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Also By The Same Author: AKTiveAuthor, a Citation Graph Approach to Name Disambiguation

McRae-Spencer, Duncan and Shadbolt, Nigel (2006) Also By The Same Author: AKTiveAuthor, a Citation Graph Approach to Name Disambiguation. In Proceedings 6th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, pages pp. 53-55, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA.

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The desire for definitive data and the semantic web drive for inference over heterogeneous data sources requires co-reference resolution to be performed on those data. In particular, name disambiguation is required to allow accurate publication lists, citation counts and impact measures to be determined. This paper describes a graph-based approach to author disambiguation on large-scale citation networks. Using self-citation, co-authorship and document source analyses, AKTiveAuthor clusters papers, achieving precision of 0.997 and recall of 0.818 over a test group of eight surname clusters.

Keywords:Self-citation, algorithms, information search and retrieval
Subjects:AKT Challenges > Knowledge retrieval
AKT Challenges > Knowledge modelling
ID Code:526
Deposited By:McRae-Spencer, Mr Duncan M
Deposited On:13 September 2006

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