Simpson, P. and Hey, J.M. (2006) Repositories
for research - contributing to the Knowledge Cycle. Program [submitted]
Simpson, P. and Hey, J.M. (2005)
TARDis: from project to embedded Institutional Repository. ALISS Quarterly,
1(1), 12-14.
Simpson, P. (2005) TARDis
Project Final Report. Southampton UK, University of Southampton,
University Library, 14pp.
Simpson, P. (2005) TARDis Project
Completion Report. Southampton, UK, University of Southampton, University
LIbrary, 18pp.
Pauline and Hey, Jessie M.N. (2005) Institutional E-Print Repositories
For Research Visibility in, Encyclopedia of Library and Information
Science, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, Dekker, 15pp [pdf]
Hey, J.M.N., Simpson, P. and Carr,
L.A. (2005) The TARDis Route Map to Open Access: developing an Institutional
Repository Model. In,
ELPUB 2005 : Proceedings of the 9th ICCC International Conference on Electronics
Publishing, Leuven, Jun 2005, (eds. Dobreva, M. and Engelen, J.), Leuven,
Belgium : Peeters Publishing, 179-182.
Simpson, Pauline and Hey, Jessie
(2005) Forward in time: TARDis and the RAE. JISC Inform, No. 8, p.16.
Hey, Jessie M.N. (2004) Targeting
Academic Research: Southampton's Institutional Repository. In, Lewis,
Jonathan (ed.) Proceedings of Online Information 2004, 30 Nov-2 Dec 2004,
Learned Information Europe Ltd, 127-136.
Hey, Jessie M.N. and Simpson,
Pauline (2004) Building an Institutional Research Repository Based
on User Requirements - a University of Southampton Case Study, poster
presented at Institutional Repositories: the Next Stage, Washington, DC, USA,
18-19 Nov 2004
Hey, Jessie M.N., Simpson, Pauline,
Brody, Tim and Carr, Leslie (2004) The Institutional Repository route
to Open Access: implications for its evolution, poster presented
at ECDL (European Digital Library Conference) 2004, 12-17 September 2004,
Bath, UK,
Hey, Jessie, Simpson, Pauline
and Carr, Leslie (2004) An Institutional Repository Model for the
Humanities, poster presented at the Digital Resources for the Humanities
(DRH, 2004), 6-8 September, 2004, Newcastle, UK,
Hey, Jessie (2004) Targeting
Academic Research with Southampton's Institutional Repository, Ariadne,
Issue 40, July-2004
Hey, Jessie M.N. and Simpson,
Pauline (2004) Enhancing Research Collaboration with e-publications,
poster presented at NERC Technology Forum, 12-13 July 2004,
Southampton Oceanography Centre. [PowerPoint]
Simpson, Pauline and Hey, Jessie
M.N.(2004) Back to the Future with TARDis,
poster presented at JISC Joint Programmes Meeting, Brighton, 6-7 July, 2004.
Hey, Jessie M.N. and Simpson,
Pauline (2004) Opening access to research with TARDis at Southampton
University. ASSIGNation, 21 (3), pp. 19-22.
Hey, Jessie M.N. [and Lucas, N.]
(2004) An environmental assessment of research publication activity
and related factors impacting the development of an Institutional e-Print
Repository at the University of Southampton. Southampton, UK :University
of Southampton, 19pp. (TARDis Project Deliverable, D 3.1.2)
Barton, Jane, Currier, Sarah and
Hey, Jessie M.N. (2003) Building Quality Assurance into Metadata Creation:
an Analysis based on the Learning Objects and e-Prints Communities of Practice.
In Proceedings
DC-2003 (2003 Dublin Core Conference) Supporting Communities of Discourse
and Practice - Metadata Research and Applications, 28th Sept - 2nd Oct, Seattle,
Washington, USA [Abstract]
Gutteridge, C.J., Hitchcock, S.,
Simpson, P. and Hey, J. (2003) Report on the technical issues of using
GNU EPrints Software for the development of an institutional e-Print repository
at the University of Southampton. Southampton, UK, University of
Southampton, 13pp. (TARDis Project Deliverable D 2.3.2)
Nixon, William J. and Hey, Jessie
(2003) Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Workshop, London
- May 2003 (report on the JISC workshop held in London on 29th May) Ariadne,
Issue 36, Jul 2003
Simpson, P. (2003) e-Prints
at Southampton. IAMSLIC Newsletter, No. 86, Feb 2003.
