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Provenance Challenge


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University of Chicago - Provenance Challenge 1 - Summary

Participating Team

  • Short team name: UChicago
  • Participant/contributors: Ben Clifford, Ian Foster, Jens Voeckler (ISI), Mike Wilde, Yong Zhao
  • Project URL:
  • Project Overview: The Virtual Data System (VDS) describes workflows in a location-independent manner for execution in a variety of centralized and distributed environments.
  • Provenance-specific Overview: VDS tracks the provenance of all data transformations it executes, and integrates this provenance closely with the workflows definitions.
  • Relevant Publications: see project URL, above.

Workflow Representation

The challenge workflow is encoded in the Virtual Data Language (VDL). VDL is described in the VDS USers Guide.

The full workflow is at: genatlas.vdl. An excerpt is included here:

TR air::align_warp( in refimg, in refhdr, in subimg, in subhdr, model, quick, out warp )
    argument = ${refimg};
    argument = ${subimg};
    argument = ${warp};
    argument = "-m " ${model};
    argument = ${quick};

TR air::reslice( in warp, in subimg, in subhdr, out slicedimg, out slicedhdr )
    argument = ${warp};
    argument = ${slicedimg};


DV wilde.pc1.wf01::align_warp.1->air::align_warp(
    refhdr = @{in:"Data/Raw/reference.hdr"},
    refimg = @{in:"Data/Raw/reference.img"},
    subhdr = @{in:"Data/Raw/anatomy1.hdr"},
    subimg = @{in:"Data/Raw/anatomy1.img"},
    warp = @{out:"Data/Derived/warp1.warp"},
    model = "12",
    quick = "-q"

DV wilde.pc1.wf01::reslice.2->air::reslice(
    warp = @{in:"Data/Derived/warp1.warp"},
    subhdr = @{in:"Data/Raw/anatomy1.hdr"},
    subimg = @{in:"Data/Raw/anatomy1.img"},
    slicedhdr = @{out:"Data/Derived/resliced1.hdr"},
    slicedimg = @{out:"Data/Derived/resliced1.img"}

A few notes on VDL:

  • there are two kinds of declarations in a VDL workflow: function definitions (“TR” for “transformation”) and function calls (“DV” for “derivation”). TRs in this version of the VDS represent executable applications with POSIX invocation attributes and execution conventions (such as environment variables and return codes).
  • VDL definitions are stored in a database (relational or XML) where they can be joined with records of runtime provenance.
  • VDL definitions – TRs and DVs – are fully named by triples of (namespace, name, version) eg: air::softmean:5.3. The namespace and version is optional, but all definitions must be unique within a virtual data catalog database.
  • The schema of the virtual data catalog is represented (approximately) by the following high-level ER diagram:
The actual physical schema is here: The schema is composed of several sections: core definitions, provenance tracking, logical file tracking, physical transformation mappings, metadata annotations, and workflow management.
  • VDL workflows are location independent – all applications and data files are “logical” and are translated to “physical” names as a part of the VDL workflow planning process.
  • VDL workflows can be executed on a local host, on a cluster, or on a Grid (a distributed set of clusters). For this exercise we executed the challenge workflow on a local host “”.
  • The VDS is typically used through a command line interface with the following commands:
    • vdlt2vdlx – converts VDL workflows from textual to XML format
    • insertvdc – inserted VDL definitions (in XML form) into a VDC database
    • gendax – traverses the data flow edges in the workflow graph represented in a VDC database, and produces a graph whose edges represent explicit paths of control.
    • the vdlc command combines the three commands above into a single command, in the style of “cc”.
    • shplanner – the planner which generates shell scripts for local execution.
    • kickstart – this is an “application launcher” used within workflow – both local and distributed – at runtime, to gather run-time provenance from the application’s execution in a uniform manner. Kickstart describes the application’s execution (arguments, environment, duration, exitcode, system resources used, as well as the attributes of the application executable and all input and output data files. This description is in the form of an XML document called an “invocation document”, or sometimes simply a “kickstart record”.
    • exitcode – this helper application takes kickstart records and copies their content into the VDC, into a set of tables within the VDC schema called the “provenance tracking catalog”, or “PTC”. Exitcode also permits workflow engines such as DAGman to be sure that it can react to the exitcode of the application.
  • When executed on a local host, the workflow is translated by a planner into a simple sequential shell script (actually, a nested collection of shellscripts – one script for each derivation that is to be run, and one master script that invokes the subshell scripts in sequence.
A few notes on the VDL implementation of this workflow:
  • we chose to represent it as explicit DVs – this lets us control all intermediate filenames as well as each DV name. Alternatively we could have represented it as nested “compound transformations”, which would enable us to write the workflow with far fewer DVs.
  • we used a workflow name of pc1.wf01 as the namespace for DVs. For the TRs we used three different namespaces to reflect the origins of the code: air::, fsl::, and unix::.
  • we named each DV as the name of the TR plus a DV sequence number (1-15) within the workflow

