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Provenance Challenge


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Open Provenance Model Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Basics
  3. Overlapping and Hierarchichal Descriptions
  4. Provenance Graph Definition
  5. Timeless Formal Model
  6. Inferences
  7. Formal Model and Time Annotations
  8. Time Constraints and Inferences
  9. Support for Collections
  10. Example of Representation
  11. Conclusion
  12. Best Practice on the Use of Agensts
  13. References

10 Example of Representation

In this Section, we construct an explicit representation of the model for Figure 4. It appears in 17, where we see:

  • an explicit enumeration of artifact and process ids (no agent in this graph);
  • the symbols O and G to denote orange and green accounts, respectively;
  • explicit mappings for processes and artifacts from their ids to their values and accounts;
  • in this representation, the "values" of processes is a URI to concepts in an ontology, whereas the "values" of artifacts are immediate;
  • the list of edges;
  • explicit declaration of refinement.

Representation of Figure 4
Figure 17: Representation of Figure 4


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