Preserving maritime traditions

Three Indian boat builders preserving maritime traditions by building a boat in a traditional way
Two meistri (boat builders) and an apprentice working on a kettuvallam (tied or ‘stitched’ plank boat) in Kerala, south India © Jesse Ransley

In this short video, Crystal discusses the importance of preserving maritime traditions.

Do you agree with Crystal?

Further information on the preservation of maritime traditions

If you are interested in maritime traditions, you might want to visit Traditional Maritime Skills. This is the website of the Traditional Maritime Skills project. The aim of this EU project is to record wooden boatbuilding skills. These skills are in danger of disappearing as masters of the trade retire.

The £1m international scheme is part of a partnership between Cornwall, the Netherlands and Belgium. Skills will be recorded in boatyards across these regions. These skills will then form part of readily-available online training packages. This archive will help ensure a steady workforce of multi-skilled boatbuilders. It will also support regions whose economies have traditionally been entwined with their maritime heritage.

In Week 4 of our course, Dr Jesse Ransley explains why maritime archaeologists have become increasingly interested in working with boat builders and studying traditional maritime skills.

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