We want your links!

Dear MOOCers

This weeks activity has been to share your info graphics with us relating the amount of salt in the sea, to another known volume, and we have had some amazing creations, I have particularly enjoyed the “7 Billion Elephants” analogy, and the excellent image relating how much sea water would be needed to obtain Juan Mata’s weight in salt!

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One of the highlights of facilitating on this course has been the interaction between students, facilitators and educators, and a lot of this has focussed on sharing links. To try and capture some of this interaction, and to give you an opportunity to ask any questions about the oceans that have not been covered on the MOOC, please use the new pinterest page to post any images or videos to that you would like to share with us, or that you would like to know more about.


If you would like to share anything with us, just leave a comment on any picture asking for access and I will add you as an editor. This won’t be immediate, but once added you can share resources, and add other editors as well. There are a couple of videos up there already, and some of our favourite images from the oceans, but please feel free to use this board to ask us about something you have been wondering about or just share another image or clip you particularly like!

If you are not a Pinterest user, you can leave a comment below with a link and the rest will be taken care of!

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