Project: included
Class ontomedia:Name

Concrete Class Extends 
Direct Instances:
  1. Name: Humans!Names
  2. Name: Human!Common
  3. Name: Wholesale!Char1
  4. Name: Mars!Name
  5. Name: Earth!Name
  6. Name: Wholesale!Narkidrine
  7. Name: Wholesale!Char4
  8. Name: Wholesale!Emigration
  9. Name: Wholesale!Char5
  10. Name: Wholesale!SneakyPete
  11. Name: Wholesale!Char2
  12. Name: Chicago
  13. Name: Wholesale!Rekal
  14. Name: Wholesale!Char3
  15. Name: Wholesale!Interplan
  16. Name: NewYork
Direct Subclasses:

Template Slots
Slot name Documentation Type Allowed Values/Classes Cardinality Default
projected_at Instance  ontomedia:Entity  0:*   
projected_!at Instance  ontomedia:Entity  0:*   
caused_by Instance  ontomedia:Entity, ontomedia:Event  0:*   
type String    0:1   
has_occurence Instance  ontomedia:Occurence  0:*   
trait includes: name, species, gender, ethnicity, sexuality and faith

Instance  ontomedia:Trait  0:*   
is_owned_by Instance  ontomedia:Character, ontomedia:Group  0:*   
causes Instance  ontomedia:Event, ontomedia:Entity  0:*   
projected_trait Instance  ontomedia:Trait  0:*   
observed_trait Instance  ontomedia:Trait  0:*   
spoiler_rating Symbol  spoiler, key, main, fact, nitpick  0:1   
abstractness Symbol  generic, specialised, specific, detail, nitpick  0:1   
is Instance  ontomedia:Inexpressible  0:*   
is_shadow_of Instance  ontomedia:Inexpressible  0:*   
has_shadow Instance  ontomedia:Inexpressible  0:*   
is_spin_off_of Instance  ontomedia:Inexpressible  0:*   
has_spin_off Instance  ontomedia:Inexpressible  0:*   
inspired_by Instance  ontomedia:Inexpressible  0:*   
inspired Instance  ontomedia:Inexpressible  0:*   
exists_in Instance  ontomedia:Context  0:*   
is_potentiality_of Is a possible/desired version/future of given entity

Instance  ontomedia:Inexpressible  0:1   
refID String    1:1   
contains Instance  ontomedia:Inexpressible  0:*   
contained_by Instance  ontomedia:Expression  0:*   
location Instance  ontomedia:Space  0:1   
is_part_of Instance  ontomedia:Inexpressible  0:*   
has_part Instance  ontomedia:Inexpressible  0:*   
has_parody Instance  ontomedia:Inexpressible  0:*   
is_parody_of Instance  ontomedia:Inexpressible  0:*   
used_by Instance  ontomedia:Character, ontomedia:Group, ontomedia:Profession, ontomedia:Trait, ontomedia:Context  0:*   
given_name String    0:*   
name Any    0:*   
language Instance  ontomedia:Language  0:1   
name_suffix String    0:1   
family_name String    0:1   
first_name String    0:1   
middle_name String    0:*   
title String    0:*   
nickname Instance  ontomedia:Name  0:*   

Return to class hierarchy

Generated on Wed Apr 20 16:06:55 BST 2005