Provenance Trace

Upload a representation of the information you captured when executing the workflow. Explain the structure (provide pointers to documents describing your schemas etc.)

We generated a DAX using the VDLC command, which compiles the VDL, inserts a representation of it into the virtual data catalog database, and then traverses the graph of transformation calls ("derivations" - the nodes) and their datadependencies (the edges) in the VDL produce a workflow.

[Directed acyclic graph in XML – “DAX” document] [Compiled workflow graph] This document describes the explicit control flow graph. It contains three sections:

  1. A list of all logical file names used in the workflow, and their usage direction (in,out,or intermediate - inout).
  2. A list of all the derivations 9"jobs") to perform in the workflow
  3. A list of all the workflow graph edges in the form of child-to-parent control flow dependencies.

The DAX is a primary element of the data structure with which runtime provenance will be associated, and is useful in querying the provenance. Note that in future releases, DAX information may be fully maintained in the VDC schema itself. Currently, it is not. The full DAX workflow graph for the challenge workflow is in the file genatlas.dax.

We augmented the VDC database schema with a few changes to better support provenance query. The current database schema can be obtained from the VDS CVS repository. The schema schanges consist of two tables that break out the details of transformation and derivation arguments.

The primary provenence records we capture are the XML invocation documents, or "kickstart records" - one XML file per application invocation. The records from the execution of the challenge workflow are in this tar file of invocation documents. Here's the invocation document for a run of reslice: reslice_ID000002.out

Details of the structure and interpretation of the invocation documents are in the VDS Users Guide chapter Interpreting Results from Kickstart.

We merge the information from the runtime invocation records with the workflow graph structure in the dax, in a formatted "provenance" file. The full workflow, documented in this fashion, can be found in the file

The full workflow was executed using the initialization and execution script contained in these files: runpc1, inittc and initrc which run the workflow, and set up the list of input files and application programs, respectively.

Provenance Queries

Provence quriees in the VDS can take several forms: SQL queries on the virtual data catalog, XML-filtering queries (performed in this exercise using text tools such as awk, but which can conceptually (and more properly) be done using XPath and XQuery), and plain text-filtering queries.

These three mechanisms are joined in ad-hoc but expedient manners as illustrated below. In general, throughout our queries, we use gendax to perform graph traversals on the VDL definitions in the virtual data catalog database, and then tex tools to traverse that graph in its XML file format, and join this information with SQL queries using shell scripts. Note that several queries are performed entirely in SQL.

Query 1

Find the process that led to Atlas X Graphic / everything that caused Atlas X Graphic to be as it is. This should tell us the new brain images from which the averaged atlas was generated, the warping performed etc.

We perform a gendax to create the workflow graph for just the atlas x graphic. (Note that the executed workflow comprises the workflow graph to derive all three Atlas graphic files).

# Get provenance for just the Atlas-X file

gendax -o genatlasx.dax -l pc1.wf01 -f Data/Derived/atlas-x.gif
prdax < genatlasx.dax > genatlasx

prdax is an awk script that formats the DAX document into humanly readable report-like format, and augments the workflow graph from the DAX with the runtime invocation provenance information from the virtual data catalog.

