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Blue Planet 2 | Episode 6 | Coasts

We have a tendency to take our coastlines for granted. It is by far the most accessible and relatable marine habitat, with thousands flocking there every day for their primary source of food, watersports, or just to relax. The UN estimates 40% of the world's population live in coastal areas. They provide the most extensive economic and social benefits of any natural habitat, encompassing 77% of the services provided to us by all ecosystems. Continue reading →

What to expect from Blue Planet 2 – Coasts

So far in Blue Planet 2, we've experienced the wonders of the deep, colourful coral reefs, the vastness of the open ocean, and the remarkably productive green seas. The penultimate episode of the series will focus on possibly the most challenging environment for marine fauna - our dynamic coasts. Along the coastline, two vastly different worlds collide - the terrestrial and the marine. Continue reading →