Re: Invoking Cloture (Again) on "Serials Crisis = Library Underfunding"

From: Stevan Harnad <>
Date: Thu, 5 Oct 2000 09:15:40 +0100

On Wed, 4 Oct 2000, david henige wrote:

> Stevan Harnad's question of himself is asked, if not well answered? It
> strikes me as particularly ironic that the plug was pulled immediately
> after I praised email as an antidote to the lack of colloquy. Guess I
> was wrong.

Sorry about that. But AH's Library-Underfunding Hypothesis has gotten a
great deal of airing across the years, in many discussion groups. The
focus of this Forum is specifically the freeing of the refereed
literature online. As such, the library underfunding hypothesis
warranted a message or two, by way of questioning whether there is any
need to free the refereed literature, but having been aired, it simply
became a recapitulation of the underfunding-specific arguments that (as
other contributors to this list have noted) we have all heard many times
before, on other lists.

So, first, this is not open email: It is a focused Forum, dedicated to a
specific theme. Second, the plug on this irrelevant thread was actually
pulled already, well over a year ago, and lately this has simply been a
spontaneous resurgence; so the cloture needed to be re-invoked.

As before, I invite those who wish to keep debating AH's thesis to do so
on another list. This one is dedicated to discussing ways of freeing the
refereed literature online (of which my own way is only one).

Stevan Harnad
Received on Mon Jan 24 2000 - 19:17:43 GMT

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