OPM Events in Plier
It is highly required within the e-BioInfra to capture the occurrence of events during the execution of a workflow experiment (e.g. timestamp when a process is queued, running, and completed or failed).
In this section, we present some hints related to events in OPM and how they are handled within eBioCrawler.
- Events in OPM:
Events in OPM are expressed using OTime concept, which is linked to Causal dependencies ('Used', 'GeneratedBy', 'ControlledBy', 'TrigredBy', 'DerivedFrom')
- Artifact USED by Process at OTime,
- Artifact GENERATED by Process at OTime,
- Process CONTROLLED by Agent at OTime,
- Process TRIGGERED by Process at OTime,
- Artifact USED by Process at OTime,
- Artifact DERIVED from Artifact at OTime.
The event occurs:
- noEarlierThan: (no earlier than this time),
- noLAterThan: (no later than this time),
- exactlyAt: (exactly at is disjoint from noEarlierThan and noLAterThan).
The way of describing events in OPM is very general and can only describe occurence time.
- It is not capable of representing execution information,
- It is not capable of representing high level process details,
- Handeling Events within eBioCrawler:
To cope with events, eBioCrawler deploys the Annotation/Propriety OPM concepts to represent the occurrence of events during the different processing stages.
The eBioCrawler builds events as follows (for each process):
- Create an Annotation with 'STATUS' as value for 'LocalSubject' ,
- Create a set of Properties (e.g. QUEUEUD, RUNNING, ERROR, and COMPLETED) with Time as value for each property (time as long/string)
- link the set of proprieties to the annotation, and
- link the annotation to the process
For more details, please check the step-by-step example OpmDBTest and the complete java source code example OpmDBTestSample examples given on Plier wiki page.
-- AmmarBenabdelkader - 21 Jan 2011
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