Using the Plier Toolbox to manipulate and share OPM data and graphs
PlierToolBox is a java-based application that allows the scientists to explore and share their OPM data in a user-friendly manner.
It facilitates the navigation and exploration through scientific-workflow data with potentials for graphical visualization and sharing. In a typical scenario case, it is hard for the scientist to look backward into the log files in order to trace the workflow process.
PlierToolBox, however, these tasks are performed from a single-access point, where the scientist is provided with different views of the data in a structured manner. Furthermore, it provides mechanisms to visualize OPM graphs representing abstract and concrete experiments and to share them using XML serialization.
PlierToolBox provides the following functionalities:
- Connects to an OPM back-end database (the database must be conform to OpmDDL and populated with provenance data),
- provides mechanisms do search and filter provenance data based on keywords, users, dates and time intervals,
- provides a summary of all performed experiments with status and duration,
- provides detailed information for each workflow experiment,
- provides workflow graphs according to OPM and dot
- provides mechanisms to export dot code for the experiment graphs
- provides mechanisms to export OPM_XML code for the experiment workflows
Technical Details:
- PlierToolBox deploys a back-end relational database, in accordance to the database schema defined in OpmDDL.
- OPM database is usually populated with provenance data using the Plier API (e.g. deployed within a workflow system).
- The following SQL script (SummaryScript) can be run against the OPM database, in order to fill-up summary fields in the OPM_GRAPH table.
- The summary fields help in providing a global overview/summary of each graph (status, duration, number of processes, etc.).
- To be able to use the grahical capabilities of PlierToolBox you need do download and install the GraphViz software
Download PlierToolBox:
- Download the latest version of Plier Toolbox.
- PlierToolBox: experiments summary
- PlierToolBox: experiment graph
- PlierToolBox: OPM XML
- PlierToolBox: customized experiment graph
AmmarBenabdelkader - 08 Mar 2011
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