Note that the workflow has already been executed – gendax (a Java app) performs a graph traversal of the virtual data catalog (RDBMS), to select the derivation definitions required to derive the requested file. Passing gendax the same workflow id as the wf we ran allows us to match the invocation records in the database with the steps of the requested subgraph.

The result files for this query are:

The DAX graph: genatlasx.dax

The Provenance (process record) file:

Graphical renderings of the process graph, at various levels of detail, in png and svg:

(Note that you may need a browser plugin to view the SVG. They can be viewed nicely in visio).

Query 2

Find the process that led to Atlas X Graphic, excluding everything prior to the averaging of images with softmean.

This query asks us to filter a workflow graph. We take “prior to” to mean all graph predecessors of softmean. We do a graph traversal from the specified node (softmean) and go backwards through the workflow graph – opposite to the direction of execution, from the sync to the source – eliminating all predecessor nodes of the target node.

The script exclude_prior performs this pruning on the XML workflow graph document (the genatlas.dax file), producing a new workflow document, the exuptosoftmean.dax We then run the prdax script on this graph to produce the provenance list.

$ exclude_prio ID000009 <genatlas.dax >exuptosoftmean.dax
$ prdax 

The provenance of the pruned workflow can be seen in these two files:

Note that we specify the softmean job here with its Job ID (with no loss of generality). The exclude_prio script reads the dax file, constructs the graph in associative array objects (as a successor list) and uses the recursive function “elim” to remove graph elements that we wish to prune:

function elim(node,plist) {
        delete jobtext[node];
        if ( ! (node in parlist) ) return;
        split(parlist[node], plist, " ")
        for ( p in plist ) {
        delete parlist[node];

        j = jobtext["$exjob"];
        jobtext["$exjob"] = j;

The full source for exclude_prior is here: exclude_prior.

Query 3

Find the Stage 3, 4 and 5 details of the process that led to Atlas X Graphic.

Query 3 is similar to query 2 but is based on stages of the workflow graph rather than on graph paths. Each derivation (invocation) in our workflow graphs is annotated with a level attribute, that signifies the level of the breadth-first graph traversal that was done to go from the requested data product of the workflow backwards to all the dependent data products and the derivations needed to produce them. These levels are the inverse of the stage numbers specied in the challenge problem. We apply a function maxlevel which obtains the maximum level of the workflow graph, and use this number to convert the request stage numbers to requested levels. Then, the work of this query is done in a manner very similar to that of query 2, using select_stage to prune out all levels of the graph outside of a specific range of stages: Select_stage calls maxlevel to convert stages to levels.

$ select_stage 3 5 <genatlas.dax >genatlas.3-5.dax
$ prdax <genatlas.3-5.dax >

Query 4

Find all invocations of procedure align_warp using a twelfth order nonlinear 1365 parameter model (see model menu describing possible values of parameter "-m 12" of align_warp) that ran on a Monday.

This is a straightforward SQL join of the invocation tables with the parameters of the DV (as given by the darg table).

For days of the week, we use a SQL expression on the DV invocation date: SELECT EXTRACT(DOW FROM start) to pick a specific date. ((Sunday=0. Note that we queried for Tuesday (2) rather than Monday (1) to match our example run) but show a similar technique to query on a range of “seconds of minute” to test the approach.

