Support #FLShipwrecks with Thunderclap

Ahoy there!

The Shipwrecks Team would to raise awareness of our free course, ahead of its third run starting on Monday 1st February. Since you’ve liked us enough to visit our blog, we are inviting you to add your Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr support.

It couldn’t be easier to help us get the word out. We are using a platform called Thunderclap to share our message on Twitter and Facebook.


What is Thunderclap?

It’s a website that allows people to pledge a Tweet or Facebook message or Tumblr post that will be released at the same time on the same day. Think of it as a massive flash mob on social media. It’s completely safe and will automatically post just one message on your behalf.

How can I help?

It takes 5 seconds to join. Click on this link and choose either “Support with Twitter”, “Support with Facebook”, “Support with Tumblr” – or all three! Then, add your name to the Thunderclap, and that’s it!

On Monday January 27th at 5pm (GMT) everyone that has signed up will automatically have the same message posted on their Facebook and Twitter accounts. The message includes a link to the initial course page that gives people information about our course and also it is where they can sign up.

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