Community Process for OPM V1.2
As part of the Fourth Provenance Challenge, observations, questions, suggestions, clarifications may come up, and the purpose of this page is to gather these, potentially with a view to produce a revision of the OPM specification or the specification of useful profiles. At this stage, no timetable has been identified, instead we are in a fact-finding phase.
Obversations, Questions, Suggestions.
- Minimality. Is OPM minimal, if so, why?
- Isn't the annotation framework RDF all again?
- The specification of common properties in v1.1 refers to URIs, isn't this technology specific?
We can start collecting material for an OPM Primer document. We can start adding examples, questions and discussion
Change Proposals
No call for change proposals issued yet.
LucMoreau - 15 Jun 2010
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