The query is:

-- invocations from Tuesday

SELECT iv.* from ptc_invocation iv, anno_definition def
        SELECT dvid
        FROM darg da
        WHERE dvid IN (
                SELECT id FROM anno_definition WHERE xml like '<derivation%uses="align_warp"%'
        AND = 'model' AND da.value = 12
AND = iv.dv_name
AND EXTRACT(DOW from iv.start) = 2;

-- invocations occuring < 20 seconds into the minute

SELECT iv.* from ptc_invocation iv, anno_definition def
        SELECT dvid
        FROM darg da
        WHERE dvid IN (
                SELECT id FROM anno_definition WHERE xml like '<derivation%uses="align_warp"%'
        AND = 'model' AND da.value = 12
AND = iv.dv_name
AND EXTRACT(SECONDS from iv.start) < 20;

The output in this simple test was a crued dump of all the fields of the invocation record as stored in the VDC database. While hard to read, it shows the richnes of the fields captured in the provenance record: uid, gid, pid, cwd, system architecture, and a pointer to the getruasge() record info:

-bash-3.00$ cat find_invo.out
 id | creator |        creationtime        | wf_label |          wf_time           | version |           start            | duration | tr_namespace |  tr_name   | tr_version |  dv_namespace  |   dv_name    | dv_version | resource |      host       |  pid  | uid  | gid  |           cwd           | arch | total 
 80 | wilde   | 2006-09-12 09:46:34.068-05 | pc1.wf01 | 2006-10-10 19:00:01.219-05 | 1.7     | 2006-09-12 09:44:16.749-05 |    3.759 | air          | align_warp |            | wilde.pc1.wf01 | align_warp.3 |            | local    | | 19843 | 1031 | 1000 | /autonfs/home/wilde/pc1 |    3 |   160
 79 | wilde   | 2006-09-12 09:46:33.946-05 | pc1.wf01 | 2006-10-10 19:00:01.219-05 | 1.7     | 2006-09-12 09:44:11.526-05 |    4.008 | air          | align_warp |            | wilde.pc1.wf01 | align_warp.1 |            | local    | | 19817 | 1031 | 1000 | /autonfs/home/wilde/pc1 |    3 |   158
 81 | wilde   | 2006-09-12 09:46:34.141-05 | pc1.wf01 | 2006-10-10 19:00:01.219-05 | 1.7     | 2006-09-12 09:44:26.981-05 |     3.75 | air          | align_warp |            | wilde.pc1.wf01 | align_warp.5 |            | local    | | 19893 | 1031 | 1000 | /autonfs/home/wilde/pc1 |    3 |   162
 82 | wilde   | 2006-09-12 09:46:34.222-05 | pc1.wf01 | 2006-10-10 19:00:01.219-05 | 1.7     | 2006-09-12 09:44:21.771-05 |    4.008 | air          | align_warp |            | wilde.pc1.wf01 | align_warp.7 |            | local    | | 19867 | 1031 | 1000 | /autonfs/home/wilde/pc1 |    3 |   164
(4 rows)

 id | creator |        creationtime        | wf_label |          wf_time           | version |           start            | duration | tr_namespace |  tr_name   | tr_version |  dv_namespace  |   dv_name    | dv_version | resource |      host       |  pid  | uid  | gid  |           cwd           | arch | total 
 80 | wilde   | 2006-09-12 09:46:34.068-05 | pc1.wf01 | 2006-10-10 19:00:01.219-05 | 1.7     | 2006-09-12 09:44:16.749-05 |    3.759 | air          | align_warp |            | wilde.pc1.wf01 | align_warp.3 |            | local    | | 19843 | 1031 | 1000 | /autonfs/home/wilde/pc1 |    3 |   160
 79 | wilde   | 2006-09-12 09:46:33.946-05 | pc1.wf01 | 2006-10-10 19:00:01.219-05 | 1.7     | 2006-09-12 09:44:11.526-05 |    4.008 | air          | align_warp |            | wilde.pc1.wf01 | align_warp.1 |            | local    | | 19817 | 1031 | 1000 | /autonfs/home/wilde/pc1 |    3 |   158
(2 rows)

Query 5

Find all Atlas Graphic images outputted from workflows where at least one of the input Anatomy Headers had an entry global maximum=4095. The contents of a header file can be extracted as text using the scanheader AIR utility.

This query treats the entire workflow as a black box, and assumes, for example, that many workflows have been run, and that we are looking for the output products of workflows whose inputs meet a metadata criterion.

