TARDIS: Targeting Academic Research for Deposit and Disclosure

Brief Outline

TARDIS will investigate strategies to overcome the technical, cultural and academic barriers, which currently restrict the development of institutional e-print archives, and will develop a working model of a multidisciplinary institutional archive. The archive will be accessible through the University Library's Web Portal as part of an integrated institutional and subject-focused information resource. The potential for delivery through an external service provider will also be assessed.

The project has the following five key objectives:

The archive will focus on the research output of the University (an estimated 2,000 publications annually, based on the RAE2001 figures) and will involve both pre and post publication e-prints, conference papers, research reports, and working papers. Where appropriate models will be designed to ensure controlled access on copyright compliant material. It is not however envisaged that the project will cover IPR and copyright issues other than by defining their perceived role in facilitating or hindering academic staff in contributing to the archive.

Contact Us
TARDIS (Targetting Academic Research for Deposit and Disclosure) is a project funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the Higher Education Funding Councils as part of its DNER Learning and Teaching/Infrastructure Development Programme