Nixon, W.J. and Simpson, P. (2003)
2nd Workshop on the Open Archives Initiative (OAI): (report
on the OAI Workshop at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland, 17-19 October 2002). Ariadne,
No. 34, 14-Jan-2003
EPrints 2 Overview (2002) given by Christopher Gutteridge at 11th Pan Hellenic
Conference of Academic Libraries, Academic Libraries of Open and Continuous
Access 6 - 8/11/2002, T.E.I. of Larissa, Greece
The University of Southampton
Research Repository : from TARDis Project to University Service, presented
by Pauline Simpson at JISC SW Regional Meeting on 'Institutional Digital Content
Repositories', Univ Plymouth, 01 Feb 2006. [Powerpoint]
The Digital Catch: an integrative
role for IAMSLIC in the worlds of metadata, harvesters and repositories .
Part 1: Species Diversity, Part 2: Aquatic Commons, presented
by Pauline Simpson and Stephanie Haas at 31st IAMSLIC Conference, 10-14 Oct
2005, Rome: Information for Responsibile Fisheries: libraries as mediators,[Powerpoint]
[Extended Abstract]
Open Access and Repositories,
presented by Pauline Simpson to Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts(ASFA)
Board, FAO, Rome, 08 Oct 2005 [Powerpoint]
Repositories for research
- contributing to the knowledge cycle, presented by Pauline Simpson
in, 'Are Repositories taking over the World', JIBS 2005 Conference, BGS, Nottingham,
15 Sep 2005. [Powerpoint]
TARDis : from project
to embedded Institutional Repository , presented by Pauline Simpson
in 'Open Access and Institutional Repositories', Association of Librarians
and Information Professionals in the Social Sciences (ALISS), British Library
Conference Centre, London, 26 Jul, 2005. [Powerpoint]
Quality and quantity:
tackling real issues in an institutional research repository to be
presented by Jessie Hey and Pauline Simpson in “Library and Publishing
Community Presentations” session in OAI4 : CERN workshop on Innovations
in Scholarly Communication, 20-22 Oct, 2005, Geneva, Switzerland.
Farewell to the TARDis:
embedding an Institutional Repository Project in the Institution,
presented by Jessie Hey in "Dissemination and Embedding" session
at JISC Joint Programmes Meeting, Homerton College, Cambridge, UK, 7-8 Jul
Southampton Instititutional
Research Repository, presented by Pauline Simpson at "Immediate
Futures" : University Medical Schools Librarians Group Residential Meeting
7-8 Jul 2005, University of Edinburgh.[Powerpoint]
The TARDis Route Map to
Open Access: developing an Institutional Repository Model presented
by Jessie Hey at ELPUB 2005: From Author to Reader: Challenges for the Digital
Content Chain - 9th ICCC International Conference on Electronics Publishing,
8-10 Jun 2005, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven-Heverlee, Belgium,
Developing open access
with institutional repositories in the UK, presented by Jessie Hey
at Conference on Open Access to Knowledge, Braga, Portugal, 12-13 May 2005.
Braga, Portugal, University of Minho.
TARDis : Targeting
Academic Research for Deposit and Disclosure at the University of Southampton,
presented by Pauline Simpson at "Towards a Digital Research Archive for
Oxford University", 10 Jun 2005, Oxford Internet Institute[Powerpoint]
Open Access : Publishing
and Repositories - making research more visible, presented by
Pauline Simpson at, EURASLIC 11: Open waters - open sources, 11th Biennial
Conference of European Association of Aquatic Sciences Libraries and Information
Centres, 4-6 May 2005, Split, Croatia [Powerpoint]
Creating a Multidisciplinary
Institutional Repository Using EPrints Software, presented by Jessie
Hey and Leslie Carr at the JISC Conference, Birmingham, 12 April, 2005 [Powerpoint]
Institutional Repositories
: how to make your research more visible, presented by Pauline Simpson
to Oxford Brookes University, 9 March 2005 [Powerpoint]
Developing an Institutional
Repository at the University of Southampton, presented by Pauline
Simpson and Jessie Hey to University of Warwick, 4 March 2005 [PowerPoint].