We run a simple script (which could itself be captured as a workflow) to turn the headers into metadata and reattach this metadata to the headers.

The query script - which integrates SQL on the VDC with awk to query the DAX XML workflow - is:

targetfiles=`mktemp /tmp/query5.XXXXXX`
derivedfiles=`mktemp /tmp/query5.XXXXXX`
targetpattern=`mktemp /tmp/query5.XXXXXX`

psql -t -d mwvdc1 -U wilde -f - <<EOF >$targetfiles
SELECT FROM anno_lfn lfn, anno_int ai
WHERE like '%/anatomy%.hdr'
        and =
        and ai.value = 4095;

psql -t -d mwvdc1 -U wilde -f - <<EOF >$derivedfiles
SELECT FROM anno_lfn_o of
WHERE like '%/atlas%.gif' OR like '%/atlas%.pgm'

sed -e 's/^ //' \
    -e '/^$/d' \
    -e 's/^/  <filename file="/' \
    -e 's/$/" link="input"\/>/' <$targetfiles >$targetpattern

for d in `cat $derivedfiles` ; do
        gendax -f $d | grep -q -F "`cat $targetpattern`" && echo $d

rm $targetfiles $derivedfiles $derivedpattern

Query 6

Find all output averaged images of softmean (average) procedures, where the warped images taken as input were align_warped using a twelfth order nonlinear 1365 parameter model, i.e. "where softmean was preceded in the workflow, directly or indirectly, by an align_warp procedure with argument -m 12.

We use a similar approach to that of query 5:

# Find align_warp calls with argument model=12

psql -t -d mwvdc1 -U wilde -A -F '      ' -f - <<EOF >$alignwarpdvs
SELECT def.namespace,, def.version from darg da, anno_definition def
WHERE = 'model' AND da.value = 12
AND   da.dvid =

# Find all softmean derivations

psql -t -d mwvdc1 -U wilde -A -F '      ' -f - <<EOF >$softmeandvs
SELECT def.namespace,, def.version from anno_definition def
WHERE def.xml LIKE '%uses="softmean"%';

# Form DV pattern to search workflow graphs

cat <<EOF >$awkp
{ line="";
  if( \$1 != "") {line = line "dv-namespace=\"" \$1 "\""; }
  if( \$2 != "") {line = line " dv-name=\"" \$2 "\""; }
  if( \$3 != "") {line = line " dv-version=\"" \$3 "\""; }
  print line;
awk -f $awkp <$alignwarpdvs >$dvpattern

# Find workflows of softmean derivations that contain the desired preceding align_warp DVs
#   and select the output images of these workflows

while read ns name ver; do
        gendax -o $dax -n "$ns" -i "$name" -v "$ver"
        grep -q -F "`cat $dvpattern`" $dax && grep 'filename.*img.*output' $dax
done <$softmeandvs

Query 8

A user has annotated some anatomy images with a key-value pair center=UChicago. Find the outputs of align_warp where the inputs are annotated with center=UChicago.

This query is done entirely in SQL on the VDC:

Find lfns with annotation center=uc
Find alignwarp Dvs with those lfns as inputs
Find outputs of these DVs
(need to add more data to show the selectivity of this query)

FROM anno_lfn_i inf, anno_lfn_o outf, anno_definition dv
WHERE in (
        SELECT FROM anno_lfn lfn, anno_text txt
        WHERE mkey='center'
          AND =
          AND txt.value = 'UChicago'
  AND inf.did =
  AND dv.xml like '%uses="align_warp"%'
  AND = outf.did;

(2 rows)

Query 9

A user has annotated some atlas graphics with key-value pair where the key is studyModality. Find all the graphical atlas sets that have metadata annotation studyModality with values speech, visual or audio, and return all other annotations to these files.

