedings European Conference of Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Management and Organisational Memories Workshop, Lyon, France.
Hui, Kit and Chalmers, Stuart and Gray, Peter and Preece, Alun (2003) Experience in using RDF in Agent-mediated Knowledge Architectures. In L van Elst,V Dignum,A Abecker(eds) Agent-Mediated Knowledge Management:Papers from the 2003 AAAI Spring Symposium, pages 82-89,AAAI press, 2003.
Pan, J Z and Stoilos, G and Stamou, G and Tzouvaras, V and Horrocks, I (2006) f-SWRL: A Fuzzy Extension of SWRL. Journal of Data Semantics VI:pp. 27-45.
Conklin, Dr Jeff and Selvin, Dr Albert and Buckingham Shum, Dr Simon and Sierhuis, Dr Maarten (2003) Facilitated Hypertext for Collective Sensemaking: 15 Years on from gIBIS. In Weigand, H. and Goldkuhl, G. and de Moor, A., Eds. Proceedings LAP2003: Proceedings LAP'03: 8th International Working Conference on the Language-Action Perspective on Communication Modelling, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
Hu, Bo and Arena, Ines and Compatangelo, Ernesto (2003) Facilitating DL-based hybrid reasoning with inference fusion.. Knowledge-Based Systems, volume 16, number 5-6, pages253-260, Elsevier Science, 2003 (Revised version of paper originally presented at ES' 2002).
Kalfoglou, Dr Yannis and Dasmahaptra, Dr Srinandan and Chen-Burger, Dr Jessica (2004) FCA in Knowledge Technologies: Experiences and Opportunities. In Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis LNCS 2961, pages pp. 252-260, Sydney, Australia.
Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh and Stader, Ms. Jussi (2003) Formal Support for Adaptive Workflow Systems in a Distributed Environment, in Fischer, Ms. Layna, Eds. Workflow Handbook 2003. Workflow Management Coalition.
Sereno, Bertrand and Buckingham Shum, Simon and Motta, Enrico (2007) Formalization, User Strategy and Interaction Design: Users' Behaviour with Discourse Tagging Semantics. In Proceedings Workshop on Social and Collaborative Construction of Structured Knowledge, 16th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2007), Banff, AB, Canada.
WEN, Dr. Guihua and Shadbolt, Professor Nigel (2005) Fundamental Laws of Dynamics for Computational Creativity. In Proceedings Computational Creativity Workshop at Nineteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND.
Preece, Dr Alun and Chalmers, Dr Stuart and McKenzie, Mr Craig and Pan, Dr Jeff and Gray, Prof Peter (2006) Handling Soft Constraints in the Semantic Web Architecture. In Proceedings Reasoning on the Web Workshop (RoW2006) at WWW2006, Edinburgh, UK.
Buckingham Shum, Dr S and Selvin, A and Sierhuis, Dr M and Conklin, Dr J and Haley, C and Nuseibeh, Prof B (2006) Hypermedia Support for Argumentation-Based Rationale: 15 Years on from gIBIS and QOC, in Dutoit, A and McCall, R and Mistrik, I and Paech, B, Eds. Rationale Management in Software Engineering, pages pp. 111-132. Springer-Verlag.
Tate, Prof Austin (2001) I-X and <I-N-CA>: an Architecture and Related Ontology for Mixed-initiative Synthesis Tasks.
Hu, Bo and Compatangelo, Ernesto and Arana, Ines (2003) Inference fusion: a hybrid approach to taxonomic reasoning. In Proc. of the 16th International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium Conference (FLAIRS'03), pages 103-107, AAAI Press, 2003.
Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh (2002) Informal Semantics for the FBPML Data Language. Technical Report EDI-INF-RR-0154, AIAI, CISA, Informatics, The University of Edinburgh, UK.
Kalfoglou, Dr Yannis and Schorlemmer, Dr Marco (2002) Information Flow based ontology mapping. In Proceedings 1st International Conference on Ontologies, Databases and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE'02), Irvine, CA, USA.
Kollingbaum, M J and Norman, T J (2006) Informed Deliberation during Norm-Governed Practical Reasoning, in Boissier, O and Padget, J and Dignum, V and Lindemann, G, Eds. Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Multi-Agent Systems. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Hu, Bo and Compatangelo, Ernesto and Arana, Ines (2003) Infusion: hybrid reasoning system with Description Logics.. In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on AI and Applications (AIA'2003), pages 327-332.
Dasmahapatra, Dr Srinandan and O'Hara, Dr Kieron (2006) Interpretations of Ontologies for Breast Cancer. tripleC 4(2):pp. 293-303.
