Curiously deep, the slumber of crimson thoughts…

Relatively speaking, decency is increasing (or deplorability is decreasing) (as Steve Pinker has noted) in the human population.

But alas the human population itself is increasing still faster, and with it the absolute amount of agony we are wreaking.

Otherwise put, we are (so far) becoming bigger faster than we are becoming better.

No solace for those being crushed under our collateral-damage footprint; not even when the only victims left on the planet will be the ones we purpose-breed, all the rest spared their fate only because we have exterminated them.

But the Trumps of this world — rich and poor — sleep soundly, whilst their own tomorrow is still well within sight…

As to climate-change-complacency:

A Chernobylesque comeback
millennia after the Fall
is hardly a consummation
devoutly to be desired
(other than by the daftly devout).

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