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Using software to simulate port structures

Thomas Dhoop discusses how software can be used to simulate port structures. He explains how we can map the transport of goods from boats through history.   The fortunes of Southampton correlate with its maritime history. Its geographical location - on a major estuary on the English Channel coast with an unusual double high-tide, and its proximity to Winchester and London; the ancient and modern capitals of England - made the city an important regional centre for many centuries. Continue reading →

Ports and harbours

A port, a harbour or an anchorage place? Essentially a place to safely moor your boat or ship. These critical points of contact and exchange, interfaces between different cultures, located between land and sea, have been relatively little studied by archaeologists in the past, until recently. Seminal works on harbours were published by Blackman in 1982 in the International Journal of Nautical Archaeology. Continue reading →