The Provenance Project Workplan
The Provenance project is divided into six technical workpackages in addition to two workpackages for management and collaboration with other EU Grid projects. The planned technical deliverables for the project are:
Workpackage 2: Requirements
- User Requirements Document - March 2005
- Software Requirements Document - May 2005
Workpackage 3: Architecture
- Proposal for standardisation of Provenance Architecture - August 2006
- Other white papers will be released during the lifetime of the project
Workpackage 4: Security
- Security Specification for Provenance Generation - August 2005
- Security Specification for Provenance Access - February 2006
- Implementation of Security for Provenance Generation and Access - August 2006
Workpackage 5: Scalability
- Scalability Specification for Provenance Generation - August 2005
- Scalability Specification for Provenance Access - February 2006
- Implementation of Scalability for Provenance Generation and Access - August 2006
Workpackage 6: Tools
- Tools for configuring and using Provenance information - February 2006
Workpackage 7: Application 1 - Aerospace
- Deployment of the Provenance Architecture to the demonstration application - August 2006
Workpackage 8: Application 2 - Organ Transplant Management
- Deployment of the Provenance Architecture to the demonstration application - August 2006
Workpackage 9: Software Implementation
- Early release of final implementation prototype - February 2006
- Final implementation of Provenance Architecture components - August 2006
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