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Agenda for Wednesday, Feb 4

Maria leading discussion on gesture interaction.

The idea of using gestures to interact with computers is about to come of age! While the term gestures has been used to describe such a wide variety of interactions including gestures with a mouse or other devices, eyes, hands and body positions, the idea of creating a ubiquitous or invisible means of interacting with gestures is yet to be explored in depth.

In the main paper, a classification of the different types of gestures is discussed, with a focus on one of the main distinctions of gestures classed as manipulative and semiotic gestures. The work involves a system that uses gestures to accompany speech and provides a good foundation for more work in this area. The second paper, although over 10 years old, presents a relevant approach for designing gesture based systems, while the third paper, which is also a classic, supports the notion that much hasn't changed in the approaches that are currently being used to create gesture based systems, emphasizing the need for more ubiquity-focused gesture based research.

Primary paper: Multimodal human discourse: gesture and speech

Supporting papers:

  1. A design method for "whole hand" computer interaction
  2. Two-handed gesture in multi-modal natural dialog" Richard A. Bolt, Edward Herranz.

Faith leading discussion of multiple views and corpora.

The advantage to using multiple views has been demonstrated in numerous situations but doing so present many issues both for the creator and the users of the system. The main paper presents eight guidelines that the authors think should be followed when dealing with a 'multiple view system' which they define as a system that "uses two or more distinct views to support the investigation of a single conceptual entity". This discussion will focus mainly on multiple views of text and will consider both the problems of creating a multi-view system and the interaction issues that need to be considered to make the system useful to the user.

Primary paper: "Guidelines for Using Multiple Views in Information Visualisation", Michelle Wang Baldonado, Allison Woodruff and Allen Kuchinsky, 2000

Supporting papers:

  1. "A Program for Aligning Sentences in Bilingual Corpora", William Gale and Kenneth Church, 1991
  2. "Semantic Tagging of a Corpus using the Topic Navigation Map Standard", Helka Folch, 2000

Discussion of topic for next meeting and changes to the format.

Questions arising from the discussion:



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