Worldwide March Against Slaughterhouses: June 14 2014

There is no suffering that we inflict on animals that we do not inflict on humans.

But the vast difference is that the suffering we inflict on humans is seen as wrong by most decent people worldwide — and it is also against the law.

Not so for animals. They are not protected by the law and most of us are not only unaware of their agony in slaughterhouses but we are actively sustaining it as consumers.

Most of us believe (1) that meat is obtained humanely, and (2) that it is necessary for our survival and health.

Both of these beliefs are profoundly, tragically and demonstrably wrong.

Reducing and eventually abolishing the gratuitous suffering that humans are inflicting on animals is one of the most urgent moral imperatives of our age.

The worldwide March Against Slaughterhouses on June 14 2014 is intended to open the eyes and hearts of decent people worldwide

— to the enormity of the agony of innocent, helpless creatures in slaughterhouses
— to the fact that their suffering is unnecessary, and
— to the great urgency of adopting laws to protect them

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