How to make your research
more visible: repositories and the Open Archive Initiative, presented
by Pauline Simpson in, Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee VLIZ Young Scientists
Day, Brugge, Belgium, 25 Feb 2005 [Powerpoint]
Gaining Content for IRs,
presented by Pauline Simpson in, ODINPubAfrica Training Workshop,
Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Diepenbeek, Belgium, 23-24 Feb 2005 [Powerpoint]
Copyright issues for Institutional
Repositories, presented by Pauline Simpson in, ODINPubAfrica Training
Workshop, Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Diepenbeek, Belgium, 23-24 Feb 2005
Developing an Institutional
Repository at the University of Southampton - the TARDis experience,
by Pauline Simpson, Jessie Hey and Mark Brown in, Open Access Institutional
Repositories : leadership, direction and launch, University of Southampton,
25-26 Jan 2005 [PowerPoint]
Policy Development for
TARDis at the University of Southampton: Policy meets Practice in Building
a Sustainable Institutional Repository for Research presented by
Jessie Hey in, LEarning About Digital Institutional Repositories (LEADIRS)
Seminars, London, UK, 1-2 Nov and 6-7 Dec 2004. Cambridge-MIT Institute (CMI).
Institutional Repositories:
Laying Foundations for a New Era of Scholarly Communication: a Practical View
from the Southampton University Research Repository,
presented by Jessie Hey in, Online Information 2004, London, UK, 30 Nov-2
Dec 2004. Learned Information Europe Ltd
The Culture, Care and
Content of Institutional Repositories, presented by Pauline Simpson in “Preserving our Institutional Intellectual Property”
Panel Discussion at, IAMSLIC 2004: Voyages of Discovery, parting the seas
of information technology, Hobart, Tasmania, 6-9 September 2004 [Powerpoint]
Practical issues in creating
an institutional repository presented by Jessie Hey in Seminar on
New Developments in Scholarly Publishing at London South
Bank University, UK, 29 June 2004 [PowerPoint]
Implementing an Institutional
Repository: management, organizational and cultural Issues,
presented by Pauline Simpson and Jessie Hey at the University of Bergen Visit
meeting on 25 March 2004 [PowerPoint]
Implementing an Institutional
Repository: management and organizational Issues,
presented by Jessie Hey at JISC Conference 2004, International Convention
Centre, Birmingham, Session theme: Widening access to institutional assets:
what are the practical implications? on 23 Mar 2004. See a photo
from the conference. [Powerpoint]
Implementing an Institutional
Repository: management, organizational and cultural Issues presented
by Pauline Simpson at e-Prints UK Workshop, Ashmolean Museum Oxford on 22
Mar 2004 [PowerPoint]
Metadata Issues for e-Prints:
experiences from setting up an Institutional Repository, presented
by Jessie Hey at ePrints UK Workshop, Ashmolean Museum Oxford, on 22 March
2004 [PowerPoint]
Institutional Repositories
:an opportunity for IAMSLIC presented by Pauline Simpson on 8 October
2003, at Navigating the Shoals: Evolving User Services in Aquatic and Marine
Science Libraries, 29th Annual IAMSLIC Conference, October 5 - 9, 2003, Mystic,
Connecticut USA. [Summary][Powerpoint]
Building Quality Assurance
into Metadata Creation: an Analysis based on the Learning Objects and e-Prints
Communities of Practice, presented by Jessie Hey and Sarah Currier
on 29 Sept at DC-2003 (2003 Dublin Core Conference) Supporting Communities
of Discourse and Practice - Metadata Research and Applications, 28th Sept
- 2nd Oct, Seattle, Washington, USA [Powerpoint]
Scholarly Communication
and OAI , presented by Pauline Simpson at Chalmers Institute of Technology,
Gothenburg, Sweden, on 24 Sept 2003. [Powerpoint]
Combining Cultures to
Create Open Institutional e-Print Archives Joint workshop presented
by Jessie Hey [Powerpoint],
Christopher Gutteridge (interspersing short presentations: A busy
person's introduction to OAI-PMH[Powerpoint]
and What is GNU Eprints 2?[Powerpoint]
and followed by Kurt De Belder (Chief, Division of Electronic Services, University
of Amsterdam Library) Open Archives: context and initiatives in the
at Making Connections: Connecting People, Connecting Technology ALT/SURF joint
one day conference Amersterdam 10 April 2003
Open Archives in the Evolving
Information Space - Libraries and the Global Perspective
Presented by Jessie Hey at the 12th National
Conference of University Libraries and Symposium of University Library
Directors of Latin America and the Carribean - The (R)evolution of Knowledge
and Information, Oct 21-25, 2003, Recife, Brazil [Abstract][Powerpoint
7.8 Mb]
E-Prints and the Open
Archive Initiative - Opportunities for Libraries ,presented by Pauline
Simpson at IAMSLIC 2002 Bridging the Digital Divide Oct 6-11, 2002, Mazatlan,
Sinaloa, Mexico. [Powerpoint][Paper]
University of Southampton
Institutional Research Repository – an Update [PowerPoint]
presented by Jessie Hey at Post Compulsory Education and Training meeting,
School of Education 12 October, 2005.
