Change Proposal: Date Time in XML Schema
Ben Clifford
XML schema
Definition of time in Time annotations does not seem correct.
Problem addressed
xs:time represents an instant of time that recurs every day.
Proposed solution
it should be an xs:dateTime
Rationale for the solution
The intent from the OPM spec appears (clearly?) to be a non-repeating time specified over all of eternity. The use of xsd:time appears to be a mistake in the XSD schema.
Community is invited to provide comments on proposals.
Comment 1 by Simon Miles
Makes sense to me.
Yes, this is a mistake, and using xsd:DateTime will also bring the XML serialization into alignment with most RDF ontologies representing instants in time, for example the "Time Ontology in OWL" W3C working draft:
Jim Myers - abstain
Luc Moreau, yes.
Simon Miles, yes
Paul Groth, yes
Joe Futrelle, yes
Paolo Missier, yes
Result is: yes: 5/abstention: 1.
The proposal is accepted.
LucMoreau - 15 Jun 2009
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OPM.ChangeProposalDateTime moved from OPM.ChangeProposalDataTime on 19 Jun 2009 - 07:30 by LucMoreau -
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