Genesis 9:7

Genesis 9:7
Even as we make it a little less worse here,
it becomes more worse, or just more,
somewhere else.
And what guarantees that it just keeps growing is just one thing
— not our cruelty, though it’s there, in abundance,
not our cupidity, there too,
nor our apathy aplenty:
it’s our relentless prolificity
— a variant of our cupidity, I suppose…
The more there is of us, the more they suffer.
And we are even more prolific in making more of them
than in making more of us.
Is it madness or mercy to yearn for the Big Bang?
So easy to counsel patience
for us, who are not the ones trembling.
But to invoke Darwin is surely bogus:
It is not our survival that is at stake,
just our cupidity.

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