Southampton’s Institutional
Repository, e-Prints and the Research Context presented by Jessie
Hey at LASS ICT for Research Network Seminar Series, 20 June 2005.
Southampton University Research
e-Prints, [Powerpoint]
presented by Pauline Simpson to School of Medicine Research Management
Committee 18 May 2005
Southampton University Research
e-Prints - an Opportunity for Chemistry, [PowerPoint]
presented by Jessie Hey to School of Chemistry Away Day at Chilworth,
7 Apr, 2005
How to make your research
more visible: OAI and institutional repositories, [Powerpoint]
presented by Pauline Simpson in, Postgraduate Research in Marine and Earth
Sciences, Southampton Oceanography Centre, 21-22 Mar 2005
Southampton University Research
Repository: e-Prints Soton, [Powerpoint]
presented by Pauline Simpson to School of Medicine, 19 Jan 2005
Southampton University
Research e-Prints - a Growing Archive [PowerPoint]
presented by Jessie Hey to Health Care Innovation Unit, 16 December 2004
Presentations to University Research
Policy Committee, Faculties, School Managers, Individual Schools,TARDis Review
Meeting, Oct-Dec 2004
Southampton University
Research e-Prints: e-Prints Soton
presented by Pauline Simpson, Jessie Hey and Natasha Lucas in Southampton
University Library Schools Liaison Review 30 November 2004
The Southampton University
Research Repository [PowerPoint]
presented by Pauline Simpson and Jessie Hey in, Open Publishing – the
background, the EGU experience and a new Ocean Science Journal: POETS Corner
Seminar, Southampton Oceanography Centre on 23 September 2004
A Shop Window for Your
Schools’ Research – Maintaining Your International Research Profile
- Managing the RAE[Powerpoint]
presented by Pauline Simpson and Jessie Hey to the Law, Arts and Social
Sciences (LASS) Research Policy Sub Committee on 10 June 2004
A Shop Window for Your
School Research: Maintaining Your International Research Profile[PowerPoint]
presented by Jessie Hey to the School of Physics and Astronomy, Staff Development
Seminar on 30 March 2004
Opening Access to Southampton
Research - Institutional Repositories for Research Visibility: Time to Deposit
[PowerPoint] presented
by Jessie Hey and Pauline Simpson at Engineering, Science and Mathematics
(ESM) Faculty Forum on 26 February 2004
e-Print Repositories for
Research Visibility: Time to Deposit[PowerPoint]
presented by Pauline Simpson and Jessie Hey to the School of Ocean and Earth
Science on 13 November, 2003
e-Print Repositories
for Research Visibility: Time to Deposit[PowerPoint]
presented by Pauline Simpson and Jessie Hey at Challenger Division for Seafloor
Processes (CDSP) on 6 November 2003
e-Print Repositories for
Research Visibility: Time to Deposit[PowerPoint]
presented by Pauline Simpson and Jessie Hey to George Deacon Division for
Ocean Proceses, NERC, on 30 October 2003.
e-Print Repositories for
Research Visibility: Time to Deposit[Powerpoint]
presented by Pauline Simpson and Jessie Hey to James Rennell Division (JRD),
NERC, on 17 October 2003.
Targeting Academic Research
for Deposit and Disclosure [Powerpoint]
presentation to Prof Adam Wheeler, DVC, by Pauline Simpson and Jessie Hey
on 18 September 2003.
e-Publications and the
e-Library: Current Trends and What They Will Mean for You[Powerpoint]
by Jessie Hey with Paul Boagey, University of Southampton Libraries, at School
of Nursing and Midwifery Scholarship Seminar Series, 4th June 2003.
e-Prints Soton –
an Introduction[PowerPoint]
presented by Jessie Hey and Pauline Simpson at Southampton University Librarians
meeting 13 March 2003