Compatangelo, Ernesto and Meisel, Helmut (2002) K-ShaRe: an architecture for sharing heterogeneous conceptualisations.. In Intl. Workshop on Intelligent Knowledge Management Techniques-(I-KOMAT ' 2002)-Proc. of the 6th Intl. Conf. on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES’2002), pages 1439–1443. © IOS Press, 2002..
Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh (2001) Knowledge Based Multi-Perspective Framework For Enterprise Modelling. Technical Report EDI-INF-RR-0036, AIAI, CISA, Informatics, The University of Edinburgh, UK.
Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh and Kalfoglou, Dr. Yannis (2007) Knowledge Management Support for Enterprise Distributed Systems
, in Rittgen, Dr. Peter, Eds. Handbook of Ontologies for Business Interactions. Idea Group Inc..
Kuo, Ms. Hsiang-Ling and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh and Robertson, Dr. Dave (2003) Knowledge Management using Business Process Modeling and Workflow Techniques. In Proceedings 18th International Joint conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Workshop on Knowledge Management and Organizational Memories , Acapulco, Mexico, August 2003, Acapulco, Mexico.
O'Hara, Dr. Kieron and Brewster, Mr. Christopher (2004) Knowledge Representation with Ontologies: The Present and Future. IEEE Intelligent Systems 19(1):pp. 72-73.
Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh (2001) Knowledge Sharing and Inconsistency Checking on Multiple
Enterprise Models. In Proceedings The 17th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI, KnowledgeManagement and Organizational Memories Workshop, Seattle, Washington.
Guo, Mr. Li and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh and Robertson, Dr. Dave (2004) Mapping a Business Process Model to a Semantic Web Service Model. In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Web Services, San Diego, California, USA ..
Nadarajan, Ms Gayathri and Chen-Burger, Dr Yun-Heh (2006) Mapping Fundamental Business Process Modelling Language to OWL-S. In Antoniou, G and Potamias, G and Plexousakis, D and Spyropoulos, C, Eds. Proceedings 4th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN'06), Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh (2003) Mapping Principles between IX and Compendium. Technical Report EDI-INF-RR-0167, Informatics, The University of Edinburgh, UK.
Lambert, Mr David J. and Robertson, Dr David S. (2005) Matchmaking multi-party interactions using historical performance data. In Proceedings Proceedings of the Fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS-05), pages pp. 611-617, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Gray, Peter and Hui, Kit and Preece, Alun (2002) Mobile Constraints for Semantic Web Applications. Intelligent Information Processing 2002, Kluwer, 117-128.
Kollingbaum, M J and Norman, T J and Preece, A and Sleeman, D (2006) Norm Refinement - Informing the Re-negotiation of Contracts. In Boella, G and Boissier, O and Matson, E and Vazquez-Salceda, J, Eds. Proceedings Proceedings of the Workshop on Coordination, Organisation, Institutions and Norms COIN, ECAI 2006, pages pp. 46-51.
Kalfoglou, Dr Yannis and Alani, Dr Harith and Schorlemmer, Dr Marco and Walton, Dr Chris (2004) On the emergent Semantic Web and overlooked issues. In Proceedings 3rd International Semantic Web Confernece (ISWC'04) LNCS 3298, pages pp. 576-591, Hiroshima, Japan.
Alani, Dr Harith and O'Hara, Dr Kieron and Shadbolt, Prof Nigel (2002) ONTOCOPI: Methods and Tools for Identifying Communities of Practice
. In Proceedings Intelligent Information Processing 2002, Montreal - Canada.
O'Hara, Dr Kieron (2004) Ontologies and Technologies: Knowledge
Representation or Misrepresentation. SIGIR 04, Semantic Web Workshop SIGIR Forum 38(2), Sheffield.
Hameed, Adil and Preece, Alun and Sleeman, Derek (2003) Ontology Reconciliation, in Staab, S and Studer, R, Eds. Handbook on Ontologies in Information Systems, pages pp. 231-250. Springer Verlag: Germany.
Aitken, J.S. and Webber, B.L. and Bard, J.B.L. (2004) part-of relations in anatomy ontologies: A proposal for RDFS and OWL formalisations. In Altman, Dr Russ, Eds. Proceedings Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 9, pages pp. 166-177, Big Island, Hawaii, USA.
Selvin, A M and Buckingham Shum, S J (2002) Rapid Knowledge Construction: A Case Study in Corporate Contingency Planning Using Collaborative Hypermedia. Journal of Knowledge and Process Management 9(2):pp. 119-128.