For this query we create 10 new logical file records, and annotate them with test data. The Query, like #8, is entirely in SQL on the VDC:

SELECT, lfn.mkey, txt.value
FROM anno_lfn lfn, anno_text txt
  AND in (
        SELECT FROM anno_lfn lfn1, anno_lfn lfn2, anno_text txt1, anno_text txt2
        WHERE lfn1.mkey='datatype'
          AND =
          AND txt1.value = 'graphics'
          AND lfn2.mkey='studyModality'
          AND =
          AND txt2.value in ('speech', 'audio', 'visual')
          AND =

SELECT, lfn.mkey, flt.value
FROM anno_lfn lfn, anno_float flt
  AND in (
        SELECT FROM anno_lfn lfn1, anno_lfn lfn2, anno_text txt1, anno_text txt2
        WHERE lfn1.mkey='datatype'
          AND =
          AND txt1.value = 'graphics'
          AND lfn2.mkey='studyModality'
          AND =
          AND txt2.value in ('speech', 'audio', 'visual')
          AND =

$ query9
          name          |     mkey      |  value   
 Data/Raw/anatomy10.img | studyAgency   | NSF
 Data/Raw/anatomy10.img | studyPI       | Moreau
 Data/Raw/anatomy10.img | studyModality | speech
 Data/Raw/anatomy10.img | datatype      | graphics
 Data/Raw/anatomy10.img | center        | UChicago
 Data/Raw/anatomy11.img | studyState    | complete
 Data/Raw/anatomy11.img | studyAgency   | NSF
 Data/Raw/anatomy11.img | studyPI       | Moreau
 Data/Raw/anatomy11.img | studyModality | audio
 Data/Raw/anatomy11.img | datatype      | graphics
 Data/Raw/anatomy11.img | center        | Oxford
 Data/Raw/anatomy12.img | studyAgency   | NSF
 Data/Raw/anatomy12.img | studyPI       | Moreau
 Data/Raw/anatomy12.img | studyModality | visual
 Data/Raw/anatomy12.img | datatype      | graphics
 Data/Raw/anatomy12.img | center        | UChicago
 Data/Raw/anatomy14.img | studyState    | complete
 Data/Raw/anatomy14.img | studyAgency   | NSF
 Data/Raw/anatomy14.img | studyPI       | Groth
 Data/Raw/anatomy14.img | studyModality | speech
 Data/Raw/anatomy14.img | datatype      | graphics
 Data/Raw/anatomy14.img | center        | UChicago
 Data/Raw/anatomy15.img | studyAgency   | NSF
 Data/Raw/anatomy15.img | studyPI       | Moreau
 Data/Raw/anatomy15.img | studyModality | speech
 Data/Raw/anatomy15.img | datatype      | graphics
 Data/Raw/anatomy15.img | center        | London
 Data/Raw/anatomy16.img | studyAgency   | NSF
 Data/Raw/anatomy16.img | studyPI       | Moreau
 Data/Raw/anatomy16.img | studyModality | speech
 Data/Raw/anatomy16.img | datatype      | graphics
 Data/Raw/anatomy16.img | center        | Kyoto
 Data/Raw/anatomy18.img | studyAgency   | NSF
 Data/Raw/anatomy18.img | studyPI       | Moreau
 Data/Raw/anatomy18.img | studyModality | speech
 Data/Raw/anatomy18.img | datatype      | graphics
 Data/Raw/anatomy18.img | center        | UChicago
(37 rows)

          name          |   mkey    |      value       
 Data/Raw/anatomy15.img | studyCost | 12500.9501953125
(1 row)

Suggested Workflow Variants

Suggest variants of the workflow that can exhibit capabilities that your system support.

Suggested Queries

Suggest significant queries that your system can support and are not in the proposed list of queries, and how you have implemented/would implement them. These queries may be with regards to a variant of the workflow suggested above.

Categorisation of queries

According to your provenance approach, you may be able to provide a categorisation of queries. Can you elaborate on the categorisation and its rationale.

Live systems

If your system can be accessed live (through portal, web page, web service, or other), provide relevant information here.

Further Comments

Provide here further comments.


Provide here your conclusions on the challenge, and issues that you like to see discussed at a face to face meeting.

-- MichaelWilde - 12 Sep 2006
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