Nazi Humanitarianism: Sic duo faciunt item, non est item

On: “The Nazis Were Vegans Too ” (Rogel Alpher, Haarerz, June 9 2014)

We are planning a study on Israeli attitudes to animal suffering and Israeli attitudes to Palestinian suffering. Please do not assume that the two are dissociated till the findings are known.

It is a great puzzle why some Nazis were (allegedly) concerned about animal suffering, since most Nazis were sociopaths, who are unmoved by any sort of suffering. And sociopaths are known to be cruel to animals (as well as people).

My guess is that some of the motivation for the Nazi public campaigns in support of animals was ideological and decorative — something woven into the fabric of Nazi extremism, along with an idealization of motherhood and children.

That does not impugn support for motherhood or children either.

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