McKenzie, Mr Craig and Preece, Dr Alun and Gray, Prof Peter (2006) Semantic Web Reasoning using a Blackboard System. In Alferes, Dr J. J. and Bailey, Dr James and May, Dr Wolfgang and Schwertel, Dr Uta, Eds. Proceedings 4th Workshop on Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning (PPSWR2006), at ESWC2006 LNCS 4187, pages pp. 204-218, Budva, Montenegro.
Nadarajan, Gayathri and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh and Malone, Dr. James (2006) Semantic-Based Workflow Composition for Video Processing in the Grid. The 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, Hong Kong.
Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh (2002) Sharing and Checking Organisation Knowledge, in Dieng-Kuntz, Dr. Rose and Matta, Dr. Nada, Eds. Knowledge Management and Organizational Memories, ISBN 0-7923-7659-5, July 2002. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Yun-Heh Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh and Hui, Dr. Kit-Ying and Preece, Dr. Alun D. and Gray, Prof. Peter M. D. and Tate, Prof. Austin (2004) Supporting Collaboration through Semantic-based Workflow and Constraint Solving. 14th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW), Whittlebury Hall, Northamptonshire, UK..
Domingue, John and Motta, Enrico and Buckingham Shum, Simon and Vargas-vera, Maria and Kalfoglou, Yannis (2001) Supporting ontology-driven document enrichment within communities of practice. In Proceedings 1st International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-Cap 2001), Victoria, BC, Canada.
Vargas-vera, Maria and Domingue, John and Kalfoglou, Yannis and Motta, Enrico and Buckingham Shum, Simon (2001) Template-driven information extraction for populating ontologies. In Proceedings IJCAI 2001 workshop on Ontologies Learning, Seattle, USA.
Alani, Harith (2003) TGVizTab: An Ontology Visualisation Extension for Protégé. In Proceedings Visualizing Information in Knowledge Engineering (VIKE '03), 2nd International Conference on Knowledge CAPture (K-CAP 03), Sanibel Island, Florida, USA.
Motta, Prof Enrico and Rajpathak, Dr Dnyanesh and Zdrahal, Dr Zdenek and Roy, Dr Rajkumar (2002) The Epistemology of Scheduling Problems. In Harmelen, Dr Frank van, Eds. Proceedings European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages pp. 215-219, Lyon, France.
Brewster, Mr. Christopher and Iria, Mr. Jose and Ciravegna, Prof. Fabio and Wilks, Prof. Yorick (2005) The Ontology: Chimaera or Pegasus. Machine Learning for the Semantic Web Dagstuhl Seminar 05071, Dagstuhl, DE.
(2002) The Semantics of Semantic Annotation. ODBASE: First International Conference on Ontologies, Databases, and Applications of Semantics for Large Scale Information Systems 2519, Irvine, California.
Millard, I. C. and De Roure, D. C. and Shadbolt, N. R. (2004) The Use of Ontologies in Contextually Aware Environments. In Proceedings First International Workshop on Advanced Context Modelling, Reasoning And Management, pages pp. 42-47, Nottingham, UK.
Nadarajan, Gayathri and Chen-Burger, Dr. Yun-Heh (2007) Translating a Typical Business Process Modelling Language to a Web Services Ontology through Lightweight Mapping. IET Research Journals (formerly IEE Proceedings Software Journal), ISSN: 1751-8806 1(1).
O'Hara, Kieron and Alani, Harith and Kalfoglou, Yannis and Shadbolt, Nigel (2004) Trust Strategies for the Semantic Web. In Proceedings 3rd International Semantic Web Conferrence (ISWC), Workshop on Trust, Security, and Reputationon the Semantic Web, Hiroshima, Japan.
Kalfoglou, Dr Yannis and Schorlemmer, Dr Marco (2005) Using Formal Concept Analysis and Information Flow for modelling and sharing common semantics: lessons learnt and emergent issues. In Proceedings 13th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS'05), pages pp. 107-119, Kassel.
Wickler, Dr Gerhard and Tate, Prof Austin and Potter, Dr Stephen (2006) Using the <I-N-C-A> Constraint Model as a Shared Representation of Intentions for Emergency Response.
(2003) Visualizing Argumentation: Software Tools for Collaborative and Educational Sense-Making, in Kirschner, Paul and Buckingham Shum, Simon and Carr, Chad, Eds. . Springer.
Alani, Harith and Harris, Steven and O'Neil, Ben (2006) Winnowing Ontologies based on Application Use. Proceedings of 3rd European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), Budva, Montenegro.
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