TARDIS: Targeting Academic Research for Deposit and Disclosure


TARDIS is one of a cluster of complementary projects funded by the UK's Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) as part of the Focus on Access to Institutional Resources Programme (FAIR). Projects are clustered around the core areas of E-Prints, E-Theses, Intellectual Property Rights, Museums and Images and Institutional Portals with the intention of sharing expertise and experience. For further details on the programme and the clusters see http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=programme_fair

The FAIR e-Prints cluster includes:

The UK's FAIR programme is inspired by the vision of the Open Archives Initiative (OAI), that digital resources can be shared between organisations based on a simple mechanism allowing metadata about those resources to be harvested into services. In the e-Prints community this is realised through data providers who mount the e-Prints (and who could be based in institutions, in subject groupings, or in some other way), and who disclose their metadata to a service provider, which again could be based in institutions, or could be subject based, regional, national or international. The vision here is of a complex web of resources built by groups with a long term stake in the future of those resources, but made available through service providers to the whole community of learning.

Contact Us
TARDIS (Targetting Academic Research for Deposit and Disclosure) is a project funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the Higher Education Funding Councils as part of its DNER Learning and Teaching/Infrastructure Development Programme