Stevan Harnad talk at Students for Critical Animal Studies, McGill 2014

This video was created by Michael Sizer-Watt Michael, a Canadian activist and independent social issue documentary filmmaker with a special interest in the animal rights movement. His recent film “The Whole World is Watching” about citizen journalism for activists is available to be watched free. MS-W’s Youtube Channel.

This talk was given at the second annual meeting of the Students for Critical Animal Studies at McGill University by Stevan Harnad, Canada Research Chair in Cognitive Sciences at Université du Québec à Montréal and Professor of Web Science at University of Southampton.

Desaulniers, Elise (2013) I am ashamed to have been a vegetarian for 50 years. Huffington Post 05/30/2013

Harnad, Stevan (2013) Luxe, nécessité, souffrance: Pourquoi je ne suis pas carnivore. Québec humaniste 8(1): 10-13

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