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Tracing Metals

Tracing metals I love the ocean, studying it, and before joining the University of Southampton as a Research fellow, I had put much thought into the particular role of shelf seas in the global marine system. In previous years I have put my focus on the deep ocean. I have been analysing trace metals in seawater to look at the big picture – how water masses with billions of liters per second are distributed along the ocean conveyor belt. Continue reading →

Torben Stichel: My research

I graduated as a geologist at Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel, Germany, in 2010. Afterwards I carried out research for my PhD in the same city but a different institution: The Helmholtz Centre for Marine Research (GEOMAR). I have enjoyed this time very much and learned to manage a PhD project with all its caveats (sample collection, method development, analysis, publishing etc). Continue reading →

Torben Stichel: What does the ocean mean to me

I find it difficult to put into words what the ocean means to me. The sea has always been present in my personal life and in my work. I was born in a small town with a long maritime history. Flensburg, in the very north of Germany, was once one of the most important harbour cities of Denmark, and is now known for its fjord and beautiful sailing landscape. The ocean means home to me. Continue reading →