Provenance Challenge: CCPE Special issue
- This issue is open to all participants who submitted an entry to the Provenance Challenge
- Each author team agrees to referee 3 or 4 of their colleague's papers
- There is an 8 pages limit per paper (CCPE format, length non negotiable)
- Wiley has Latex templates but no special templates for Word. Either Latex OR Word accepted. Please ignore any Wiley instructions that do not agree with these rules!
- Papers to be submitted to Manuscript central indicating Provenance Challenge special issue.
- Special issue editors: Luc Moreau and Bertram Ludaescher.
- Each paper to describe their own provenance system, its capabilities and characteristics
- Each paper to explicitly discuss how they addressed/implemented provenance queries
- Each paper will attempt to contrast approaches
- Each paper to make use of the unified bibliography
- Note: challenge workflow will be defined in Editorial: no need to define it
- Introduction of the special issue: outline drafted by Luc: Oct 15
- For each submission: title, authors, short abstract + system/approach name: Oct 15
- Submission: Nov 15
- Reviews: Dec 15
- Feedback to authors before Xmas
- Camera Ready: Jan 31st
LucMoreau - 13 Sep 2006
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