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Open Provenance Model


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OPM Use cases

Luc Moreau, June 24.


All specs, but specifically OPM v1.01


To understand motivations of OPM, a series of Use cases would be useful.

Problem addressed

Currently, use cases have not been made explicit.

Proposed solution

Add a section on use cases.

Rationale for the solution

It's common practice in standardization activities to enumerate the use cases intended to be supported by a spec.


Community is invited to provide comments on proposals and submit possible use cases.

comment 1

include authors


Simon Miles - yes, it is important for people to understand why OPM is useful and guide them in using it, though I don't know whether it is most helpful to include in the core spec or a separate primer document

Joe Futrelle, yes

Paul Groth, yes, but I agree with Simon that these should be in a primer document.

Luc Moreau, yes, many specifications refer to a (possibly separate) set of use cases. It would be very useful to have it to justify our design decisions. This would make opm v1.1 more compelling to a broader community.

NataliaKwasnikowska, yes

Jan Van den Bussche, yes, this is essential

PaoloMissier, yes -- but as others said, this is best placed in a primer document, a companion to the core

-- LucMoreau - 24 Jun 2009


Unanimity we want use cases: Yes: 7/No: 0.

In all likelihood, the use cases need to be collected in a separate document. Most importantly, we need to contribute use cases!
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